
  • 网络Mean Square Value;mean-square value;RMS
  1. 以Logistic和Chebyshev映射序列为代表,对序列的平衡性、相关性及旁瓣峰值和均方值进行了仿真分析。

    With Logistic and Chebyshev sequence represented , the balance , relevance and side-lobe peak and mean square value and other properties of performance of chaotic sequences are analyzed and simulated .

  2. 目标函数是座椅的垂直加速度均方值,还给出一个动力约束条件。

    The objective function is the mean square value for the vertical acceleration of driver 's seat . A dynamic constraint is given .

  3. 求解了长方形贮箱中液体在大Bond数情况下受到长度方向加速度激励时的随机波高响应,给出了波高函数的响应功率谱及均方值。

    Random wave-height response of liquid in a rectangular container accelerated in the direction of length for great bond number has been studied and power density and the mean square of wave-height are given .

  4. 本文介绍了用于动态背光主亮度提取算法的平均值算法、均方值算法、暗景图像背光增强算法和IMF算法。

    This paper introduced the average algorithm , mean square value algorithm , the backlight enhancement algorithm for dark scene image and IMF backlight algorithm mentioned in several papers .

  5. 然后从偏振主态的概念出发,推导了一阶偏振模色散引起的脉冲展宽的均方值表达式,描述了PMD对信号的展宽作用。

    Second , in chapter 3 , an expression of PMD-induced pulse broadening was derived based on principal state polarization ( PSP ), which is the description for first-order PMD ;

  6. 为了提高TMD的有效性,使模态位移响应的均方值之比(结构有无TMD)最小化,对TMD参数进行优化。

    The optimal system parameters of TMD are then calculated by minimizing the mean-square modal displacement response ration of controlled mode between the structure with and without TMD under earthquake excitation .

  7. 生成了若干关键点的功率谱密度(PSD)和响应的均方值,以及荷载风振系数、位移风振系数。

    As a result , some parameters of the key points have been got including the power spectrum density ( PSD ), the response variance , the gust response factor for load and displacement .

  8. 组织中声速及密度的随机起伏引起超声散射,散射回波声压谱的均方值与组织中声速c、声速对温度的梯度dc/dt和组织的平均温度T等有关。

    The fluctuations of ultrasound speed and tissue density cause the scattered wave . The average power spectrum of scattered wave is dependent on the ultrasound speed c , the ultrasound speed gradient with respect to temperature dc / dt alld the average temperature of tissue T.

  9. 恢复出的经过四分频的时钟抖动以及最后分接输出的四路数据抖动的均方值分别为1.9ps和13ps。

    The rms jitter of the recovered clock and output data are measured to be 1.9ps and 13ps , respectively .

  10. 应用KIVA-3程序模拟内燃机缸内多维湍流流场,并补充求解混合分数的时均值和脉动均方值的湍流输运方程。

    Based on the KIVA-3 code , the in-cylinder multidimensional turbulent flow field in the internal combustion engine was numerically simulated , to which two transport equations for the mean mixture fraction and its variance were solved additionally .

  11. 用K-ε模式理论确定湍流压力脉动的均方值

    Determination of turbulent pressure fluctuation with K - ε model theory

  12. 热噪声电压通常采用均方值定量描述。

    The square voltage was used to describe thermal noise voltage in determination .

  13. 修正后,模态频率误差的均方值小于2%。

    After updating , root - mean-square error of modal frequencies is smaller than 2 % .

  14. 用一维激光多普勒测速计测量二维湍流速度脉动均方值及雷诺切应力

    Simple Way to Determine Mean Square Value of 2-D Turbulent Velocity Fluctuation and Reynolds Shear Stress

  15. 例题中求得的模拟过程的谱密度函数均方值误差均在5%以内。

    The error with which the square value of the spectral density function is derived from the example is less than 5 % .

  16. 取人-机系统闭环带宽、开环高频峰值和飞行轨迹倾角误差均方值等指标来评价系统动态特性。

    The closed loop bandwidth , high frequency open loop peak and steady state , root mean squared flight path error were recommended as the system performance measures .

  17. 医学图像融合的效果评价方法有很多,如信息熵、互信息、均方值、峰值信噪比和平均梯度等。

    There are many kinds of image fusion methods , such as information entropy , mutual information , mean square error , peak signal to noise ratio and mean grads .

  18. 在第一阶段进行损伤位置标定,吾人提出「模态残馀力均方值」指标,以改进一般之模态残馀力法使能更有效地标定损伤位置。

    In the first step , we proposed a modification to the conventional modal residual force method , so that possibly damaged elements in a structure can be located more reliably .

  19. 用这些公式和一台一维激光多普勒测速计,测量了方形管道中水流的二维湍流速度脉动的均方值和雷诺切应力。

    Using these formulas and a 1-D LDA , mean square value of 2-D turbulent velocity fluctuation and Reynolds shear stress have been measured for water flow in a square duct .

  20. 结果表明,对于上行和下行链路,光束发散角与瞄准抖动误差均方值的最佳比值为4和6。

    Experimental results show that the ratio of the optimal beam divergent angle to the square root of the variance of the pointing jitter for uplink and downlink is 4 and 6 ;

  21. 最后通过具体算例,对处于外加磁场中的导电薄板通以理想白噪声的平稳随机电流,对其位移响应的功率谱密度函数和均方值函数进行了计算。

    At last , the power spectral density function and the mean square value function of the random displacement response of a plate with stationary random current of white noise were calculated .

  22. 结果表明,只有基本暗孤子的频率抖动量(均方值)是亮孤子的一半,而其它小振幅暗孤子的频率抖动量大于亮孤子的频率抖动量。

    The results show that only fundamental dark soliton has a frequency jitter half that of bright soliton , and small-amplitude dark soliton has a frequency jitter stronger than that of bright soliton .

  23. 通过给出圆周线导纳的定义及其表达式,计算带端板圆柱壳的振动响应均方值之比。

    By giving the definition of the circumferential line mobility and its expression , the ratio of mean squared value of vibration response between the cylindrical shell and the ended plate is calculated .

  24. 建立了该结构体系在脉动风载作用下的动力方程,基于随机振动的复模态理论,推导出位移响应谱和加速度响应谱及响应均方值的表达式。

    This paper describes the vibration equation of this structural system , and derives the horizontal vibration displacement and acceleration response spectrum and the mean square response on the base of the complex modal analytical theory .

  25. 信号波形参数的内容包括信号的最大值、最小值、均值、标准差、方差、均方值、均方根值以及采样频率和采样周期。

    The contents of the signal waveform parameters include the signal ' maximum , minimum , mean , standard deviation , variance , mean square value , root meansquare value , the sampling frequency and sampling period .

  26. 获得了结构位移响应的均值和均方值随时间的变化历程,考察了结构中各随机参数对响应的影响,并对其中的影响参数进行了敏感性分析。

    The change graphs of the response mean and standard deviation and a sample with time is obtained , the effects of uncertain parameters on the responses is analyzed , and sensitivities of the parameters are studied .

  27. 考虑结构物理参数的随机性,导出了结构在平稳随机激励下位移响应均方值和应力响应均方值的均值、方差和变异系数的计算表达式。

    Considering the randomness of structural physical parameters , the computational expressions of the mean value , variance and variation coefficient of the mean square value of structural displacement and stress responses under stationary random excitation are developed .

  28. 首先,直接从控制方程出发计算加速度,其次,给出了位移和速度的一种近似计算公式,最后,推导出响应均方值的离散计算表达式。

    The acceleration is first evaluated from governing equation , secondly , the formulae of displacement and velocity are developed basing on some assumptions , and then the discrete expressions of the response mean square value are deduced .

  29. 利用随机振动理论对双层减振问题进行探讨,推导出双自由度系统质点绝对加速度及相对位移均方值的函数表达式。

    By applying random vibration theory , the author studies double-layer vibration absorbing in detail ; and derives functional expression of the absolute acceleration of mass points in two degree-of-freedom system and the root-mean-square value of relative displacement ;

  30. 建立层间隔震结构的动力分析模型和振动方程;采用随机振动分析方法,推导了层间隔震结构在简谐荷载作用下,上、下部结构的层间位移和绝对加速度反应的均方值解析表达式;

    Secondly , after the mechanical model and the dynamic differential equation of the isolation structure are set up , the formulas of the relative displacement and the absolute accelerative speed are deduced by the random vibration theory .