
  • 网络Bad Debt
  1. 核准备用后偿贷款融通应提存坏帐准备的贷款

    Approved standby subordinated loan facility credit qualifying for bad debts reserve

  2. 应用稳健性原则做好坏帐准备的核算

    The application of steadiness principle to accounting of allowance on bad debts

  3. 随着经济低迷的蔓延,汇丰和渣打银行(standardchartered)等受益于新兴市场业务的银行,有可能会面临亚洲业务增长放缓和坏帐率上升的局面。

    Banks such as HSBC and Standard Chartered , which have benefited from their exposure to emerging markets , are likely to face slowing growth and rising bad loans in Asia as the downturn spreads .

  4. 投资人将这一收购视作错误,指责这一交易使Lloyds承担了HBOS贷款行为的坏帐。

    Investors regard the acquisition as a mistake , given the charges Lloyds has incurred on bad debt from HBOS 's lending practices .

  5. 根据我自己的粗略估算,如果你对坏帐冲销做出现实的假定,并对未来经济增长做出保守的预测,那么爱尔兰银行业的纾困成本可能会超过该国国内生产总值(gdp)的30%。

    On my own back-of-the-envelope calculations , the cost of a financial sector bail-out may exceed 30 per cent of Irish gross domestic product , if you make realistic assumptions about bad debt write-offs and apply a conservative trajectory for future economic growth .

  6. 据来自普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers)的数字,去年,催收公司共收缴了400亿美元坏帐。

    Last year , bill collectors recovered $ 40 billion in bad debt , according to a study by PricewaterhouseCoopers .

  7. 通胀减低偿债的难度,从而减少了未来的坏帐数量。

    Inflation reduces future bad debts by making debt servicing easier .

  8. 银行提供200万英镑作为坏帐准备。

    The bank have make a 2m provision for bad debt .

  9. 这就是说每笔坏帐会坏上47倍。

    That means every bad loan goes bad 47 times over .

  10. 建立应收帐款坏帐准备制度;

    To set up an allowance system for uncollectible accounts .

  11. 银行预测坏帐金额增加20%。

    HVB raises bad debt forecasts by20 per cent hvb .

  12. 坏帐准备相关问题探讨

    Discussion on the correlative issues about provision for bad debts

  13. 坏帐不断地减少银行的利润。

    Bad debts are continuing to gnaw at the bank 's profits .

  14. 提取坏帐准备的所得税会计处理

    Handing of the Accountant of Income Tax That Draws Badly Account Preparation

  15. 注册会计师对坏帐损失的审计

    Reistered Accountants ' Auditing Responsibility for Dab Debt Losses

  16. 金融坏帐处置中的囚徒困境与激励设计

    On the " Prisoners Dilemma " and Incentive Mechanism in the NPLs Resolution

  17. 该计划将会成立一个新的政府机构,购买坏帐。

    The plan would create a government entity that would buy bad loans .

  18. 银行等金融机构可以由此避免增加坏帐损失;

    Financial institutions such as banks can decrease the risk of bad debts .

  19. 而这一做法便造成了朗讯在上周所披露的坏帐问题。

    That practice contributed to the bad-debt problem that Lucent disclosed last week .

  20. 但是,延迟还款也可表明坏帐。

    But late payments can also signal bad debts .

  21. 会计政策变更下坏帐准备的处理

    The Handling of the Bad Accounts Preparation under the Changes of the Accounting Policy

  22. 新制度下计提坏帐准备的会计处理

    Accounting Treatment with the Provision for Uncollectible Accounts

  23. 最后,通胀将使资产负债表上的现有坏帐显得不那么繁重。

    Finally , it makes existing bad debts less onerous on the balance sheet .

  24. 这栏应否包括坏帐准备?

    Does this include provision for bad debts ?

  25. 汇丰银行创记录的坏帐冲销比另外四家英国银行注销的坏帐总和还要多。

    The record HSBC write off is larger than the next four British banks combined .

  26. 但是中国不计后果的投资给银行造成了大量呆坏帐。

    But China 's reckless investment owes a lot to the heedless lending of its banks .

  27. 坏帐损失的核算方法为个别认定法。

    The company 's accounting method of bad debt loss is adopted by the specific identification .

  28. 突然间,唾手可得的信用没有了,大量现有的债务成了坏帐。

    Suddenly the flow of easy credit dried-up and large amounts of existing debt turned bad .

  29. 许多研究将批评矛头指向日本无意解决它的银行坏帐问题。

    Several studies pin blame for that on Japan 's unwillingness to tackle its banking mess .

  30. 价值近一千英镑的债务作为不可收回的坏帐被注销了。

    Nearly a thousand pounds ' worth of bad debts has boon written off as irrecoverable .