首页 / 词典 / good

  • Preform;base;adobe;unburnt brick;earthen brick
  • 没有烧过的砖瓦、陶器等:土~。砖~。打~。脱~。

  • 泛指半成品:钢~。~布。毛~。

  • 用以指未成年的人:好~子。


(未经烧制的砖、瓦、瓷等的制品) base:

  • 景泰蓝花瓶的铜坯

    copper base for a cloisonné flower vase;

  • 砖坯

    unfired brick


(土坯) unburnt brick; earthen brick; adobe:

  • 脱坯

    mould adobe blocks


[方] (半成品) blank; semifinished product:

  • 粗坯

    rough blank;

  • 钢坯


  • 胶坯

    compound blank

  1. 为提高金属坯条光亮退火的质量,提出了一系列工艺改进的方法。

    A series of improving technical methods were addressed for arising the quality of annealed metal base .

  2. 它创造替代水准折坯体读者。

    It is created as alternative to the standard pack adobe reader .

  3. 你这个下流坯!

    You dirty dog !

  4. 把混合好的糊糊舀到饼干坯上,然后放入已预热的烤箱烘烤。

    Spoon the mixture on to the biscuit base and cook in a preheated oven

  5. 劈分法轧制H型近终形连铸坯的试验研究

    Experimental research of splitting rolling near net shape casting billet of H-shape

  6. 我国PET瓶坯注塑设备的现状及发展方向

    Present Situation and Developing Trend of Mould Plastics Equipment in China

  7. 圆坯连铸PLC控制

    PLC Control System In Round Bloom Caster

  8. PLC控制下轻压下系统在小方坯连铸机上的应用

    The Application of the Soft Reduction Controlled by PLC on the Continuously Casting Small Square Machine

  9. 用Ks计算法设计冷轧管孔型变形段中各管坯壁厚

    Designing tube wall thickness in forming section of groove for cold rolling tube by K_s calculation method

  10. 方坯连铸RH真空装置真空泵控制系统

    Vacuum pump control system of RH vacuum installation for bloom CCM

  11. 通过X射线衍射方法,测定了碳化硅空间用反射镜坯体的残余应力。

    The residual stress of the reaction bonded silicon carbide ( RBSiC ) space-borne mirror was tested by x-ray diffraction .

  12. 用CO2激光器对铁&铜基梯度复合粉末冶金压坯进行了激光辐射烧结。

    The Fe Cu compacts with a gradient composition were sintered by a CO 2 laser .

  13. 铸坯加热温度和Mo对高磁感取向硅钢第二相析出形态的影响

    Influence of Slab Heating Temperature and Mo on Precipitation Morphology of Second Phase in High-Induction Grain-Oriented Silicon Steels

  14. 研究表明,影响空拉管壁厚变化的因素应是管坯的径厚比(DH/SH)以及相对拉伸应力。

    The ratio of tube diameter to wall thickness and the relative drawing stress were believed to be the factors in wall thickness change of sinking tubes .

  15. 细小的脆性夹杂物CaS优先析出并聚集在奥氏体晶界,使晶界进一步脆化,造成钙处理钢铸坯试样在800~900℃时的延塑性低于未经钙处理钢试样。

    The reason of lower ductility of calcium treated steel is the precipitation of fine and brittle inclusions of CaS .

  16. 采用切分锻造法、一组上平砧、两组下V形砧锻造及轻-重-轻锻造工艺试制成功了两支辊坯。

    By using the " syncopated forging process " to be forged with a group of top flat anvil and two groups of bottom V type anvil . i. e.

  17. 防止CSP铸坯凹陷的工艺探讨与实践

    Die forging technology for casting billet discussion about technology to prevent indentation on surface of CSP slab and its practice

  18. 通过现场调研和工艺参数统计,分析Mn/S、S、P、拉速和连铸二冷设备等对异型坯腹板中心裂纹的影响,在此基础上提出改进建议。

    This paper analyzes the effects of Mn / S , S and P contents , casting speed and secondary cooling on centreline crack in the web of beam blank , and puts forward the improving measure .

  19. 相比静力压制,低电压电磁压制能提高PZT陶瓷坯体密度,并改善陶瓷体的烧结性能。

    Compared with the static compaction , low-voltage electromagnetic compaction can increase PZT product 's density and improve its sinter performance .

  20. 通过LF精炼及连铸保护浇铸和电磁搅拌,铸坯中氧含量达18×10-6。

    The oxygen content in cast billet was 18 × 10-6 by LF refining with Ar stirring , sealed and argon shielding casting and electromagnetic stirring .

  21. 羧甲基纤维素含量对烧结预成形坯气孔率和体积密度的影响较大,随着造孔剂CMC含量的增加,SiC多孔陶瓷的气孔率也相应地增加,其体积密度相应减少。

    The content of CMC affects the porosity and bulk density remarkably . With the increase of CMC content , the porosity increases and the bulk density decreases correspondingly .

  22. 150mm方坯形状缺陷的成因与对策

    Cause for shape defects occurring on 150 × 150mm ~ 2 billets & countermeasures

  23. 采用粉末注射成形制备SiC预成形坯和铝合金无压熔渗相结合的技术,成功制备出高体积分数且形状复杂的SiCp/Al复合材料零件。

    The high reinforcement volume fraction SiC_p / Al composite parts with complex shape can be produced successfully by combination of powder injection molding ( PIM ) for SiC preform preparation and aluminum pressureless infiltration .

  24. 利用CFD商用软件Flow-3d对铝板坯半连续铸造充型过程中流场与温度场耦合作用下的凝固过程进行了数值模拟。

    The numerical simulation of solidification processes were done under flow field and temperature field by using CFD commercial code Flow-3d .

  25. 模拟结果表明,表面扩散是Mo粉末烧结过程的主导扩散机制;压坯致密度越高,烧结完成的时间越短。

    The simulation results show that the dominant diffusion mechanism in the sintering process of Mo powder is surface diffusion , and the higher the density of green compact , the shorter the sintering time .

  26. 采用近液相线半连续铸造的方法制备了ZL201铝合金半固态锭坯。

    The near-liquidus semi-continuous casting ( LSC ) process was used in casting ZL201 alloy .

  27. 研究分析圆坯结晶器电磁搅拌(M-EMS)对圆坯质量的影响。

    The effect of mould electromagnetic stirring on the quality of a round bloom is studied in this paper .

  28. Al2O3簇状夹杂物与铸坯中全氧含量没有直接关系,所以钢中的全氧含量不能完全代表钢中夹杂物的水平。

    The content of cluster Al_2O_3 inclusions is not in proportion with the total oxygen directly , therefore the content of inclusions in slab is not stood for by total oxygen in the steel totally .

  29. 连铸坯直接热装(DHCR)轧制计划计算机编制系统

    Computer Aided Planning System for Slabs Direct Hot Charge Rolling

  30. 介绍了宣钢炼钢厂通过对LF钢包精炼炉,连铸机中间包流场、结晶器、二冷配水等重要工序进行技术改造和工艺优化,提高了铸坯质量,为开发生产品种钢提供了保证。

    Through the technical innovation and optimization of ladle refining furnace , continuous caster tundish , mould and secondary cooling zone , the steelmaking plant of Xuanhua Steel has improved its quality of continuous casting blank .
