
pī bù
  • grey cloth;grey fabric;griege goods;blank
坯布 [pī bù]
  • [grey cloth] 织成后还没有经过印染加工的布

坯布[pī bù]
  1. 成纱捻度值对灯芯绒坯布花纬疵点的影响

    Influence of yarn Twist to Irregular Pick on Corduroy Grey cloth

  2. 服装坯布染色机理浅析

    A Study on the Mechanism of Grey Cloth Dyeing

  3. 以坯布平均氮质量分数为基准,研究了时间、温度、pH值及碱剂用量对大豆蛋白纤维氮质量分数的影响。

    The influence on the nitrogen content of the fibers of the 4 factors , duration , temperature , pH value and alkali concentration , was researched with the average nitrogen content of the grey cloth as the reference .

  4. 在这里,纺丝油及针织坯布中的其他杂质被彻底清除。~(31)pNMR对马拉硫磷乳油中马拉硫磷及其有机磷杂质的分析

    Here , spinning oils as well as the other impurities present in the grey knitted fabric are thoroughly washed out and removed . ~ ( 31 ) P NMR Analysis of Malathion and Primary Organic Phosphorus Impurities in Malathion EC

  5. 描述了由Benninger公司开发的能在实现针织坯布控制松弛的同时除去表面的硅油和针织油剂的新工艺。

    The new process developed by Benninger for controlled relaxation and simultanous removal of silicone and knitting oils from gray knitted fabric is described .

  6. 进而对影响天鹅绒毛坯布、净坯布质量的诸因素作了分析探讨。

    The factors influential to the cloth quality investigated and analysed .

  7. 给出坯布质量对原纱质量的要求。

    Requirements of the gray fabric quality to greige yarn quality .

  8. 主要产品以经营坯布为主。

    The main products in order to operate the main fabric .

  9. 浅谈亚麻色织布坯布的检验

    Talking About the Grey 's Inspection of Flax Colour-Woven Cloth

  10. 用溢流染色机对圆机羊毛坯布缩绒的探讨

    Milling of Circular Knitted Wool Fabric on Overflow Dyeing Machine

  11. 针织服装裁剪如何提高坯布利用率

    How to Improve Fabric Utilization Ratio for Knitting Wear Cutting

  12. 国内外关于针织坯布特性试验方法的分析

    Analysis on Domestic and Broad Testing Methods for Gray Knits

  13. 坯布疵点实时检测系统的软件设计

    Software Design of Real-time Detection System for Loom Stare Flaw

  14. 亚麻坯布对成品布质量的影响

    The Quality of Finished Fabric Affected by Linen Loom-State Fabric

  15. 苎麻-腈纶-毛混纺纱亚麻棉交织双经坯布

    Ramie-acrylic-wool blended yarn linen-cotton mixed double warp grey plain

  16. 本色薄洋纱印花坯布硬盘被一层薄薄的磁性材料覆盖着。

    The hard disk is covered with a thin coat of magnetic material .

  17. 票据市场路漫漫坯布市场:行路依然艰难纳斯达克还有吸引力吗

    Bill Market Still Has A Long Way to Go

  18. 改善针织坯布布面起毛和中央线的生产实践

    Practice on Improving the Fuzzing and " Central Line " of the Gray Knits

  19. 花型图案经过精确控制后,可以充分利用织物面积,不浪费坯布。

    After accurately controlling the pattern scheme , the fabrics can be fully utilized .

  20. 出口坯布、印染布中有害元素的测定

    The Determination of Harmful Element on Textiles

  21. 主要从事坯布、染色布、印花布、牛仔布、灯芯绒、服装等进出口业务。

    LTD , is an import & export company which mainly deals with textile business .

  22. 苎麻涤混纺双经细坯布

    Ramie polyester blended double warp grey shirting

  23. 针织大圆机光坯布和成衣的印花工艺分类及性质分析

    Classification and Features of Printing Technologies for Large Diameter Circular Knitted Greige Fabric and Garment Piece

  24. 主要生产销售针织服装,坯布,色布及制品等。

    The main production and sales of knitted clothing , fabric , color fabrics and products .

  25. 苎麻-亚麻-棉交织坯布

    Ramie linen cotton mixed grey plai

  26. 亚麻棉交织双经坯布

    Linen-cotton mixed double warp grey plain

  27. 目前兰溪坯布印染及后整理大多在绍兴和广东完成。

    Now , the grey cloth production of Lanxi is mainly completed in Shaoxing and Guangdong .

  28. 组合钻床钻头,标准钻头坯布缝头机,简易缝头机

    Unit-type drill head donkey stitching machine

  29. 液相色谱-质谱-质谱法检测坯布中残留2,4-滴和2,4-滴丙酸

    Residue detection of 2,4-D and 2 , 4-DP in grey cloth by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

  30. 载体在涤纶经编坯布染色不匀回修中的应用

    The Application of Carriers on Dyeing Warp Knitted Polyester Fabrics in Solving the Problem of Uneven Dyeing
