
  • 网络Wugong Mountain;wu-kung mountains
  1. 江西武功山变质杂岩体的北西和南东两侧分别分布着两条长约30km的大型韧性剪切带。

    Thre exist two large-scale ductile shear zones which extend about 30 km along the northwest and southeast sides of the metamorphic complex of Wugong Mountain in Jiangxi .

  2. 武功山片麻岩特征及侵位机制

    The Character and Emplacement Mechanism of Gneiss in Wugong Mountain

  3. 基于GIS的江西武功山风景区旅游资源管理信息系统开发与设计

    The exploitation and designment of the Tourist Resources Management Information System Base on GIS Technology

  4. 江西安福武功山木本植物区系的研究

    A study on the woody flora of Wugong mountains in Anfu county , Jiangxi Province

  5. 在不同的季节,不同的日子,甚至不同的时刻去攀登武功山,都能领略到迥然不同的奇观。

    You can enjoy a different view in different season , different day , even different moment on Wugong Mountain .

  6. 最终,确保武功山生态旅游宝地发挥应有的生态效益、社会效益和经济效益。

    Finally , to ensure the ecological tourism of Wugong Mountain treasure play its ecological benefit , social benefit and economic benefit .

  7. 武功山伸展拆离滑覆构造主要形成时期在晚三叠世之前,但晚三叠世之后仍有活动。

    The gliding nappe structure was mainly formed before the late Triassicera , but it was still mobilizing after the late Triassic era .

  8. 浒坑钨矿床是位于江西省中部武功山成矿带的大型石英脉型黑钨矿床。

    Hukeng tungsten , located in Wugongshan metallogenic belt in central part of Jiangxi Province , is one large scale quartz vein type wolframite deposit .

  9. 因此认为武功山穹隆复式花岗岩中花岗岩分属早古生代晚期及晚侏罗世-早白垩世岩浆活动产物。

    Therefore , the authors believe that the granite of the Wugongshan dome compound granite is the product of the late Early Paleozoic and late Jurassic-early Cretaceous magmatism .

  10. 通过武功山国家森林公园与曲江森林公园的自然生态敏感性对比评价验证了评价体系的合理性。

    The natural , ecological sensitiveness appraisal system has been proved to be sound through contrastive appraise between the WUGONG mountain national Forest Park and the QUJIANG Forest Park .