
  • 网络emission;Effluent;NOx
  1. 政府已保证要清除工业排放物。

    The government has pledged to clean up industrial emissions .

  2. 但是,汽油发动机造成的污染威胁到了他们赖以生存的水资源,同时,它们的排放物也是有害的。技术进步现在可以为变革提供机会。劳伦斯·弗里索�ASOBO公司首席执行官

    But pollution from petrol engines threatens the water they depend on – and their emissions progress could now offer the chance for change .

  3. 每年新车是否可用,取决于汽车制造者是否成功地完成排放物鉴定程序。

    The availability of new passenger cars each year depends on whether car makers successfully complete an emission certification process .

  4. 英国气象局的研究人员利用气候模型分析了创记录的气温,这些模型能模拟全球气候在受到化石燃料排放物影响以及未受到它影响时的情况。

    Met Office researchers have now analysed the record-breaking temperatures , using climate models that can simulate the world with or without the impact of fossil fuel emissions2 .

  5. 降低柴油机有害排放物NOX的废气再循环技术

    Reducing NO_X Emissions of Diesel Engine by Applying Technology of EGR

  6. 柴油机NOX排放物的生成机理及净化技术

    Formation Mechanism of NO_x Discharged from Diesel Engine and Purification Technique

  7. 柴油机的排放物主要是NO和PM。

    Diesel engine exhaust emission is mainly NO and PM .

  8. 密闭室测定蒸发排放物法(SHED)

    Sealed housing of evaporative emission determination ( SHED )

  9. 柴油机主要的有害排放物为NOx和碳烟,通过机内净化很难大幅度同时降低它们的排放。

    The main pollutants from diesel engines are NOx and soot .

  10. 给出了柴油机排放物(CO,HC,NOx,PM)及燃油消耗率的测试结果。

    The results of the exhaust emission and the fuel consumption rate was given .

  11. 基于环境排放物的企业综合DEA有效性评价

    Measurement of synthesized productive efficiency based on environmental emissions

  12. 氮氧化物(NOx)作为一种最重要的污染排放物,通过燃煤产生的比例达到了67%。

    About 67 % of the Nitrogen oxides ( NO_x ), one of the most important emissions , are generated by burning coal .

  13. SiC肖特基二极管气体传感器可以广泛应用于检测气体排放物和气体泄露。

    Silicon carbide based Schottky diode gas sensors are widely used for applications such as emission measurements and leak detections .

  14. 介质阻挡放电技术去除柴油机NOx、HC和PM排放物

    Simultaneous Removals of NOx , HC and PM From Diesel Exhaust Emissions by Dielectric Barrier Discharges

  15. 柴油机的主要排放物是NOx与颗粒的排放。

    The crucial discharges of diesel engine are NOx emissions and ( PM ) particle material emissions .

  16. 同时,减少了二冲程汽油机排气排放物CO,HC的排放浓度。

    At the same time , the concentration of a two-stroke gasoline engine exhaust emission CO and HC is reduced .

  17. 此外,排放物还带来二次污染。目前运行的COD自动在线监测仪技术档次较低,规模效益较差,总体水平仍较落后,很难适应我国污染物排放总量控制的需求。

    However , the level of existing COD analysis technology is low , it can not meet requirement of discharge pollution quantity .

  18. NOx是车用柴油机排气中的主要有害排放物,机外措施是控制柴油机排放的有效措施,是柴油机排放控制的关键技术。

    NO_x are important emissions from diesel engine , off-engine counter measures are effective to control exhaust emissions from diesel vehicle .

  19. 试论低挥发分燃煤电厂NOx排放物的达标难度和前景几种典型低挥发份无烟煤燃烧燃烬特性研究

    Difficulty and Prospect of NO x Emission Reach a Set Standard in Low Volatile Matter Coal Fired Power Plant A Study of Burn-off Characteristics of Several Typical Low Volatile Anthracites

  20. 随着背压的增大,除了HC外,各排放物的比排放呈增大趋势。

    As the back pressure increases , the values of all emissions are larger than before in addition to HC .

  21. CO2是大宗工业生产的主要排放物,是引起温室效应的气体,同时又是潜在的碳源和氧源。

    Carbon dioxide , one of greenhouse gas and a bulk industry emissions , can be reused as a renewable resource of carbon and oxygen for producing chemistry .

  22. 但是,柴油机的NOx和碳烟等排放物较多,这些排放物严重威胁着人类的健康。

    However , compact with gasoline engine , diesel engine has more NOx and soot emission , which will seriously impact on human health .

  23. 当提高C4H10在LPG中的比例到25%时,发动机功率下降幅度减少,同时排放物继续下降。

    Increasing C_4H_ ( 10 ) proportion in LPG to 25 % , the engine power dropping becomes slow and the emitting materials decrease continuously .

  24. 采用程序升温反应技术,对催化剂应用于柴油机常规排放物中的PM、THC、NOx的催化性能进行了研究。

    Study of catalytic property for removal of NO_x , THC and PM from diesel exhaust was carried out by using temperature-programmed reaction ( TPR ) .

  25. 基于环境保护的要求,对燃气涡轮发动机排放物(尤其是NOx)也提出了更为严格的限制。

    On the other hand , based on the environmental requirements of gas turbine engine emissions ( especially NOx ), a more stringent restrictions are proposed .

  26. 当前的研究结果都显示,机油消耗与PM有直接关系,降低整机的机油消耗量,可以减少颗粒排放物。

    The current findings have shown that oil consumption has a direct relationship with PM , so to reduce the oil consumption of the engine can reduce particulate emissions .

  27. 低热值气体燃料缸内主要污染物NOX、CO的分布具有明显的规律性,甲醛生成量相比常规排放物小两个数量级。

    The normal exhaust emissions like NOX , CO have clear distribution regularity in cylinder . The amount of CH2O is two order of magnitudes lower than that of normal emissions .

  28. 此外排放物还带来严重的二次污染,因此,研制开发简便、快速、可靠、无二次污染的水质COD自动在线监测仪具有十分重要的意义。

    Furthermore , eluting waste water causes terrible second pollution . So , it is of great significance to develop quick simple and convenient water COD automatic on-line monitoring instrument .

  29. 通过FTIR技术,对燃用混合不同比例的棉籽生物柴油的柴油机的气态非常规排放物进行了在线测量,对生物柴油排放的二氧化硫、醛类、苯类进行了分析。

    Based on FTIR technology , the paper measured the unregulated gaseous emissions from diesel engine which fueled with different blends ratios of cottonseed biodiesel and pure diesel .

  30. 乔治亚州的请愿书中也声称环境保护署(EPA)的模式中包含夸大乔治亚州排放物的错误并强制其削减太多。

    Georgia 's petition also claims the EPA 's models contain errors that exaggerate the state 's emissions and force it to cut too much .