
  1. 坦博拉火山爆发比圣海伦斯山火山爆发剧烈十倍,为整个世界蒙上了一层尸衣,后世对它的研究日益增多,科学家们希望掌握的不仅仅是地球过去的气候学资料,也希望能了解未来是否会有可能发生类似的全球性灾难。

    The gargantuan blast - 100 times bigger than Mount St. Helens 's - and its ensuing worldwide pall have been the subject of increasing study over the years as scientists have sought to comprehend not only the planet 's climatological past but the future likelihood of such global disasters .

  2. 坦博拉火山大爆发是至今为止记录在案的最为猛烈的火山喷发之一,在全世界范围内造成了可怕的影响,甚至还改变了地球的气候,使得次年(1816年)成为了“无夏之年”。

    Mt Tambora 's explosive eruption is one of the most powerful ever recorded and had a dreadful impact all around the world , affecting global weather and causing the following year , 1816 , to be known as ' The Year Without a Summer ' .