
  1. 一个人围着紫禁城自由自在的走着,听着历史的呼吸,看着两岸的水轻轻拍打着城墙。

    A person walking freely around the Forbidden City , listening to the breath of history , looking at both sides of the water gently tap the wall .

  2. 接着加入豆瓣酱继续翻炒,倒入鸡上汤,酱油,和豆腐块,倒入芡水,轻轻翻拌,这样豆腐才不会碎。

    Add bean paste and continue stiring , then the stock , soya sauce and bean curd .

  3. 向化妆棉上倒上一些柔肤水,轻轻地擦过额头,鼻子和面颊上部。

    Apply some toner to the pad and then run lightly over your forehead , nose and upper cheeks .

  4. 我在黑暗中坐着,船在水上轻轻颠晃,我都快睡着了。

    As I sat there in the dark , the ship moving gently in the water , I almost fell asleep .

  5. 水在锅里轻轻地冒着气泡。

    The water was bubbling gently in the pan .

  6. 使用方法:先润湿脸部,再将洁面膏在掌心加温水混合打散,轻轻涂抹并打转,然后用温水洗干净。

    Directions : wet face first , apply facial cleanser on palm , blend with warm water and scatter it , gently daub and circle , then rinse off with warm water .