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  • uniform magnetization
  1. 根据均匀磁化原理,用谐波分析的方法,分别对多体扇形及梯形磁体构成的两类环状系统的场形进行了分析。

    According to the principle of the " uniform magnetization " and harmonic analytic method , the fields of the ring structure system with multi-segmented and trapezoidal magnet are analysed .

  2. 不均匀磁化薄膜中静磁波对导波光的Bragg衍射

    Bragg Diffraction of Guided Optic Waves with Magnetostatic Waves in Nonuniformly Magnetized Film Waveguide

  3. 文中采用坐标旋转变换、应用Gauss散度定理及Stokes定理,建立了用角点坐标和磁性参数值表示的均匀磁化多面体磁异常各分量及总磁异常的精确表达式。

    The accurate formulae which express component and total magnetic anomalies of uniformly-magnetized polyhedron by using angular coordinate and magnetic parameters are derived from coordinate-turning conversion , Gauss ' divergence theorem and Stokes ' theorem .

  4. 应用矩谱法和辅以正演模拟,了解基底局部埋深和获得可视作均匀磁化的依据,得以用Hahn的方法作反演。

    Using the matrix spectrum method with the help of forward simulation , one can understand the local buried depth of the basement and obtain the basis which might be regarded as homogeneous magnetization so as to make inversion with Hahn 's method .

  5. 非均匀磁化等离子体中电磁波的吸收特性研究

    The Absorption of Electromagnetic Wave by Non - uniform Magnetized Plasma

  6. 均匀磁化多面体磁异常计算方法

    A method for estimating the magnetic anomaly of an uniformly-magnetized polyhedron

  7. 均匀磁化球体的磁力线方程

    An Equation of Magnetic Force Line for an Uniformed Magnetization Sphere

  8. 不均匀磁化磁异常的波数域变换

    The wave domain transformation of magnetic anomaly under nonuniform magnetization

  9. 非均匀磁化等离子体中的二维漂移孤波

    On the two dimensional solitary drift waves in the inhomogeneous magnetized plasma

  10. 电磁波在均匀磁化等离子体中的衰减与反射

    Attenuation and Reflection of Electromagnetic Wave in Uniform Magnetized Plasma

  11. 均质非二次曲面磁体的不均匀磁化问题

    The problem of heterogeneous magnetization forf homogeneous : non-quadratic surface magnetic body

  12. 轴向均匀磁化圆柱形磁介质的退磁场和退磁因子

    The demagnetizing field and factor of uniformly magnetized cylinder

  13. 当入射电磁波的频率很低时,不均匀磁化等离子体中碰撞对雷达波的吸收非常小。

    Meanwhile , the absorption is very poor when the EM-wave frequency is small .

  14. 均匀磁化暖电子等离子体中的射线方向

    Ray Direction in a Warm Electron Magnetized Plasma

  15. 均匀磁化多面体的磁场

    Magnetic fields of uniformly magnetized polyhedra

  16. 均匀磁化等离子体与雷达波相互作用的数值分析

    Numerical analysis on the absorption , reflection and transmission of radar waves by a uniform magnetized plasma slab

  17. 提出了多磁化中心锁式态工作的非均匀磁化系统中铁氧体张量磁导率的概念。

    A concept of the tensor permeability in the multicenter-magnetized inhomogeneous magnetized systems in a latching state is proposed .

  18. ·讨论了斜入射情况下,非均匀磁化等离子体对极化电磁波的反射、吸收和透射功率。

    We investigate computationally the reflection , absorption , and transmission of EM-waves at an arbitrary angle of incidence by a inhomogeneous magnetized plasma slab .

  19. 在磁测资料解释中,形态复杂地质体非均匀磁化磁异常的正演计算一直是非常重要且有待解决的问题。

    The calculation of magnetic anomaly of complex-shaped geological bo - dy with nonuniform susceptibility has been an important problem to be resolved in magnetic data interpretation .

  20. 本文讨论了不均匀磁化等离子体片对圆极化电磁波、异常模电磁波的吸收,计算了不同条件下衰减率。

    In this paper , the absorption of circularly polarized and the X-mode EM-wave by inhomogeneous magnetized plasmas is discussed , and the attenuations are calculated under different conditions .

  21. 摘要通过试验测量了永磁轴承磁环不均匀磁化的分布,分析了磁体间隙对不均匀磁化的影响。

    By means of experiment the distribution of the non-uniformed magnetization of the magnetic ring of permanent magnetic bearing was measured , and the influence of magnet clearance on non-uniformed magnetization was analyzed .

  22. 用有质动力的方法,对一个空间均匀的磁化等离子体,在大振幅泵浦波E0(r,t)作用下,推导了非线性色散关系。

    A nonlinear dispersion relation is derived for the homogeneous , magnetized plasmas by the conventional " ponderomotive force " method .

  23. 计算了电子密度Epstein分布的不均匀非磁化等离子体覆盖目标的隐身效果。

    The stealth effect of radar targets covered with Epstein profile inhomogeneous unmagnetized plasma is studied .

  24. 采用分段线性电流密度递归卷积时域有限差分(PLJERCFDTD)算法计算了均匀非磁化等离子体覆盖三维立方体目标的散射特性。

    PLJERC FDTD algorithm is applied to the study of the scattering of perfectly conducting cube covered with homogeneous isotropic plasmas .

  25. 研究了不均匀非磁化等离子体片的目标隐身。

    This paper investigates the stealth of target by nonuniform unmagnetized plasmas .

  26. 对电子密度抛物线分布的不均匀非磁化等离子体覆盖雷达目标的隐身效果进行了时域和频域分析。

    The stealth effect of radar targets covered with parabolic profile inhomogeneous plasma is studied both in time-domain and frequency-domain .

  27. 给出了不均匀非磁化等离子体密度、等离子体碰撞频率、电磁波频率与碰撞吸收的关系。

    The relation between collisional absorption of the EM-wave and the plasma density , plasma collision frequency , and incident wave frequency is obtained .

  28. 最后,将上述均匀且垂直磁化的公式推广到横向非均匀且任意方向磁化的情况。

    Finally , all of the above mentioned formula which are used in the condition of homogeneous and vertical magnetization are expanded to the condition of lateral inhomogeneous and arbitrary direction of magnetization .

  29. 磁粉粒度分布均匀,比饱和磁化强度Ms较高。

    The size distribution of magnetic nanoparticles is uniformity and the saturation magnetization is high . b.

  30. 平面回波成像(EPI)只需一次激发就可获取整幅图像,但在强磁场或者不均匀场中对磁化率伪影非常敏感,不适合用来获取相位图像。

    Echo planar imaging ( EPI ) has the ability to acquire a whole image in a single-scan , but it is sensitive to susceptibility artifacts when it is operated in high or inhomogeneous magnetic field . Therefore , EPI is usually not suitable for phase imaging .