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  1. 根据断层走向、活动时代及活动性质的变化,可分为两段。董家坡武家曲坊段和武家曲坊太湖段,总长度约30km。

    This fault can be divided into two segments in the light of its strikes , active ages and natures .

  2. 日本中世纪军国主义探析&武士、武士道、武家政治与军国主义

    Japanese Militarism of the Middle Age & Warriors , Bushido , Aggressive Politics and Militarism

  3. 到了武家社会,日本刀被誉为武士之魂,但就实战而言,武士只把剑看做众多武器中的一件。

    To a military family , society , the Japanese sword known as the " Warrior Soul ", but on actual combat , the samurai sword is only seen as one of many weapons .

  4. 该地区建有许多船厂,如中船公司的澄西船厂、扬子江、新世纪、江都、大洋、口岸、金陵、武家嘴、武昌和青山船厂等。

    A large number of shipyards , such as CSSC Chengxi , Yangzijiang , New Century , Jiangdu , Dayang , Kou'an , Jinling , Wujiazui , Wuchang and Qingshan are in this territory .

  5. 皇室与贵族社会奠定了扎实的书法发展基础以及书法教育传统,武家对贵族文化的认同与推崇,使日本书法教育历经复杂多变的时代变迁而传承沿袭下来。

    Royal and aristocratic society laid the foundation of traditional calligraphy and calligraphy education solid , Wu family of noble culture identity and respected , the Japanese calligraphy education through changing times complicated and inheritance inherited .

  6. 皇室书法教育、贵族的家学和家业、文武两道的武家教育理念,构成了近世以前日本书法教育的基本内容,培育了日本民族注重文化修养的传统。

    Royal calligraphy education , aristocratic family school and family , and two of the Wu family education concept , constitute the basic content of the Japanese calligraphy education in Japan before , cultivation of ethnic culture tradition .

  7. 武士道是伴随武士阶级的形成而发展起来的一整套道德体系,在武家社会直接推动了日本的历史进程,更成为了全日本人的道德指南。

    Bushido is the completed moral system develops with the hierarchy of samurai . it becomes moral guideline of the whole Japanese . In Samurai Society , it has directly promote the Japanese history , becomes moral guideline of the whole Japanese .

  8. 家的继承与延续&试析日本武家的家督继承制、养子制与家长隐居制度任何延长期间须继续承担的任何连续义务时

    The Continuance and Succession of the Ie & Try to analyse the eldest son successive system , the system of foster son and the patriarchal retired system any continuing obligation extending for a period exceeding that of the Defects Liability Period under the Contract

  9. 日本武家文化背景下孕育产生的武士道精神,经过千年发展积淀,逐渐与日本民族文化融为一体,对日本民族产生了深远的影响,是日本民族精神的核心。

    Bushido is originated from the the backgroud of Japanese samurai culture , after development and accumulating through thousands of years , merging into an integral whole with Japanese ethical culture , it has far-reaching influence to Nippon ethos and becomes the core of it .