
jīng mì
  • warp density;ends per inch
经密[jīng mì]
  1. 织造密度的变化对复合材料性能有较大的影响,纬密变化比经密的影响程度要大。

    The changes of weft weaving density have greater impact composites than warp density .

  2. 综合织造便利性和复合材料经纬向拉伸性能的共同作用,可将经密设定在较小的范围而纬密控制在适中的水平。

    An integrated facilitative weaving and the tensile properties of fabric preforms to a collaborative role could be set at a smaller warp density range and a moderate level of weft density .

  3. 亚麻/涤纶高经密交织色织布的生产实践

    Practice for Making Linen / Polyester Yarn-Dyed Fabric of High Density

  4. 机头前进有大、小两档步距,适用于不同经密的织物。

    The machine head has large and small step distances to suit fabrics with different density of warps .

  5. 本课题设计了88种不同结构的织物(不同组织、不同经密、不同纬密),分析它们的半制品,即交联处理前的基本物理机械性能。

    So in this paper , 88 fabrics of different weave , different density are designed and tested .

  6. 在缺乏科学精确证据的支持下,持续使用限制蛋白质摄取的方式,必需经謓密思考的。

    The continued use of protein restriction in the absence of scientific evidence deserves thoughtful consideration .

  7. 在完成该项目的基础上经部分脱密总结而完成此论文。

    This paper is based on the experience of implementing the project .

  8. 经向稀密条织物的设计计算

    Design Calculation of Warp Stripe Woven Goods

  9. 本文介绍了用重锤按一定落距夯击软土地面,并在夯击形成的浅坑中充填建筑垃圾,经再次夯实挤密软土地基的方法。

    This paper introduces the method of strengthening soft soil foundation by tamping the soft soil ground surface , using heavy ram according to a certain drop height , filling with building rubbish in the shallow pits formed by tamping and then tamping and compacting again .