
huài rén huài shì
  • bad people and bad things;evildoers and bad deeds;evildoers and wrongdoings
坏人坏事[huài rén huài shì]
  1. 我们对坏人坏事决不能熟视无睹。

    We cannot close our eyes to evildoers and evil deeds .

  2. 如龙在中国文化中享有至尊的地位,而dragon在英文化中是一种大型凶猛动物;狗在中国文化中的比喻坏人坏事,而dog在英文化中并无贬义;

    For example , dragon has higher reputation in Chinese culture , while in English , it is a kind of fierce animal ;

  3. 他对于坏人坏事,从不姑息迁就。

    He never tolerates any evildoers and evil deeds .

  4. 对资产阶级思想的斗争,对坏人坏事的斗争,是长期的,要几十年甚至几百年。

    The struggle against bourgeois ideology , against bad men and bad things , is a long-term one which will take several decades or even centuries .

  5. 在对错误倾向、坏人坏事作思想斗争和组织处理的问题上,这些年来党内确实滋长了过分容忍。

    In waging ideological struggle against negative tendencies , persons and acts and in meting out organizational sanctions , party people have tended in recent years to be a little too tolerant .

  6. 如果不能赋予学生一定的道德知识,不能形成学生对好人好事的羡慕、热爱和对坏人坏事的仇视、憎恨,那么,培养出来的人才,他的行为就是失去道德标准的,软弱无力且难以见诸实效的。

    If our moral education neither endows the students with certain moral knowledge nor shapes their admiration and love to goodness together with hostility and hate to badness , the talents cultivated are certain to act weakly and inefficiently without a moral standard .

  7. 小男孩很容易被坏人引导去做坏事。

    Young boys are easily instructed in doing sth bad .