
  • 网络equilibrium;The Principle of Proportionality;balance;principle of balance
  1. 罪刑均衡原则杂议

    Miscellaneous Discussion on the Principle of Equilibrium Between Crime and Punishment

  2. 基于均衡原则的实时电力市场模拟与等报价方法

    Equilibrium based spot electricity market simulation and equal pricing method

  3. 基于胞腔畸变均衡原则的VQ初始码本设置算法

    An Algorithm of Setting VQ Initial Codebook Based on the Principle of Cell Distortion Balance

  4. 采用了节点隔离的均衡原则,提出了用可调谐衰减器对波长信道功率调节的两种方案,实验和数值计算表明这两种调节方案容易使各个信道功率差在1dB以内。

    The two methods of node equalization is proposed using tunable attenuator based on the equalization principle of node isolation . The range of 1 dB is easily realized by the experiment .

  5. 罪刑均衡原则是现代刑法的内在精神。

    Crime equaling penalty principle is the inherent spirit of modern crime law .

  6. 体现了古典主义的和谐均衡原则。

    Embodies the principles of classical harmony of balance .

  7. 隶属均衡原则及其在模糊线性规划中的应用

    Membership-balanced principle and its application in fuzzy linear programming

  8. 罪刑均衡原则的确立与实现

    The Establishment and Realization of Crime Equaling Penalty Principle

  9. 基于市场均衡原则的阻塞调度方法

    Congestion Dispatching Method Based on Market Equilibrium Principle

  10. 淮河流域水污染防治与环境均衡原则

    Protection and Control of Water Pollution of Huai River Watershed and the Principle of Environmental Balance

  11. 其证明效力…我知道什么是均衡原则,律师先生。

    The probative value is ... - I know what the balancing test is , counselor .

  12. 首先,文章概要叙述了罪刑关系原理及其两个基本原则&罪刑法定原则和罪刑均衡原则;

    First , it outlines the basic principle of legality and balance between the crime and penalty .

  13. 因此,深入研究罪刑均衡原则的价值及实现具有极其重要的意义。

    Therefore , thoroughly studies the value and the realization in this principle has the extremely vital significance .

  14. 第四部分,罪刑均衡原则与刑罚个别化的关系。

    Part four , the relation between the principle of suiting punishment to crime and the criminal individualization .

  15. 比例原则包括了妥当性原则、必要性原则以及狭义的比例原则即均衡原则。

    Principle of proportion includes principle of appropriateness , principleof necessity and principle of proportion in narrow sense .

  16. 罪刑均衡原则杂议模糊识别的隶属原则及其应用

    Miscellaneous Discussion on the Principle of Equilibrium Between Crime and Punishment SUBORDINATE RULE AND APPLICATION OF FUZZY IDENTIFICATION

  17. 同时采用负载均衡原则来解决网络拥塞问题。

    Meanwhile , this model can also solve the problem of network congestion by adapting the load balancing principle .

  18. 刑法位移中的不平衡及克服&罪刑均衡原则的立法背离

    Conquer the unbalance of Displacement of Criminal Law & Legislative Background of Principle of Balance between Crime and Punishment

  19. 政府转型要坚持均衡原则、平允原则,要构建社会发展状态的和谐目的。

    In this process , it should persist in equilibrium and balance principle , and target on harmonious society development .

  20. 司法中的罪刑均衡原则通过责任要素的介入将报应主义下的罪刑均衡与目的主义下的刑罚个别化原则结合起来,表现为责刑均衡,实现了量刑原则由一元向二元的转变。

    It shows the balance between responsibility and punishment and makes the principle of sentencing discretion transform from mono-element to duality .

  21. 这段录像不符合均衡原则律师。这会对陪审团做出对马汉女士的判决产生误导。

    It doesn 't pass the balancing test , counselor . This video would unfairly bias the jury against miss Markham .

  22. 在罪刑均衡原则的实践过程中,定罪与量刑是两个密切相关的范畴。

    In the process of practicing the principle of balance between crime and punishment , conviction and sentencing discretion belong to different categories .

  23. 因此,利益均衡原则、意思自治原则和提高效率,兼顾公平原则的确立就显得尤为重要了。

    Therefore , it is especially important to establish those principles , such as balance of interest , autonomy of intention , efficiency and fairness .

  24. 具体而言,比例原则包括适当性原则、必要性原则和均衡原则三个子原则。

    Specifically speaking , the principle of proportionality includes three sub-principles , namely , the principle of suitability , principle of necessity and principle of balance .

  25. 这是司法公正的要求,也是罪刑均衡原则的要求。

    This is not only the requirement of justice , but also the demand of the principle that the crime and measurement of penalty should be balanced .

  26. 同时,确定了图像中字符的有效区域,并据此改进了基于密度均衡原则的通用表达式,有效地解决了字符整体倾斜和单个笔画比较突出的问题。

    By modifying the expression of density equalization according to the exact character area , the problems of global incline and highlighting of certain strokes are effectually rectified .

  27. 罪刑均衡原则是刑事立法、刑事司法、刑罚执行中的最重要原则之一,是动态刑事活动中最有意义的原则。

    The homeostatic principle between crime and punishment is one of the most crucial principles in the criminal legislation , the criminal judicature and the execution of punishment .

  28. 垃圾回收时在遵照磨损均衡原则的前提下提高写入数据效率,同时增强该算法对不同类型的文件存储单元管理能力,从而达到更加有效的磨损均衡。

    On the other hand , the improvement can enhance the management of wear-leveling algorithm to different types of files in the flash , achieve more efficient wear-leveling .

  29. 针对银行支票图像大写金额的无限制手写体汉字识别问题,进行了基于密度均衡原则的非线性规范化研究,提出了一种改进的非线性规范化方法。

    An improved nonlinear normalization method based on density equalization of the exact character area is proposed for recognition of unconstrained handwritten Chinese characters on an image of Chinese cheque .

  30. 因此,应该分别针对铁路营利性和非营利性国有资本,以两类效绩评价理论为指导,按照分离均衡原则设计我国铁路国有资本效绩评价体系。

    Therefore , under the guidance of the 2 type theories mentioned above , according to the separation equilibrium principle , we should design the railway national capital evaluation system in China respectively .