
pái bǐ
  • parallelism;parallel construction;arrange in order;put in order
排比 [pái bǐ]
  • (1) [parallelism]∶修辞方式,用一连串结构相似、内容密切相关、语气一致的句子或句子成分来表示意思,用以增强语势,使内容得到强调

  • (2) [put in order]∶依次排列,使相连

  • 排比声韵

排比[pái bǐ]
  1. 孟子的排比运用在诸子中是独树一帜,具有鲜明的特色。

    The exertion of parallelism in Mencius has its great characteristics .

  2. 谈英文散文中的排比等句式的语言节奏

    Rhythmic features of parallelism and other forms of expression in English Prose

  3. 这一部分中,theexperienceofseeingdisguisedpeoplebehindamask,maintainingdistancebetweenoneanother句中动名词的排比结构在给读者一种整齐美的同时透出了变化。

    Cyber-living resembles the experience of seeing disguised people behind a mask , maintaining distance between one another .

  4. 结构粘连体现在信息结构,主述位结构,对偶,排比等句式方面:通过大量实例分析讨论了由于英汉语言的这些差异造成了必须在互译中采取不同的衔接手段。

    Structure cohesion is made up of parallelism , antithesis , etc.

  5. 论排比在电视广告中的运用

    Discussion on the Exertion of " Parallelism " in Television Advertisement

  6. 作者通过对这批材料进行收集排比,对其样式的演变进行了梳理。

    The author collects the relevant data and describes the style evolvement .

  7. 步骤名字要短,并且是排比结构的。

    Use short names for steps and use parallel construction .

  8. 从排比示例管窥修辞学与认知科学的关联性

    The Relevance between Rhetoric and Cognitive Science from the Perspective of Parallelism

  9. 我们在机场等了几个小时,看看书,睡睡觉。(排比)

    We waited for hours at the airport , reading and sleeping .

  10. 李敖的排比艺术类说

    On the Types of Parallelism Art by Li Ao

  11. 他们被烈日灸烤的脸是黝黑的,被阳光灼热的眼神是质朴的。(排比)

    Their sun-burned faces were dark , and their sun-whipped eyes were light .

  12. 对“排比”修辞格定义的质疑

    Query into the Definition of " Parallelism "

  13. 英语排比的话语结构及其语义功能

    The Discourse Construction and Semantic Functions of Parallelism

  14. 利用对偶、排比的修辞手法判定;

    Make use of antithesis and parallelism ;

  15. 排比是演说中英语最常用的修辞格之一。

    Parallelism is the most commonly used English speech in one of the figure of speech .

  16. 排比结构作为一种句法结构,除了具有一定的修辞效果外,同时也是一种语篇现象。

    English parallelism , as a syntactic structure , has textual functions as well as rhetorical effects .

  17. 为了支撑家庭并念完大学,他一天工作十小时。(排比)

    To support his family and to put himself through college , he worked ten hours a day .

  18. 排比的篇章特点

    Textual Characteristics of Parallelism

  19. 这是一批卓越能干的人民&因为所有那些行动迟缓,头脑愚钝,睡眼惺,呆若木鸡的人都待在家乡了,(排比)

    It was a splendid population & for all the slow , sleep , sluggish-brained sloth stayed at home .

  20. 第四节用象似性理论解释对偶、排比和复叠的生成机制。

    The fourth part interprets the formation mechanism of antithesis , parallelism and duplication based on the theory of iconicity .

  21. 序列排比结果说明在淀粉酶基因的趋异进化过程中,基因突变和遗传重组都曾起过作用。

    Comparison of two DNA sequences suggested that both gene mutation and genetic recombination were involved in the divergent evolution process .

  22. 如果修饰两个名词,那就用排比结构,即在两个名词前都放上该修饰语;

    If you intend it to apply to both , use parallel construction and write the modifier in front of each noun .

  23. 主语省略使得各小句所描绘的意象相互融合,而排比结构以自然的方式衔接各小句。

    Subject ellipsis makes the images described in clauses merge with each other , and the parallel structure serves to link clauses .

  24. 他善于使用比喻、比拟、引用、对偶、排比等多种修辞手法来串联文字材料。

    He is a good use of metaphor , analogy , reference series written material on duality , parallelism and other rhetorical devices .

  25. 内蒙古科尔沁地方民歌在创作中常采用比兴、比喻、夸张、排比、拟人化等手法。

    Inner Mongolia Horqin local folk songs in creative than the often-used , metaphor , exaggerations , parallelism , such as who to approach .

  26. 设问、夸张、明喻、暗喻和排比主药采用修辞翻译法中的修辞转移翻译法;双关和拟人主要采用修辞翻译法中的修辞置换翻译法。

    Rhetorical question , hyperbole , metaphor , simile and parallelism can mainly adopt rhetorical transference ; pun and personification mainly adopt rhetorical replacement .

  27. 在《孟子》中,逻辑推理的运用有很大一部分是靠比喻、排比等修辞方法来完成的。

    At " Mencius ," the logic there is a large part of the application by analogy , parallelism and other rhetorical approach to the completion .

  28. 中文旅游资料较多是使用华丽的写作风格,大量运用四字成语和修辞手段,如排比,拟人,引用等等。

    Chinese tourist materials tend to employ flowery writing style rich in four-character collocations , rhetorical devices including parallels , personification , quotation and so on .

  29. 突出既包括对常规语言的偏离/变异,也包括对常规形式的使用或频繁使用,即广义上的排比。

    Foregrounding involves not only the deviation of language norms but also the use or frequent use of the norms , i.e. parallelism in the broad sense .

  30. 主要利用分类排比的方法,对出土的陶器进行了分析,试图找出各器物的演变规律。

    The main use of classification method of parallelism , the pottery unearthed from undertook an analysis , trying to find out the law of evolution of utensils .