
  • 网络nut oil;Macadamia Nut Oil;Macadamia Oil;kernel oil
  1. 富含维他命的澳洲坚果油能防止水分流失,同时积雪草萃取精华有助于刺激胶原蛋白的生长从而紧实皮肤润泽肤色。

    Vitamin-rich macadamia oil protects against moisture loss and gotu kola extract stimulates collagen production to firm and tone the skin .

  2. 他会把0.5加仑(约合2.275升)水、3.5汤匙澳洲坚果油和一袋16盎司(约合453克)的Schmoylent粉末混合在一起。

    He blends together half a gallon of water , three and a half tablespoons of macadamia nut oil and a 16-ounce bag of powder called Schmoylent .

  3. 鳄梨油、澳洲坚果油和玫瑰果油防止水分流失,增强肌肤弹性,使肌肤光滑柔软。

    Avocado , Macadamia and Rose Hip oils guard against moisture loss , improve skin elasticity and leave it feeling smooth and supple .

  4. 澳大利亚坚果油的多布饱和脂肪酸含量低,因此保质期长,难以腐化。

    MACADAMIA NUT OIL REFINED exhibits a long shelf life and good resistance to rancidity due to the low content of polyunsaturated fatty acids .

  5. 有时,我们也选择使用杏仁油、胡桃油或澳大利亚坚果油来制作新鲜沙拉和意大利面食,这样搭配也是十分美味的。

    On occasion we also treat ourselves to almond , walnut or macadamia nut oils which are even more delicious upon fresh salads or upon pasta .

  6. 具有心灵疗愈放松功效的有机柑橘精油,天竺葵和肉豆蔻混合有机向日葵,大豆,杏仁和澳洲坚果基底油。

    Contains : Organic essential oil of mandarin , geranium and nutmeg in a blend of organic sunflower , soybean , almond and macadamia carrier oils .

  7. 迄今为止,我们的研究把重点放在了利用细胞培养生产可可、巴巴多斯麻风树坚果的油以及橙汁。

    So far , our work has focused on using cell culture to produce cocoa , the oil of the Barbados nut Jatropha curcas , and orange juice .

  8. 健康饮食包括富含全谷物和纤维的食物、富含坚果、植物油和鱼脂肪的食物、少量糖和较少的红肉。

    Healthy diet includes foods rich in whole grains and fiber , foods with good fats from nuts , vegetable oils and fish , little sugar , and less red meat .

  9. 各种坚果、食用油、谷类食品和绿色带叶蔬菜都含有丰富的维生素E。

    Nuts , oils , whole grains and green leafy vegetables are all rich in vitamin E.

  10. 坚果和一些油中也含有此种脂肪酸。

    Nuts and some kind of oils also contain this kind of fat .

  11. 采购:白色芸豆,豌豆,坚果,葵花子油。

    Buy : White kidney beans , Peas , Nuts , Sunflower seeds .

  12. 大家知道亚油酸有助于保持皮肤湿润,它是在绿叶蔬菜、坚果以及植物油中发现的。

    Known to help skin maintain moisture , it 's found in green leafy vegetables , nuts , and plant-based oils .

  13. 水果、蔬菜、全麦面包、豆子、坚果和橄榄油都有对心脏有益。

    Foods recommended for a heart-healthy diet include fruits , vegetables , and whole-grain bread , as well as beans , nuts , and olive oil .

  14. 指南建议人们以不饱和脂肪也就是鱼、坚果、橄榄油和植物油中所含那种来代替主要存在于动物性食物中的饱和脂肪。

    The guidelines advise people to eat unsaturated fat the kind found in fish , nuts , and olive and vegetable oils in place of saturated fat , which occurs primarily in animal foods .

  15. 指南建议人们以不饱和脂肪——也就是鱼、坚果、橄榄油和植物油中所含那种——来代替主要存在于动物性食物中的饱和脂肪。

    The guidelines advise people to eat unsaturated fat - the kind found in fish , nuts , and olive and vegetable oils - in place of saturated fat , which occurs primarily in animal foods .

  16. 从棕榈(尤其是非洲油棕)的坚果中榨出的油。

    Oil from nuts of oil palms especially the African oil palm .

  17. 不饱和脂肪对身体较为健康,通常存在于在鱼类、坚果类和橄榄油中。

    Unsaturated fat is better for your body and is found in some fish , nuts and olive oil .

  18. 在宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿大学的研究人员称,与其他的坚果相比,核桃油被发现有更多、更好的抗氧化剂。

    When Vinson analyzed the amount of antioxidants found in walnuts and a variety of other nuts , walnuts came out on top .