
  • 网络slope deposit;slope wash;Deluvium;talus;diluvium
  1. 调查分析表明:残坡积物与强风化基岩是碎屑流滑坡的物质基础;

    Investigation indicates that : talus material , residual deposit and strong weathering bedrock are material base of clastic flow landslide ;

  2. 在福建明溪橄榄玄武岩红壤B层和由橄榄玄武岩坡积物发育的潜育型水稻土潜育层粘粒中发现了一种形态特异的矿物。

    One kind of mineral with strange morphology was found in the clays of the B horizon of a red soil derived from olivine basalt and the gley horizon of a gleyed paddy soil developed from olivine & basaltic slope deposit in Mingxi county , Fujian province .

  3. 岩石沿着山坡滚下来。泥石流形成的坡积物岩石和碎石沿着山坡滚下。

    Rocks and stones were rolling down the hillside .

  4. 遂宁组紫色页岩崩解过程及坡积物特征研究

    Study on the Cracking Process of Purple Shale and the Characteristics of Alluvial Purple Soil Developed From Suining Group

  5. 河流冲积物、花岗岩残坡积物等母质上形成土壤的有机质含量尺度效应明显。

    Among them , SOM content showed obvious scale effect from alluvial deposit , residual and e deposit of granite , et al .

  6. 以长江上游亚高山地区冰碛物、坡积物上的原始峨嵋冷杉为研究对象,采用分形几何理论剖析了树体分枝结构。

    Based on the theory of fractal geometry , branching patterns of primitive Abies fabri in the dark coniferous forest ecosystem at the upper reach of Yangtze River were studied .

  7. 同一森林植被条件下,坡积物土壤的有效涵蓄量为冰碛物土壤的3~4倍,需要在今后森林经营和开发建设中予以足够的重视。

    In the same type of forest land , the effective water sustaining water of soil in slope deposit is 3 ~ 4 times more than that of drift soil , which should be given more attention in forest management and development .

  8. 由不同母质发育的土壤中,全钾的含量为板岩残坡积物>砂岩残坡积物>花岗岩残坡积物>洪积物>第四系冲积物;

    The STK content in the soil of different parent materials was residual and slope deposit of slate > residual and slope deposit of sandstone > residual and slope deposit of granite > diluvial deposit > alluvial deposit in the Quaternary System ;