
  1. 普华永道(pwc)昨日公布的一份研究报告显示,一旦全球经济企稳可能在明年下半年中国企业的海外投资活动将强劲反弹。

    Overseas investments by Chinese companies will rebound strongly once the global economy stabilises , possibly in the second half of next year , according to a study published yesterday .

  2. 欧洲央行(ECB)昨日表示,欧元区已出现经济企稳的初步迹象。同时西班牙和意大利国债拍卖成功,也说明欧债危机至少得到暂时缓解。

    The European Central Bank said yesterday that there were tentative signs of economic stabilisation in the eurozone as successful Spanish and Italian government bond auctions also pointed to at least a temporary easing of the debt crisis .

  3. 摩根(jpmorgan)全球并购主管吉米艾略特(jimmyelliott)表示,越来越多的经济企稳迹象、二次衰退风险降低、廉价融资以及低增长环境,这一切都支撑了交易活动。

    Jimmy Elliott , global head of M & A at JPMorgan , said deal activity had been underpinned by increasing signs of economic stability , lower risk of a double dip , cheap financing and the low growth environment .

  4. 随着经济企稳,政府收入也应很快稳定下来。

    With the economy stabilising , receipts should also stabilise soon .

  5. 一些投资银行家认为,中国企业可能在全球经济企稳之前出手。

    Some investment bankers believe that Chinese companies could act before the global economy stabilises .

  6. 随着经济企稳,你必须以与信贷复苏同样快的速度收缩货币基础。否则,通胀将取代通缩。

    As the economy stabilises you must shrink this base as fast as credit revives otherwise , deflation will be replaced by inflation .

  7. 但他也承认,“中国经济企稳回升的态势还不稳定、不巩固、不平衡”。

    But he also admitted that the " stabilisation and recovery of the Chinese economy are not yet steady , solid and balanced " .

  8. 科隆坡,马来西亚&在世界经济企稳的迹象中,马来西亚政府的开支帮助该国在第二季度摆脱了衰退。

    KUALA LUMPUR , Malaysia & Government spending helped lift Malaysia out of recession in the second quarter amid signs of stabilization in the world economy .

  9. 然而,一旦私人媒介机构改善了资本结构,实体经济企稳,美联储就应该退出向私人机构直接提供贷款的角色。

    However , once private intermediaries recapitalise and the real economy firms up , the Fed will want to withdraw from direct intermediation of private loans .

  10. 他认为,这将有助于货币市场恢复正常,阻止美元继续贬值,并帮助中国经济企稳。

    He argued that this would help the money markets to return to normal , put a floor underneath the dollar , and help China stabilise its economy .

  11. 在经济企稳回升的后金融危机时代,公允价值计量属性的应用问题仍然值得我们进行深度思考。

    In the post-crisis era when the global economy are stabilizing and recovering to normal , the application of fair value measurement is still worth thinking about deeply for us .

  12. 通过此事,其他国家央行可能会认为,在不注入更多公众资金的情况下,不能指望债券市场帮助经济企稳。

    Other central banks may take the incident as a sign that the bond market cannot be relied on to help the economy stabilise without more money from the public purse .

  13. 2010年将是世界经济企稳复苏和国际体系改革的关键之年,也是中国实现保稳定、促发展的关键之年。

    The year 2010 will be crucial for the recovery of the global economy and reform of the international system . It will also be crucial for China 's effort to ensure stability and promote development .

  14. 尽管许多分析师认为最近的数据表明中国经济企稳,但这不足以改变原有的观点,即中国需要开始大幅重组整个经济模式,从促投资向促消费转移。

    While many analysts believe the most recent data suggest China 's economy is stabilising , it has not been enough to alter the view that the country will need to embark on a big restructuring of its entire economic model , away from investment and towards consumption .

  15. 他们称经济正在企稳向好。

    They 're saying that the economy is on the up

  16. 达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)经济学教授、前英国央行货币政策委员会委员戴维布兰奇福劳(DavidBlanchflower)表示:我认为经济正在企稳,我认为这说得通。

    I think there is a stabilising , I think that makes sense , said David Blanchflower , professor of economics at Dartmouth College and a former member of the Bank of England 's monetary policy committee .

  17. 美国经济已经企稳,并恢复增长。

    The economy has stabilised and started to grow .

  18. 但自第一季度末以来,已有越来越多的迹象表明经济正在企稳。

    But since the end of the first quarter there have been growing signs the economy is stabilising .

  19. 自那时起,随着全球经济出现企稳迹象,市场信心和风险偏好就已开始回升。

    Confidence and the appetite for risk began to return then amid signs that the global economy was stabilising .

  20. 然而,经济增长企稳的迹象正在扩大,人们对于增长的共识正在构筑底部。

    Nonetheless , signs of growth stabilisation are spreading , and the consensus for growth is forming a bottom .

  21. 这个阶段常常会令人失望,因为早在经济变量企稳之前,紧缩政策对经济产出和就业的负面影响就会显现。

    This often disappoints , as the adverse effects on output and employment can come through well before the financial variables have stabilised .

  22. 4万亿元的基础投资使得国民经济逐步企稳、回升,各行各业逐步进入快速发展期。

    The basis of the 4 trillion yuan investment makes the national economy gradually stabilises , picks up , all industries gradually entered the rapid development .

  23. 其结果是,迫使欧洲各国政府过早地冒险采取措施,竞相在经济复苏企稳前大幅削减财政赤字。

    The consequence has been to push European governments into a premature , and risky , race to slash fiscal deficits before economic recovery is assured .

  24. 今年,世界经济稍稍企稳的事实令达沃斯与会者的乐观情绪明显回升。

    This year , the fact that the world economy has stabilised a little led to a discernible rise in optimism among the people gathered in Davos .

  25. 但随着宏观经济的企稳向好,房地产行业出现了爆发式的增长,泡沫累积不断加大。

    However , with the stabilization to the good of the macroeconomic , the real estate industry has had explosive growth , and its bubble has been accumulating continuously .

  26. 随着经济开始企稳并回升,各国央行将面临一个难题增长是可持续复苏的一部分还是财政刺激的短期效应?

    As economies begin to stabilise and grow , central banks will face a dilemma is growth part of a sustainable recovery or due to a short-term impact of fiscal stimulus ?

  27. 虽然从当前情况来看,扩张的宏观调控效果已经逐步显现,经济趋于企稳,经济初步显示回暖迹象,但是纵向地看,我国经济仍然经历了巨大起伏。

    Judge from the current situation , the expansion of the macro-control effects have gradually emerged , and the economy tends to stabilize , the economy shows the signs of rebound initially .

  28. 目前国际金融危机最困难的时期已经过去,世界经济出现企稳回升势头,今年世界经济形势可能好于去年,但国际金融危机的影响仍在继续显现。

    The world economy is stabilizing and picking up , and global economic outlook this year is likely to be better than that of last year . However , we are still under the impact of the financial crisis .

  29. 从2001年以来,我国汽车产业年均增长超过30%,特别是在2008年下半年突然而至的全球性金融危机中,汽车产业的迅速复苏有力带动了中国经济的企稳回升。

    Since 2001 , annual growth of auto industry in China is more than 30 % , especially in the sudden global financial crisis in second half of 2008 , rapid recovery of automobile industry realized the steady rise of the Chinese economy .

  30. 在3月1日的时候,还存在这种几近世界末日的熊市心态,如今则已不存在,这与英国央行和美联储宣布计划购买本国债券,以及一些重要经济指数企稳的时间一致。

    On March 1 , there was this almost apocalyptic , psychotic bearishness . That has gone . It coincided with the Bank of England and US Fed announcing plans to buy their own bonds , and the stabilising of some important economic indicators .