
chǎnɡ wài jiāo yì
  • OTC trading;over-the-counter trading;curb exchange
  1. 今后一段时期内,应当努力完善风险资本市场的法规建设和制度框架建设,发展小盘股市场和场外交易体系,积极培育风险资本市场的多元化投资主体。

    We should carry though the regulation construction , develop small stock market and curb exchange system , and cultivate multifarious investor of venture capital market .

  2. 10,整合场外交易和信用违约互换(CDS)的结算。

    Tenth , consolidate settlement of over-the-counter trading and credit default swaps .

  3. 然而公司有私人基金资助,比如ACT列出的场外交易的公司,在他们的要求下可能进行研究。

    However , companies working with private funding , such as the over-the-counter listed ACT , may do as they please .

  4. CDS是由双方谈判的场外交易合约。

    CDSs are over-the-counter contracts negotiated by two parties .

  5. 不透明的场外交易和“裸卖空行为”(nakedshort-selling)都会降低系统的稳定性。

    Non-transparent over-the-counter trades and naked short-selling reduced the stability of the system .

  6. 严格的说,即将推出的二板市场也属于场外交易市场的一部分,NASDAQ市场就是一个典型的场外交易市场,因为它是集中报价,分散交易的。

    The future The Second Market is also belonged to OTC market , NASDAQ is a good example .

  7. 中国会难以在公开市场买到那种数量的黄金,但若与IMF达成场外交易,对市场来说将是难以置信的利好消息。

    It would struggle to buy that amount in the open market but a deal with the IMF in an off-market transaction would be incredibly bullish for the market .

  8. 多数衍生品都是轻度监管的“场外交易”(otc);其面值是在交易所交易的衍生品的10倍以上。

    Most derivatives are lightly regulated " over-the-counter " deals ; their face value is more than tenfold that of derivatives traded on exchanges .

  9. 为此,建议我国应尽快建立燃料油期货市场,并大力研究和发展石油OTC(场外交易)市场。

    Therefore , it is proposed that China should establish fuel oil futures market as soon as possible while studying and developing the oil OTC market .

  10. 场外交易市场,Overthecounter,即OTC市场,是证券交易所以外的证券交易市场的总称,是资本市场体系中最基础的一个市场。

    Over the Counter , or OTC market , is where we transact securities outside the stock exchange market in general . It is the most basic one in the capital market .

  11. 欧盟委员会(europeancommission)披露了相关规定,将严厉打击场外交易衍生品和股票投机行为,以期驯服被其称为“蛮荒西部”的金融市场。

    Tough rules to clamp down on the use of privately-traded derivatives and speculation in shares have been unveiled by the European Commission in a bid to tame what it has called the " wild west " of financial markets .

  12. 眼下,硅谷也被一种妄图一夜暴富的气氛笼罩着,华尔街投资者们竞相购买场外交易的社交媒体公司股票,Facebook、Twitter和它们的效仿者都是被热捧的对象。

    A get-rich-quick atmosphere is also enveloping Silicon Valley at the moment , with Wall Street investors competing to buy privately-traded shares in social media companies such as Facebook , Twitter and their imitators .

  13. 房利美和房地美将继续向美国证交会(SEC)递交季度财务报告,而它们的股票仍将在场外交易市场,即所谓粉单市场(pinksheets)交易。

    Fannie and Freddie will continue to file quarterly financial statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission and their shares will still be traded on the over-the-counter market , known as the pink sheets .

  14. 与中国的情况不同的是,主要的国际外汇市场均是以外汇交易商为中心的场外交易(或称柜台交易,OTC)市场。

    In contrast to China , major international FX markets are OTC ones , with FX dealers playing a key role in transactions and the decision of exchange rate .

  15. 航运企业利用衍生金融工具进行油价套期保值也有多种策略可供选择,具体主要可以分为期货和场外交易(OTC)两大类。

    Shipping companies thus have the advantage to choose suitable strategies for hedging , which can roughly be divided into using futures and using Over-The-Counter transactions ( OTC ) .

  16. 《金融时报》解释称,这种风险在场外交易市场尤其普遍,而交易所开放式指数基金(ETF)、外汇期权和多种大宗商品衍生品的通常进行场外交易。

    The FT explains that this risk is particularly prevalent in over the counter markets , where ETFs , foreign exchange options and a number of commodity derivatives trade .

  17. 20国集团(g20)已承诺,将迫使尽可能多的场外交易进入受监管的交易所和其他交易平台,并确保它们通过清算所进行处理,以此监管场外交易衍生品市场。

    The group of 20 major economies has committed to regulating the over-the-counter derivatives markets by forcing as many OTC trades as possible onto regulated exchanges and other trading platforms and ensuring they are processed through clearing houses .

  18. 另外,中国从不公开披露人民币在场外交易市场(OTC)的成交量,不过我们知道相比其它国家的汇市,中国外汇市场的活跃程度要小得多。

    And China doesn 't publish data on how much yuan is traded in the OTC market â 'though we know the country 's foreign exchange market is much less active than those in other countries .

  19. 监管部门目前正将场外交易的金融衍生产品推给共同对手方(ccps)经营,而共同对手方在接受抵押资产方面往往比银行更挑剔。

    Regulators are pushing over-the-counter derivatives towards central counterparties ( CCPs ) , which are usually pickier than banks about the quality of collateral they will accept .

  20. 一年前,14家最大的信用衍生品交易商及其监管机构齐聚纽约,发起了一项行动,旨在解决支撑信用衍生品场外交易(otc)市场基础设施的问题。

    One year ago , 14 of the largest credit derivatives dealers and their supervisors convened in New York to launch an effort to address the infrastructure that supports the over-the-counter ( OTC ) credit derivative market .

  21. 定价机构普氏能源资讯(platts)表示,上月,可观察到的石油衍生品场外交易比去年同期减少了44%。

    Observed trading in OTC oil derivatives fell last month by 44 per cent compared with year-ago levels , according to Platts , the pricing agency .

  22. 此举出台之际,监管重点持续聚焦在信用违约互换(CDS)市场。CDS市场属于场外交易的衍生品领域,在过去10年间大幅增长,为华尔街带来了巨额利润。

    The move comes as the regulatory spotlight continues to shine on the credit default swaps ( CDS ) market , a sector of the privately-traded derivatives universe that grew dramatically in the last decade and generated huge profits for Wall Street .

  23. 自愿碳市场可分为两个截然不同的组成部分:芝加哥气候交易所(CCX)和更分散的场外交易(OTC)市场。

    The voluntary carbon market can be divided into two distinct components : the Chicago Climate Exchange ( CCX ) and more dispersed through the OTC ( OTC ) market .

  24. 80%通过清算银行达成的交易,昨日进行了结算,而通过场外交易(over-the-counter)购买以现金折算产品的贸易商,则要等到本周五进行结算。

    The 80 per cent of trades made through clearing houses were being settled yesterday , while traders who bought cash-settled products through private transactions , known as over-the-counter trades , have until Friday to settle .

  25. 欧盟竞争委员会专员杰奎因•阿尔穆尼亚(JoaquínAlmunia)说得对,在其他方面对等的情况下,对投资者来说,交易所掉期交易的成本应该低于银行的场外交易市场。

    Joaqu í n Almunia , the EU competition commissioner , is right that exchange-trading of swaps should be cheaper for investors than the banks " over-the-counter market , all other things being equal .

  26. 麦格理估计,受贷款收紧影响,中国保税仓库中大约将有29万吨铜被转移,大部分将流入LME仓库,不论是通过场内还是场外交易。

    Macquarie estimates that , due to the lending squeeze , about 290,000 tonnes of copper in Chinese bonded warehouses will be moved , mostly to LME warehouses , either on or off-exchange .

  27. 在场外交易期货是非法的。监管机构担心,交易商可能会使用这些交易(称为EFS)达成并不反映市场行情的价格。

    Trading futures off an exchange is illegal , and regulators are concerned that traders may have used these deals , known as EFSs , to agree prices that did not reflect the market .

  28. 近年来中国私有企业发展迅速,其资金来源主要是场外交易市场(curb-market),其次是企业自身的利润。

    Chinese private companies have grown rapidly in recent years mainly on finance provided initially by the curb-market and then through their own profits .

  29. 其业务包括大量证券和衍生性金融产品的场外交易。

    Its trades included huge off-exchange dealings in securities and derivatives .

  30. 重要的一点是,要巩固有关场外交易衍生品的金融市场基础结构。

    One important element is strengthening financial-market infrastructure regarding over-the-counter derivatives .