
zuò shāng
  • tradesman;shopkeeper;tradesman (as opposed to itinerant merchant)
坐商 [zuò shāng]
  • (1) [tradesman (as opposed to itinerant merchant)]∶有固定营业地点的商人(区别于行商)

  • (2) [shopkeeper]∶店主,零售店的业主

坐商[zuò shāng]
  1. 作者认为,零售企业的选择应是在不放弃传统坐商形式的前提下,充分汲取行商的优势。

    I think that the retail enterprise should take full advantage of " itinerant merchant " but not give up the form of traditional " tradesman " .

  2. 自从国内券商的经营模式由坐商转变为行商起,诞生了经纪人制度,也就是所谓的客户经理制度。

    Since the domestic brokerage business model changed by tradesmen into peddling , it gave birth to the broker system , which is also called the customer manager system .

  3. 传统专业市场是一种以现货批发为主,集中交易某一类商品或者若干类具有较强互补性或替代性商品的场所,是一种大规模集中交易的坐商式的市场制度安排。

    Traditional specialized market is a place for trading one or more certain types of highly complementary or alternative goods , and a market system arrangement for large-scale centralized transactions .