
  • broken;Break;break down;go bad
  1. 如果我的电动自行车一定要在今天坏掉,那我没法把事情安排得更好了。

    If my e-bike must break down today , it couldn 't be arranged in a better way .

  2. 随便按按键可能会让机器坏掉的。

    Pressing the buttons randomly may cause the machine to break down .

  3. 爸爸能修理任何坏掉的玩具。

    Dad can mend any broken toy .

  4. 谁能帮助查清这把椅子坏掉的原因呢?

    Can anybody cast light upon how this chair got broken ?

  5. 自第一次修理工作以来,他还修好了坏掉的空调、洗衣机和烤面包机。

    Since that first repair job , a broken air-conditioner , a non-functioning washer and a non-toasting toaster have been fixed .

  6. A:哦,不!我的电话刚刚坏掉了,你能把你的电话借给我用用吗?

    A : Oh no ! My phone just died . Will you please lend me your phone ?

  7. 你脑子坏掉啦!

    Have you lost your cotton-picking mind !

  8. 吝啬的人家里该买新冰箱了,可丈夫是个吝啬鬼,老冰箱没有完全坏掉之前,他是不会同意买新冰箱的。

    We would need a new fridge , but my husband is such a cheapskate that I don 't think we 'll buy one before the other completely falls apart .

  9. n.碎纸机我们的碎纸机坏掉了,所以我会徒手将这些机密文件撕碎。

    shredder Our shredder is broken , so I 'll tear these confidential documents up manually .

  10. 我们的同事布赖恩•X•陈也发现,当他的三星微波炉坏掉时,该公司也表现得十分无能。三星派一个技术员去修了七次,最后才换了货。

    Our co-worker Brian X. Chen found the company was also pretty incompetent when his Samsung oven broke , sending a technician seven times before ultimately replacing it .

  11. 据苹果公司内部传言,即使进入了公司管理层,他代步的座驾依然是一辆右后车门坏掉的破旧丰田汽车(Toyota)。

    According to Apple lore he drove around in a beat-up Toyota with a broken passenger-side door even after he was appointed to management .

  12. Jazz源代码控制系统,使开发人员能够很容易地交换设置,并增强意识对坏掉的版本提供即时的反馈。

    The Jazz source code control system allow developers to exchange change sets easily , and build awareness provides immediate feedback about a broken build .

  13. 我们收到过无数台电脑,都是因为孩子把东西洒上去而坏掉的,大卫·本辛格(DavidBensinger)说,他是位于曼哈顿的笔记本电脑小店(TheLittleLaptopShop)的老板。

    We get so many computers damaged from kids spilling things on them , said David Bensinger , owner of The Little Laptop Shop in Manhattan .

  14. 因为DCS系统需要非常高的稳定性,所以基本上所有的设备都要进行冗余备份,以保证在一套系统坏掉的情况下,整个系统还能够正常运行。

    Because the DCS system requires very high stability , therefore all equipments must carry on the redundant backup basically to guarantee the entire system can operate normally when one system broken .

  15. 您可以在服务器之间拉起FibreChannel电缆和交换机,以模拟坏掉的FC电缆;您可以禁用服务器/存储器的某个交换机端口,以模拟交换机失败。

    And you can pull a Fibre Channel cable between your servers and switch to simulate a broken FC cable ; you can disable one switch port of your server / storage to simulate a switch failure .

  16. 如果某个程式员正为椅子坏掉而操心,或是因为等Dell送新电脑来闲置,表示这个抽象层已经有了裂缝。

    If a programmer somewhere is worrying about a broken chair , or waiting on hold with Dell to order a new computer , the abstraction has sprung a leak .

  17. S3是专门用来自由式轮滑的,我在论坛里看见一些S3坏掉的照片。如果你用它来跳的话,它就会坏的!

    S3 is only for freestyle slalom , I saw some pictures of S3 broken on the forum , if you jump with it , it will be broken .

  18. Kravitz说:所有的真菌、细菌和病毒都会通过坏掉的牙齿进入体内。

    All sorts of fungal , bacterial and viral infections can enter the body through cracked teeth , Kravitz said .

  19. 实际上,我在几年前,发现了这个,这是相当意外的,就像在一个CS50演讲前一天,我的iPhone,坏掉了。

    In fact , I dug up this from a few years ago it was actually pretty fortuitous like the day before one of CS50s lectures the original iPhone was cracked .

  20. 恢复到正常状态之后,DMMP将重新建立与坏掉路径的连接,并重新平衡其I/O。

    After you restore them back to their functional state , DMMP will reestablish a connection to the previous broken path and rebalance I / O to it .

  21. YouTube视频讨论区通常充满了各种尖酸刻薄和对人性感到绝望的评论,此次评论区很多网友表示他们动手电钻的过程中iPhone7崩溃坏掉了,评论的真实性让人怀疑。

    The YouTube video 's comment section - normally a place filled with vitriol and despair for humanity - was full of people claiming to have performed the operation and destroying their iPhone 7 in the process , the sincerity of which is questionable .

  22. 也许这就是为什么机器坏掉我会这么难过。

    Maybe that 's why broken machines make me so sad .

  23. 不过你的汽车尾灯坏掉了。

    Weii , you 're driving with a busted tall iight .

  24. 那牙医在坏掉的牙齿上装上齿冠。

    The dentist fit an artificial crown on a broken tooth .

  25. 发动机坏掉的那辆车是上个月买的。

    The car whose engine broke down was bought last month .

  26. 这食物短期之内不会坏掉。

    The food won 't go bad in a short time .

  27. 如果她用得太过分了,她的镜子可能会坏掉哩。(好损)

    Her mirror might crack if she uses it too much !

  28. 她的新电脑才用了一个月就坏掉了。

    Her new computer has gone west after just one month !

  29. 你不会想要那台的,坏掉了

    You don 't want that one , that 's broke .

  30. 描述某物坏掉了或出现故障时的不正式说法

    slang word for something that is broken or not working properly