
  • 网络gunboats
  1. 第一次鸦片战争爆发后,西方列强用坚船利炮强行撬开了中国封闭了百余年的大门。

    After the First Opium War , Western powers used gunboats to open Chinese closed door over a hundred years .

  2. 鸦片战争以降,中国社会政治、经济、文化的自身内敛式发展为西方列强的坚船利炮所打破。

    Opium War onwards , restrained style of the Chinese social , political , economic , and cultural broken by the gunboats of the Western powers .

  3. 可惜太迟了,中国皇帝终于发现欧洲人有他亟需的货品了,那就是现代战争工具&坚船利炮。

    Too late did the emperor discover that there were European goods he needed , modern tools of war .

  4. 晚清时代,西方的小说及小说理论随着坚船利炮的侵入传到了中国。

    In late Dynasty Qing , western novels and theories spread into China along with the invasiveness of solid ships and advanced cannons .

  5. 在十九世纪,列强是靠坚船利炮来抢占资源,而如今取而代之的则是投资银行家。

    In the19th century , countries were prone to dispatch navies to secure a flow of goods . Today , they send investment bankers .

  6. 清末是一个激变动乱的年代,诸多西方思想理论随着坚船利炮纷沓而来。

    Stimulated end of the Qing Dynasty is a change in the age of chaos , many Western ideology and theory with gunboats from disorderly castrated .

  7. 鸦片战争后,中国沦为半殖民地、半封建社会,紧闭的门户被外国列强的坚船利炮打开,并步入灾难深重的近代。

    After the Opium War , China was reduced to the status of semi-colony and semi-feudal society , its door was opened forcedly by several foreign powers , the suffering China entered into the modern period .

  8. 基督教是与中国有着深厚渊源的宗教,它曾多次进入过中国,在晚清时更是随着西方列强的坚船利炮重新进入中国。

    Christian is a religion which has a strong historical origin with china , it has entered China many times , in the late Qing dynasty , it re-enter China with the Western powers ' solid ships and advanced cannons .

  9. 鸦片战争掀起了近代中国的帷幕,中国在西方列强坚船利炮的驱赶下,匆匆忙忙地迈进了近代社会的门槛,中西关系、社会形态都发生了急剧变化。

    The opium war drew open the curtain of modern China . Driven by the western big powers , China stepped over the threshold of the modern society in a hurry . Sharp changes between the relationships of China and the Western countries , and the social formation took place .