
shuǐ fěn
  • Gouache;soaked bean-noodles;a cosmetic made from powder and glycerine;a cosmetic made from face powder and glycerine;soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes
水粉 [shuǐ fěn]
  • (1) [a cosmetic made from face powder and glycerine]∶一种化妆用的粉状物

  • (2) [soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes] 〈方〉∶浸过水的粉条

水粉[shuǐ fěn]
  1. 那是一张1780年的水粉画,作者亚当·卡伦德(AdamCallender),画的是庄园对面的一座房屋。

    The 1780 gouache by Adam Callender shows the house from across the park .

  2. 绘画:橡木画框装裱的前立体主义水粉画,作者是鲜为人知的画家雅克·马尔礼(JacquesMarly,1885-1965),价格950欧元起。

    Paintings : Post-Cubist gouaches in oak frames by the little-known painter Jacques Marly ( 1885-1965 ) start at 950 euros .

  3. 当超硬石膏的水粉比增大为25g∶100g时,模型的表面硬度出现显著的变化(P<0.01),从数值可看出为硬度的降低。

    When water / powder ratios of die stone rose to 25:100 , the hardness of model decreased significantly ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 对我来说,查顿庄园的瑰宝是挂在昔日女士休息厅里的一张画。那是一张1780年的水粉画,作者亚当·卡伦德(AdamCallender),画的是庄园对面的一座房屋。

    The gem of Chawton House for me is a painting hanging in the former " Ladies Withdrawing Room . " The 1780 gouache by Adam Callender shows the house from across the park .

  5. 就在同一间藏室内,还收藏着毕加索早期的水粉画,塞尚强调几何构图、线条硬朗的静物画《静物与灰色的罐子》,以及莫迪利亚尼(Modigliani)、德加(Degas)和维亚尔(Vuillard)的作品。

    The same room includes early Picasso gouaches , Cezanne 's geometric , hard-edge still life " Nature Morte au Pot de Gr è s , " and works by Modigliani , Degas and Vuillard .

  6. 研究结果表明,干法制备阳离子淀粉的最佳工艺条件为:碱粉比0.13,水粉比0.23,反应温度75℃,反应时间2.5h。

    The results showed that the optimal reaction conditions of preparing cationic starch using dry process were hydroxide sodium / starch : 0.13 , water / starch : 0.23 , temperature : 75 ℃ and reaction time : 2.5 h.

  7. 结论:SY1硅橡胶在臭氧老化条件下,油画类颜料与无机盐类颜料色彩稳定性优于水粉颜料。

    Conclusion : Under the ozone aging condition , the SY-1 silicone elastomers stained with oil pigment and inorganic salt may have better color stability than that with gouache color .

  8. 对推广使用憎水粉的几点看法

    Some views concerning the application and popularization of water repellent powder

  9. 水性的用水粉颜料、丙烯颜料均可。

    The water-based paints with gouache , acrylic paint can .

  10. 水粉画颜料在干湿不同。

    Gouache paintings in the wet and dry pigments different .

  11. 水粉风景与写生色彩的基础训练

    Gouache Painting from Nature and Basic Training in Color

  12. 水粉画画刀技法探索

    Research on the Techniques of Gouache by Painting knife

  13. 建筑拒水粉屋面防水材料的应用

    Application of waterproof materials in construction buildings resist water

  14. 高压动水粉细砂层充填型溶洞注浆材料研究

    Research on grouting materials for filling karst cave with high-pressure hydrodynamic silt layer

  15. 明天我找人用石灰水粉刷一下小屋。

    I 'll have my little house whitewashed tomorrow .

  16. 看看每个图像密切后,他们喜欢水粉画样子?

    Look closely at each image in post , do they look like gouache ?

  17. 用石灰水粉刷或涂抹

    To paint or coat with or as if with whitewash . monohydrate dolomitic lime

  18. 浅谈水粉风景画写生教学

    On Teaching for Drawing Landscape Gouache from Nature

  19. 富水粉砂土层超浅埋近距离双洞隧道施工

    Construction of an Ultra-shallow Buried Short-range Double Holes Tunnel in Water-rich Silt Soil Stratum

  20. 拒水粉用于抑制土壤腐蚀的研究

    Inhibition Performance of Water-Proof Powder for Soil Corrosion

  21. 超硬石膏材料水粉比对模型精度和表面硬度的影响

    The effect of water / powder ratio on accuracy and hardness of die stone models

  22. 一个三维计算机水粉笔刷模型

    Computer-Generated Gouache Rendering of 3D Polygonal Models

  23. 这部水粉画中,环绕着小天使的是各种各样的美容产品和其他的物品。

    The watercolour shows the cherub surrounded by her beauty products and holding various items .

  24. 论水粉风景写生的教学方法

    On Teaching Method of Gouache Scenery Sketch

  25. 此画使用丙烯树脂、水粉、服饰涂料等多种颜料画在宣纸上。

    Worked in acrylic , gouache , ink and fabric paint on hand-made rice paper .

  26. 此设计以水粉为材料。

    This material is designed to Gouache .

  27. 浓淡相宜冷暖自知&水粉写生过程中常见的技术问题

    The Technical Problems of Gouache Painting

  28. 水粉静物写生教学刍议

    On Teaching Gouache of Still Life

  29. 本文在回顾水粉画发展历程的基础上,对它的语言特质进行分析。

    This essay analyzes the subject of language characteristics on the basis of its historical development .

  30. 露天铁矿松散边坡内含水粉细沙层的剥离方法

    Stripping of Water containing Fine Powder Sand Layer in Loose Slope at Iron Open pit Mine