
  1. 运动场里所有的座位都编了号。

    All the seats in the stadium are numbered .

  2. 他们在军队的射击训练场里闲晃。

    They were fooling around on an Army firing range

  3. 现代垃圾填埋场里的垃圾不会腐烂。

    The rubbish in modern landfills does not rot.

  4. 贝尔托基尼对此表示赞同,并希望她的研究小组此次发现有一天能帮助人们使用酶来分解垃圾填埋场里的塑料。

    Bertocchini agrees and hopes her team 's findings might one day help employ the enzyme to break down plastics in landfills .

  5. 别掉进八卦的深坑,尤其不要在职场里。

    Don 't fall into the pit of gossip , especially not in the office .

  6. 他在纽约琼斯海滩(JonesBeach)停车场里没有车的时候教会了我如何开车,而我烧焦了他的普利茅斯(Plymouth)车的刹车片。

    He taught me how to drive out at Jones Beach when the parking lot was empty and I burned out the brakes on his Plymouth .

  7. 停车场里泊满了一排排崭新的轿车和运动型多功能车(SUV),在葱翠的茶山和著名的紫金山映衬下,显得格外耀眼。

    The rows of car lots filled with shiny new sedans and sport utility vehicles stand out against the backdrop of lush tea-growing hills and the legendary Purple Mountain .

  8. 以及极具破坏力的焦虑——两年前,他甚至在好市多(Costco)的停车场里无法下车。

    The anxiety so crippling that two years ago , at a Costco parking lot , he couldn 't get out of the car .

  9. 停车场里的警察看着这位发型师开车来了,然后离开车进入了法院,任由车里的几只Yorkshire小狗对他狂吠。

    Police in the carpark were suspicious as they watched the hairstylist by day turn up , exit the car and enter the courthouse * leaving some Yorkshire Terriers yapping away in the vehicle .

  10. 这些车停放在加州奥克兰附近一座偏僻的停车场里,每辆车内部有钉在车上的州级注册表、一束iPhone和HDMI线,以及一个满是小吃的展示柜。

    Inside each bus sitting in an out-of-the-way parking lot near Oakland , California , was a state registration form pinned to the wall , a bundle of iPhone and HDMI cables , and a display case full of snacks .

  11. 在粒子束物理领域中,碳纳米管绳沟道的最诱人应用是与在高梯度加速场里粒子加速的可能性相联系和与建造TeV对撞机的可能性相联系。

    In particle-beam field , the most intriguing applications of the nanotubes-rope channeling are connected with the possibility of particle acceleration in high gradient accelerating field , and with the possibility of construction of TeV colliders .

  12. 实际上,养蜂场里的和健康食品店中的未经加工的生蜂蜜确实含有多种维生素和矿物质,如烟酸、核黄素、维生素B1、B6等,但它们的总量也只占到2%。

    While raw , unrefined varieties of honey - from farms and health food stores - do contain trace vitamins and minerals ; niacin , riboflavin , thiamine and vitamin B6 , they only make up about two per cent of honey 's total content .

  13. 鲍德温的老朋友们都知道他和心理疾病作战的惨痛经历:住院治疗;躁狂发作;抑郁;以及极具破坏力的焦虑&两年前,他甚至在好市多(Costco)的停车场里无法下车。

    Mr. Baldwin 's longtime friends know about his harrowing battles with mental illness : The hospitalizations . The manic episodes . The depression . The anxiety so crippling that two years ago , at a Costco parking lot , he couldn 't get out of the car .

  14. 罗莎莉那辆火红的敞篷车在停车场里格外显眼。

    Rosalie 's red convertible was conspicuous in the parking lot .

  15. 臭得像西班牙足球场里的厕所。

    It stinks like a loo in a Spanish soccer stadium .

  16. 在儿童游戏场里有秋千和滑梯。

    There are swings and slides in the children 's playground .

  17. 电锯党是晒骨场里最残忍的帮派。

    The Rippers are the most ruthless gang in the Boneyard .

  18. 因为他们不让小孩子进到比赛场里。

    Because they don 't let little boys inside the track .

  19. 停车场里只剩一个位置了。

    There 's only one place left in the car park .

  20. 你能在阿尔卑斯室内滑雪场里滑雪;

    You can go skiing in the Alps Indoor Skiing Park .

  21. 暂放在斯塔顿岛一个古怪有趣的垃圾场里。

    on hold at a kooky , fun staten island junkyard .

  22. 下课时间维特和杰森在篮球场里。

    Victor and Jason are on the basketball court during recess time .

  23. 在去年秋季经济低迷袭卷俄罗斯时,他住在一个垃圾场里。

    At the time of the economic downturn hit Russia last autumn .

  24. 在运动场里做的那个演讲。

    Where you give the speech to the whole stadium .

  25. 他躺在停车场里,伤势很重。

    He lay on the parking lot , beaten black and blue .

  26. 跟我30几个好朋友坐在你们停车场里。

    Juting down here in your parking lot with30or40of my best friends .

  27. 许多奥林匹克的活动将在运动场里举行。

    Many Olympics events will take place in the stadium .

  28. 运动场里有辆摩托车锁在那里。

    There 's a motorcycle chained up inside the stadium .

  29. 我看见你的车还在停车场里。

    I saw your car was still in the lot .

  30. 你和我在停车场里

    You 're standing in the parking lot with me .