
  • 网络aspect;Slope aspect;Slope;slope direction
  1. 通过ARCGIS软件中SpatialStatistics工具从DEM中提取出4个地理因子:高程、坡度、坡向、河流。

    With spatial statistics tool in Arc GIS , we can extract four geographic factors from DEM : that is elevation , slope , aspect , river .

  2. 基于DEM的坡向提取算法对比分析&以黄土丘陵沟壑区的研究为例

    Comparative Analysis of the Algorithms of Aspect Deriving from DEM & Take the Study of Loess Hill and Gully Area as the Case

  3. 基于组件GIS的造林小班地形分析的研究&以造林小班坡向为例

    Approach of terrain analysis of the compartment based on the component GIS

  4. 坡向和全N、有机质含量呈显著正相关关系,海拔和全N、有机质含量呈极显著正相关关系;

    The correlation with aspect and the content of total nitrogen and organic matter is positively significant .

  5. 基于规则格网DEM的坡度坡向分析研究

    Analysis of Slope and Aspect Based on Regular Grid DEM

  6. 基于DEM的坡度坡向误差空间分布特征研究

    A Study of Error Spatial Distribution of Slope and Aspect Derived from Grid DEM

  7. 高程内插方法对DEM所提取坡度、坡向精度的影响

    The Impact of Elevation Interpolation on the Accuracy of Gradient and Aspect from DEMs

  8. 用SPSS统计分析软件计算了坡向与植被分布的相关关系。

    And the correlation between vegetation distribution and slope orientation was analyzed by using SPSS .

  9. 在参数化过程中,太阳辐射吸收考虑了地形的坡向作用,地表潜热和水汽通量考虑了植被作用,闭合方案采用E-ε能量闭合。

    Effects of slope direction and vegetation were taken into consideration for solar radiative absorption and flux of surface latent heat and moisture , respectively , in parameterization .

  10. 通过DEM与坡度、坡向图的叠置分析,以确定徂徕山地形因子与侵蚀类型及侵蚀过程的关系。

    Through overlapping the DEM , slope and aspect , relationship among divisor , erosion type and erosion course was determined .

  11. 在斑块信息的基础上,利用GIS技术分析了坡向对四川冶勒红豆杉种群分布格局的影响。

    Employing GIS method and based on patches information , this paper studied the effects of aspect on the distribution pattern of Taxus chinensis population in Yele , Sichuan Province .

  12. 简要介绍DEM及三维地形模型的概念,在此基础之上,着重研究了坡度分析、坡向分析和平面曲率分析技术;

    After briefly introducing the digital elevation models ( DEM ), the paper mainly studies the grade analysis , aspect analysis and plan curvature analysis .

  13. 利用研究区地形图制作数字高程模型(DEM)并由DEM派生出坡度、坡向图。

    Digital Elevation Mode ( DEM ) was made by relief map of the researched area , and slope and aspect were computed from the DEM .

  14. DCA排序结果表明制约侧柏群落不同群丛分布的主要因素是坡度和坡向。

    The results of DCA ordination indicated that the main factors that restricted community distribution were aspect and slope .

  15. 在土地整理项目管理中,DEM可用于坡度坡向分析、工程土方量计算及三维模拟飞行等方面。

    In the Land Consolidation project management , DEM can be used in analysis of gradient and aspect , calculating engineering earthwork and three dimension simulating flying .

  16. 利用DEM可以提取地形因子,如坡度、坡向、高程信息、地表粗糙度、曲面面积、体积、水系、河网密度等。

    Terrain factors such as slope , aspect , elevation , surface roughness , and so on , can be extracted by utilizing DEM based on GIS .

  17. 巢址坡向主要为NEE和NW向,坡度较大。

    The slope directions for the nests spot were mainly NEE and NW , and the slope is sharply .

  18. 某水电站右坝肩边坡发育有顺坡向f1断层,破坏了边坡岩体完整性并由此带来稳定问题。

    Rock mass integrity of dam right abutment slope of some hydro electric station is destroyed with Fault f1 developed , so stability problem is raised .

  19. 并选定坡度、坡向、曲率、沟壑等地形因子为指标,对DEM地形分析的精度与应用适宜性特征进行了较为全面的分析。

    Taking slope gradient , aspect , curvature and stream channel networks as examples , an overall analysis was made to explore the accuracy and application feasibility in this paper .

  20. 利用GIS技术,对土壤侵蚀与其环境背景因子包括地形坡度、海拔高度、坡向等进行叠加分析,分析土壤侵蚀与这些因素间的相互关系。

    The study used GIS technology to overlay and analyzed the soil erosion with related environmental background factors including terrain slop , altitude , aspect and so on , and analyzed the relationships between soil erosion and these factors .

  21. 同时,将DEM生成的坡度图、坡向图与土地利用现状及TM影像叠加,建立GIS数据库。

    At the same time , born slope of DEM diagram , aspect the direction diagram and land make use of the present condition and TM image to add , establish the GIS database .

  22. 文中着重分析了K(αβ)随坡向、坡度、纬度和季节的变化特征,给出了计算南、北坡最热坡度的表达式。

    The emphasis is mainly placed on variation characteristics of K αβ with slope directions , slope angles , latitudes and seasons . The expressions for calculating the degree of the hottest slope on south and north sides are presented .

  23. 基于3S技术的三峡库区不同坡度带与坡向带的景观格局研究&以巫溪县为例

    Research on the landscape pattern of slopes with different gradients and directions in the area of Three Gorges Area based on 3S & A case study from Wuxi County

  24. 阐述了如何根据数字高程模型自动生成小班的高程、坡度和坡向,以及利用时态GIS对土地利用规划情况、规划治理措施完成情况等进行动态模拟分析的原理。

    It elaborates that how to automatically generate elevation , slope , slope direction of a sub-lot and how to dynamically simulate and analyze the principles of land utilization planning and the completion of planning and control measures by utilizing time posture GIS .

  25. 基于GeoMap的坡度坡向分析

    Slope and aspect analysis based on GeoMap

  26. 结果表明:边坡的失稳主要受顺坡向的节理面和F1等断层控制。它在将来某种条件下的失稳破坏并会形成前端整体的滑动破坏模式。

    The results show that the joint surface and the F1 fault of the slope made a major impact on the slope instability and formed the front section damage and slide mode under certain conditions .

  27. 借助GIS方法,通过分析不同坡度、不同坡向、不同地貌类型以及不同土地利用类型等背景条件下的土壤侵蚀潜在危险度情况,探讨了土壤侵蚀潜在危险度的空间分布特点。

    By using GIS , the authors analyzed the soil erosion potential danger under different erosion background such as different gradient level , different aspect , different geomorphology type , different land use type etc. , and thus discussed the distribution characteristics of soil erosion potential danger .

  28. 考虑坡度、坡向等地形要素,比过去仅考虑经纬度、海拔利用GIS分析气候要素更能反映山区光资源分布及它的气候特点。

    Some terrain factors such as gradient and slope direction were taken into account other than longitude , latitude , altitude , and analyzed the climatic elements by GIS compared with the past , thus the sunlight resource and its characteristics in mountain area can be displayed well .

  29. 在此基础上,应用山地气候学理论研究了坡度、坡向、高度、地理位置等对该地区一年内不同季节可能太阳直接辐射(Q)空间分布的影响。

    Based on the DEM and Mountain Climatology theories , the effects of slope , aspect , height above sea level and geographic location on spatial distribution of total possible direct solar radiation ( % Q % ) of different seasons in a year were studied .

  30. TWINSPAN将荆条群落划分为13个群丛,分类矩阵图明显反映出坡向和土壤湿度两个环境梯度。

    The results of TWINSPAN indicated that the communities were classified into 13 associations , and the classification matrix indicated two environmental gradients , light intensity and soil humidity .