
zuò yuè zi
  • lying-in;confinement in childbirth;lie in
坐月子 [zuò yuè zǐ]
  • [confinement in childbirth; lying-in] [口]∶指妇女生孩子和产后一个月里调养身体

坐月子[zuò yuè zi]
  1. 至于休养,应该和坐月子是一样的。

    As for rest and confinement should be the same .

  2. 所以别人都说坐月子最重要。

    So people say that the most important confinement .

  3. 在印度,产妇生活的地区不同,坐月子的时间也不同,但大都在40至60天左右。

    In India the confinement period can last anywhere from 40 to 60 days depending on where the woman lives .

  4. 在中国和印度,许多产妇妈妈都有坐月子的传统。

    In China and India , many new moms practice the tradition of postpartum confinement after the birth of a child .

  5. 结果:在调查的农村地区,妇女在坐月子期间的行为发生了很大变化:90%以上的人不吃生、冷和酸的食物;

    While doing the month , more than 90 % of women did not eat cold , hard , or sour food ;

  6. 我不知道坐月子的时候一个人能不能胜任,还有我需要注意些什么?

    I do not know when the confinement of a person can be competent , but also pay attention to what I need ?

  7. 她快乐的天性;令人愉快的问候;令人愉快的房间;像每一个在医院坐月子的人一样高兴。

    Her cheerful nature ; a cheerful greeting ; a cheerful room ; as cheerful as anyone confined to a hospital bed could be .

  8. 如坐月子期间,要穿长衣服保护腰部,以免出现月子病中的腰痛。

    Such as the confinement period , wear long clothes to protect the waist , so as to avoid the disease , of low back pain .

  9. 其实这位姓林的女士,在坐月子期间就已经开始有所怀疑,因为有一天她看到该保姆把一个空奶瓶拿到了厨房。

    Surnamed ' Lin ' , she became suspicious when she saw the nanny taking an empty milk bottle to the kitchen one day during her postpartum confinement .

  10. 除了休息和特殊饮食,新妈妈在坐月子期间每天还要做按摩,以放松身体、促进血液循环。

    In addition to rest and special meals , the confined new mom might also receive a daily massage to soothe her body and help her blood circulation .

  11. 中国有这样一个说法,女人坐月子时是不能被看望的。

    Theres a Chinese saying that goes a woman in confinement should not be visited . I got fed up sitting there and chewing the rag with the gang like theirs .

  12. 一般孕妇在生产后身体都会很虚弱,正如英国传统上会要求孕妇生产后闭门不出,在中国,刚生完孩子的母亲是要坐月子的。

    Just as English custom calls for new mothers to enjoy a brief period of confinement , Chinese mothers have traditionally been expected to rest indoors for one full month after giving birth .

  13. 但并不是所有国家都有坐月子的传统。部分原因是不管有没有专业护理,在家待40天对于大多数女性来说都是可望不可即的奢侈生活。

    Part of the reason confinement traditions aren 't more widespread is that forty days at home , with or without professional help , is a luxury that 's out of reach for most women .

  14. 婴儿出生以后,婴儿的母亲要坐40天的月子,为了从分娩的劳累中恢复过来,她一个月不能下床。

    After birth , the mother is expected to observe a 40-day period of confinement , which is called zuoyuezi , and to stay in bed for a month in order to recover from the fatigue .