
pái shuǐ liàng
  • displacement;water discharge;tonnage;discharge capacity;withdrawal
排水量 [pái shuǐ liàng]
  • (1) [displacement;discharge capacity]

  • (2) 船舶在水中所排开的水的重量,分空船排水量和满载排水量。满载排水量用来表示船只的大小,通常以吨为单位

  • (3) 河道或渠道在单位时间内排除水的量,通常以每秒多少立方米来计算

排水量[pái shuǐ liàng]
  1. 长官,这个排水量对于鲸鱼来说太大了。

    Sir , this displacement is much too large for whales .

  2. 矿坑排水量对岩溶水的矿化度变化起主要作用。

    Mine displacement played a major role in karst water salinity changes .

  3. 这艘轮船的排水量为58000吨。

    The ship displaces 58 000 tonnes .

  4. BP神经网络在焉耆盆地农田排水量估算中的应用

    Application of BP Neural Network in The Estimation of Farmland Drainage in Yanqi Basin

  5. 估算结果表明利用BP神经网络可以准确地估算农田排水量,最大相对误差仅为-2.45%。

    The results of estimation show that BP neural network can estimate farmland drainage accurately with the largest relative error only of-2.45 % .

  6. 基于一种商用油轮设计,“青海湖”号是PLA海军服役中最大的舰船,具有37000吨满载排水量。

    Based on a merchant tanker design , Qinghaihu is the largest vessel in service with the PLA Navy , with a full displacement of37,000 tonnes .

  7. 小浪底水库运行以来,左坝肩的渗漏水量偏大,当库水超过235m高程时,排水量急剧增加。

    Since the operation of Xiaolangdi Dam , the leakage of left dam abutment has been very large . When reservoir water level exceeds elevation 235 m , the drainage discharge increases sharply .

  8. 常规潜艇排水量和主尺度的确定新方法

    A New Method for Determination of Displacement and Principal Dimensions of Submarines

  9. 至分舱载重线的排水量方形系数

    Block co-efficient of fineness of displacement to sub-division load line

  10. 船舶粪便污水作业系统船舶空载排水量空船质量

    Nightsoil and sewage from boats and ships working system

  11. 这是一艘10000吨排水量的船。

    It is a ship of 10,000 tons displacement .

  12. 随着轮船重量增加,它的排水量就越来越大。

    As a ship gets heavier , it displaces more and more water .

  13. 船都有一定的排水量。

    A ship displaces a certain amount of water .

  14. 应用小扰动分析方法进行舰船排水量/费用影响研究

    Ship Displacement / Cost Studies Using Small Perturbation Analysis

  15. 计算隧道排水量及衬砌外水压力的一种简化方法

    A Simple Method to Calculate Tunnel Discharge and External Water Pressure on Lining

  16. 我们可以利用排水量法来测量岩石的体积。

    We can measure the volume of the rock using the displacement method .

  17. 排水量为10000吨的船只.双排量涡壳式水轮机

    A ship with a displacement of 10000 tons double discharge spiral water turbine

  18. 预张力变化范围从30%至5%排水量。

    The range of pretension is varied from 30 % to 5 % displacement .

  19. 高校学生微量元素水平与体质体能的相关性体积,容器,排水量

    Correlation between the Content of College Students ' Trace Element and Their Physical Capacity

  20. 关于舰船航速与排水量设计点的建议

    Suggestions on the defining and selection of design points of ship speed and displacement

  21. 污染物再分布主要取决于灌水量、蒸发量、排水量三者之间的关系。

    Solute redistribution depends on the relationship between irrigation , evaporation and drainage amount .

  22. 它当时的吃水深度是6米70厘米,排水量是6685方米。

    It was then drawing 6.7 meters of water and displacing 6624 cubic meters .

  23. 正常排水量刚刚超过29000吨。

    The normal displacement was calculated to be just over 29 , 000 tons .

  24. 它有62立方英寸排水量。

    It has a62 cubic inch displacement .

  25. 每英寸纵倾排水量变化

    Change of displacement per inch trim

  26. 为各个排水量大的生产工序设计了预处理及回用系统。

    For all the drainage volume of production process design of pre treatment and reuse system .

  27. 这条船排水量为500吨。

    The ship displaces 500 tons .

  28. 一艘排水量为一万吨的船

    A ship of 10,000 tons displacement

  29. 确定大坝基坑排水量的渗流场有限元数值模拟

    Determining the Dewatering of Dam Foundation Pit by Using the Finite Element Method for the Seepage Field

  30. 为遵守在排水量和武器的条约限制建造的小的战舰。

    A small warship built to conform with treaty limitation on tonnage and armament ( 1925-30 ) .