
  • 网络Land of Martial Arts
  1. 你喜欢中国功夫吗?这里就是中国的武术之乡。

    Do you like Chinese Kongfu ? Here is the hometown of Chinese Kongfu .

  2. 沧州作为中国著名的武术之乡,有着非常辉煌的历史,对中国武术的发展做出了重大贡献;

    Cangzhou As a famous Chinese martial arts of the township has a very glorious history , the Chinese martial arts has made a significant contribution to the development ;

  3. 佛山是一座历史悠久的文化名城,是中国粤剧的发源地,著名的武术之乡、艺术之乡、陶瓷之乡、美食之乡。

    Foshan is a historic and cultural city , is the birthplace of Chinese opera , the famous martial arts village , township art , ceramics village , a food village .

  4. 从区域经济的增长机制上看,武术之乡是发展武术产业极具价值和现实意义的增长极,是开发武术产业第一选择的区域切入点。

    By the region economy growth mechanism , Wushu counties are better growth area and have great value and the practical significance . Wushu country is the first choice in the development of wushu industry .

  5. 通过研究得出的以下结论:1.宜春市政府和市武术协会对争创全国武术之乡高度重视,投入较多资金开展武术活动。

    The conclusions can be drawn as the follows : 1 . Attaching great importance to the achievement of " The Wushu County of China ", the government of Yichun and Yichun Wushu Association invest a great amount of funds to launch Wushu activities ; 2 .

  6. 河北省拥有丰富的传统武术资源,浓厚的武术文化氛围,习练武术的民间习俗,具有武术之乡的美称。

    Hebei province , as a home of Wushu , has a rich traditional Wushu resource and dense Wushu cultural atmosphere , and the folk custom of practicing Wushu .

  7. 为此,依据中国武术协会的相关要求、标准与条件,1992年12月,宜春市被评为中国武术之乡。

    Therefore , according to the relevant requirement , standard and condition of China Wushu Association , Yichun was evaluated as " The Wushu County of China " in December 1992 .

  8. 武术协会建立了相对健全管理体制和比较完善的政策、法规;促进了基层武术发展,拓宽了武术交流渠道,打造了宜春市武术之乡的地域品牌。

    The Wushu Association has established relatively sound management system and comparatively perfect policy and regulation , which promote the development of basic Wushu and enlarge the channel for its communication , to build the regional brand of " The Wushu county " of Yichun ; 3 .