
shù líng
  • tree-age;age of a tree
树龄[shù líng]
  1. 增量螟虫是用来确定树龄的一个。

    An increment borer is used to determine the age of a tree .

  2. 土壤的有机质、全氮及速效养分等的含量随树龄的生长呈上升趋势;土壤的PH及盐分含量呈下降趋势。

    Soil organic matter , total nitrogen and available nutrients content of an upward trend with the growth of age ; soil PH and salt content decreased .

  3. 结论保证金银花优质、高产的关键技术是:随树龄增长,适时调整密度,在GAP基地建设中,对不同树龄植株要分类管理。

    The key techniques to insure the quality and high yield are adjusting density timing and managing different tree ages as the growth of plant in construction of GAP bases .

  4. 对湖北恩施地区不同树龄、不同取样部位以及厚朴原生植株与再生植株的酚性成分HPLC指纹图谱进行了研究。

    HPLC fingerprints of phenolic constituents of CMO of different ages , sampling parts , original and regenerate plants in Enshi Hubei were studied as well .

  5. 不同树龄杂交构树的APMP浆物理性能差别较小。

    The APMP of xylem at different ages has small difference in physical properties .

  6. IBA、树龄、枝段对日本晚樱绿枝扦插生根的影响

    Effect of IBA , Tree Age and Shoot Portion on Japanese Late Cherry Softwood Cuttings Rooting

  7. 在幼龄到壮龄期随树龄增加VA菌根感染强度增强,而后逐渐减弱;

    Infectious intensity of VA mycorrhiza increased gradually from seedling to adolescent stage , then decreased slowly as tree age increased .

  8. 实验表明,随树龄的增长,混交林对土壤的养分含量、酶含量的积累以及降低PH、遏制土壤返盐方面有明显的改良作用。

    The experimental results show that , with the age growth , mixed forest on soil nutrient content , enzyme content accumulation and reduction of PH , containing the soil salt has obvious improvement effects . 4 .

  9. 浙、闽、川、湘、桂、赣、鄂7省11县76个不同树龄厚朴样本,采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)测定厚朴酚类含量,以研究树龄对厚朴有效成分的影响。

    Contents of magnolol and honokiol in 76 samples of Magnolia officinalis collected from 11 counties in Zhejiang , Fujian , Sichuan , Guangxi , Hunan , Jiangxi and Hubei are analyzed by means of HPLC .

  10. 结果表明:所调查的枣树均有VA菌根菌侵染,但VA菌根的自然侵染率因立地条件、树龄、品种不同而异。

    The results showed that VAM fungi were present on all the trees but the percentage infection varied with locality , variety and the age of the trees .

  11. 对不同树龄的杉木嫩梢及其培养体中ABA、ZT和单宁含量的变化作了分析测定。

    The change on contents of ZT , ABA and tannin in shoot of material trees and their cultures in Chinese Fir ( Cunninghamia lanceolate ) were analyzed .

  12. 本文研究了速生杨碱性过氧化氢机械法制浆的主要影响因素,并对不同品种、树龄的速生杨原料的APMP制浆性能进行比较,同时用自制速生杨APMP浆进行了应用研究。

    Effect of alkaline peroxide pulping process of fast-growing poplar was studied , and the pulping properties of different kind and tree age were compared .

  13. 建议调整古树后续资源规定标准为树龄≥50a,以加强成年乔木保护。

    Suggestions for updating the criterion of stipulating backup ancient trees and for strengthening conservation of adult arbors were proposed .

  14. 速生杨碱性过氧化氢机械浆制备及其应用研究研究了不同品种、树龄的三倍体毛白杨和中林杨107速生杨为原料的APMP制浆性能。

    Preparation of APMP-pulping of Fast-Growing Poplar and making Newspaper Effects of different species and tree age of fast-growing poplar on the APMP properties were investigated .

  15. 以25年树龄的挪威云杉树冠中部生长1年的小枝为测试材料,应用电子控温压力室,分别在15、20、25、30和35℃的恒温条件下进行PV分析所得到的水分参数表明;

    One year old branches of 25 years old Norway spruce are taken from middle layer of canopy , and their water parameters are measured in a pressure chamber electrically controlled at 15,20,25,30 and 35 ℃ .

  16. 结果表明,纤维长度在幼龄期增长迅速,在树龄为5~7a之间达到最大值,以后趋于稳定;

    The fiber length comes up to the maximum when the age of tree is about 5 ~ 7 years and then becomes stable .

  17. 树龄、晚材率和木材密度与MOE、MOR在0.01水平上呈显著正相关,木材基本密度估测MOE、MOR优于晚材率。

    MOE and MOR were significant positively related to tree age , latewood percent and wood density . Wood density could be a best factor used for predicting MOE and MOR in wood improvement .

  18. 材积连年生长量和平均生长量均随树龄增加呈持续增长趋势,14a时,仍维持较快的增长速度。

    The annual volume growth and average growth continued increasing with the tree age , and still maintained the quick rate in 14th year .

  19. 结果表明,在树龄较长的A级树中SOD活性较低,MDA含量较高,B级树中SOD活性高1.4倍,MDA含量低1.5倍;

    The results indicated that the SOD activity in older grade A tree was lower , and at the same time MDA content was higher . In grade B tree SOD activity was 1 . 4-fold higher and MDA content was 1 . 5-fold lower that in grade A tree .

  20. 降水输入在7、8、9三个月较大。本文建立的数学模型适于半干旱地区,密度为6×10m的泡桐人工林,对不同树龄、土质的泡桐林只起参考作用。

    The models presented in this paper are suitable for the Paulownia plantation with the density of 6 × 10 meter in medium drought areas , playing a reference role in different soil texture and different age Paulownia plantation .

  21. 对北京市区泡桐丛枝病调查结果表明,2a以上树龄的泡桐树平均病株率为19.23%,病情指数达10.27,病害随树龄增大而加重。

    A survey on paulownia witches ' broom disease caused by mycoplasma like organism ( MLO ) occurring in the urban areas of Beijing showed that the average disease incidence and index of two year old or more trees were 19.23 % and 10.27 , respectively .

  22. 结果表明:红脂大小蠹主要为害油松的基部和根部,多为胸径75cm以上、树龄30年生以上的树木,幼龄树受害很少;

    The results show that the pests mainly damage the base and root portions of Chinese pine ( Pinus tabulaeformis ) with the diameter at breast height over 7.5 cm and the age over 30 years .

  23. 武义县有古树名木1454株,43种,隶属于25科38属。其中树龄最大者达1200a,径最粗者为270cm。

    There are 1 454 ancient and famous trees in Wuyi County , belonging to 25 families , 38 genera and 43 species , of which the oldest has an age of 1 200 and the biggest diameter reaches 270 cm .

  24. 不同树龄橡胶树林地土壤有机碳含量与储量特征

    Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon in Rubber Plantations at Different Ages

  25. 不同树龄桤木的原料特性分析

    Characteristic Analysis of Alders at Different Grades of Wood - Ages

  26. 这树约莫已有600年树龄了。

    The tree is said to be six hundred years old .

  27. 日本落叶松不同树龄的制浆性能研究

    Study on pulping properties of Japanese larch at different ages

  28. 树龄对毛橘红药材中柚皮苷含量的影响研究

    Studies of naringin contents in Citri Grandis in different ages

  29. 对不同树龄合欢树生物电位变化的研究

    Research on Bioelectric Potentials of Different Aging Silk Tree

  30. 茶条槭的树龄不同,其叶部没食子酸的含量也明显不同;

    Different tree ages have different gallic acid contents ;