
dìnɡ huò huì
  • order-placing meeting;trade fair
  1. 我想我们是去年夏天在一次订货会上认识的。

    I believe we met at a sales conference last summer .

  2. 服装企业订货会分析与研究

    The analysis and research on ordering meeting of apparel companies

  3. 您认为春节后何时召开订货会为最佳时间?

    When is the best date for order meeting after Chinese New year ?

  4. 我是一家公司的总经理,应邀参加贵国的订货会。

    I am a general manager and I am invited to attend the fair here .

  5. 采购商提前预约,订货会期间享有优惠价格代订酒店客房服务;

    Purchasers pre-booking , during the Order-placing Meeting period can enjoy preferential price hotel rooms services .

  6. 新世纪第一届北京图书订货会日前在北京国际展览中心举行。

    The first Beijing Book-Order conference of the new century was recently held at the Beijing International Exhibition Center .

  7. 世博网6月3日消息:中国2010年上海世博会特许产品订货会昨天在上海国际展览中心开幕。

    Expo organizers yesterday held a fair at the Shanghai International Exhibition Center to recruit sellers for licensed Expo souvenirs .

  8. 以理论分析为基础,并以A品牌订货会为实例,探讨了订货会的细节。

    Based on theoretical analysis . Some research on details of an ordering meeting by making a study of brand A is done .

  9. 详细介绍了举办一场成功的订货会要做好的三个阶段的工作:准备阶段,进行阶段及后续阶段。

    For a successful ordering meeting , three stages of work are the most important : preparing period , ongoing period and lasting period .

  10. 订货会是服装企业预测市场需求,争夺终端市场的有效途径。

    The ordering meeting is very important for apparel companies as it is not only an effective way to know the market , but also a good chance to hold the distributors .

  11. 由于市场需求存在波动,零售商预测需求往往有不可避免的误差,提前订货会给零售商带来一定的风险。

    Because of the uncertainty of market demand , the error in predicting demand will be inevitable . That is to say , the retailer who makes early purchase will incur certain risk .

  12. 第二部分论述了女装品牌产品企划的工作内容与工作流程。包括调研、产品风格定位、季度产品整体企划、主题产品设计开发、产品订货会及生产下单技术资料准备等六个方面的内容。

    The second part discusses the work content , work flow of brand product planning , including research , product positioning , overall planning of product style in quarter , theme of product design and development , product orders and production under the technical information and so on .

  13. 研究表明:在分散决策模式下零售商选择的最优订货量会低于在集中决策模式下的最优订货量,同时选择的零售价会比集中决策模式下更高。

    The research shows that the optimal ordering quantity of the retailer in the decentralized mode will be less than that in the centralized case , while charges a higher retail price in the decentralized model than in the centralized case .

  14. 几乎三分之一在线订货的顾客会在实体店提货。

    Nearly a third of customers who order online pick up their wares in stores .

  15. 如果我们跟伊朗的供应商订货,他们会给我们10%的折扣。

    The Iranians will give us a10 % discount if such a high order is placed with them .

  16. 很抱歉,这是我们全部所有的,但我想可以再订货。我会去向制造商查询一下。

    I 'm sorry , this is all we have , but I think it can be ordered . I 'll go and check with the producer .

  17. 由于更新信息修正订货量时会发生一定的费用,同时也会给供应链双方带来收益,因此,如何分担费用与分享利润成为本文的研究重点。

    Because of the amended order occurs when certain costs , at the same time will bring benefits to both supply chain , therefore , cost-sharing and profit-sharing become the focus of this article .

  18. 此时,零售商若增加临时价格折扣下的订货量,会享受更低的进价和订货费用,但较多的订货量同时会增加零售商的存货投资和库存费用。

    Increasing order quantity with temporary price discounts can reduce the purchase price and order fees on one hand , but on the other hand , more orders will increase retailers ' inventory investment and other inventory-related costs .

  19. 对于这么一大笔订货,您肯定会报最低的价格吧。

    For such a large order , you will surely quote us closely .

  20. 如果库存的单位数目低于重新订货级别,他们会另外再订货。

    When the number of units in stock falls below the reorder level , they place another order .

  21. 供应商接到订货单后,会确认送货期限表,然后输入订货系统。

    When the suppliers accept the orders , they will confirm the delivery schedule and input to the ordering system .

  22. 这个系统由移动智能终端、无线订货程序、无线路由器和订货会管理软件等组件构成。

    This system consists of mobile intelligent terminals , wireless ordering procedures , a wireless router and ordering management software components .

  23. 订货管理系统的使用,可以提高订货会工作效率、减少订货会工作量,完善整个订货流程,塑造订货会高贵优雅的形象。

    Use of order management system can improve the ordering will work efficiency , reduce the workload of the orders will improve the entire ordering process , shaping ordering elegant image .

  24. 订单数据及时准确上传服务器后,厂商可及时掌握动态订货数据,并能现场打印确认订单合约,订货会现场可动态显示订单报表及排名,引导客商合理订货。

    The order data promptly and accurately upload server , the vendor can grasp dynamic ordering data , and can be printed on-site to confirm the order contracts , ordering field dynamic display order statements and ranking , and guide the rational ordering of merchants .

  25. 请在所附的表格中加进尺码,以便使订货无误。我是一家公司的总经理,应邀参加贵国的订货会。

    We would like to grant an accurate order by your adding the sizes on the enclosed form . I am a general manager and I am invited to attend the fair here .