
  • 网络Coal;thermal coal;power station coal
  1. 国际能源署(iea)对今后五年的电煤需求及价格持乐观态度,该机构在首份关于电煤的报告中预测,2016年前中国和印度将保持旺盛的电煤需求。

    The International Energy Agency has painted a positive outlook for thermal coal demand and prices over the next five years , forecasting strong demand in China and India until 2016 in its first report about the commodity .

  2. 受到密切关注的澳大利亚农业和资源经济局(Abare)本周预计,中国今年的电煤净进口量将达到9800万吨,仍低于日本,但高于迄今一直是第二大进口国的韩国。

    The closely watched Australia Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics this week put China 's net thermal coal imports this year at 98m tonnes , still below Japan , but above South Korea , until now the second-largest importer .

  3. 二是电煤供应形势严峻。

    The supply of coal for power generation faces severe challenge .

  4. 不过,电煤价格短期内可能下跌。

    Thermal coal prices could drop over the short-term , however .

  5. 基于产业链效率的煤电纵向规制模式研究电煤计价办法探讨

    Study on Coal-electricity Vertical Regulation Model Based on Industry Chain Efficiency

  6. 而其中问题的核心就是电力需求和电煤的需求。

    The core issue lies in the demand of electricity and coal .

  7. 2005年电煤供需状况及2006年展望

    Power Coal Supply and Demand Status in 2005 and Expectation for 2006

  8. 与此同时,电煤供应吃紧。

    On top of that , coal supplies are tight .

  9. 电煤政府指导价格放开与市场竞争格局演进

    Market competition evolution in the post government-guided electric coal price deregulation period

  10. 上海电煤长江运输系统规划

    Plan on Shanghai Power Coal Transportation System on Yangtze River

  11. 中国电煤运输船型初探

    Discussion on ship type of shipping power coal in China

  12. 上海电煤长江运输系统航线配船优化

    Optimization of Fleet Allocation of Shanghai Power Coal Transportation System on Yangtze River

  13. 其集中表现就是煤电产业在每年的煤炭衔接会上就电煤价格难以达成一致。

    Its focus performance is the price of coal is difficult to reach agreement .

  14. 电煤市场的调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of power generation coal market

  15. 广西电煤供应研究

    Study on Coal Supply Problem in Guangxi Province

  16. 自2002年起,电煤政府指导价放开,由于电煤市场体系下健全。

    Since 2002 , government lifted the control over the guiding price of power coal .

  17. 煤炭工业发展滞后,电煤供应不足。

    The development of coal industry lags behind , coal supply for electricity is insufficient .

  18. 首先从火力发电企业的成本构成的角度,分析了电煤价格的上涨对发电企业成本的风险;

    The risk of increasing costs is studied by analyzing the firepower companies ' costs .

  19. 水电建设的评标对策电煤计价办法探讨

    Countermeasures for Appraising Tending in Hydropower Construction

  20. 生物质可作为电煤替代能源解决我国煤炭资源日益短缺的问题。

    The increasing shortage of coal can be solved by replacing power generation coal with biomass .

  21. 电煤限价政策对山西省煤电等相关企业税收的影响

    The Effects of Limited Price Policy of Power and Coal on Tax Payment by Related Enterprises

  22. 基于风险效益均衡的电煤差价合约研究

    Study on Contract for Difference between Coal Producer and Electricity Generator under Equilibrium of Risk and Benefit

  23. 2004年,我国电煤价格之争愈加强烈,为此,国家出台了“煤电价格联动机制”。

    In the year of 2004 , the price argument over coal and electricity became even more acute .

  24. 近来,似乎只有真正的供应短缺(例如电煤)才能实实在在地减缓消费。

    These days it seems only genuine shortages for example of thermal coal can actually slow down consumption .

  25. 炼焦煤用于炼钢,而火电厂为电煤提供了一个市场。

    Coking coal is used to make steel , while power plants provide a market for thermal coal .

  26. 客车电煤两用采暖锅炉改造简介

    Brief Introduction on Reform of Dual Purpose Heating Boiler with Application of both Electricity and Coal on Passenger Car

  27. 这为煤、电企业之间电煤供应策略的制定、电煤供应链协同效应的实现提供了借鉴和参考价值。

    It provides reference value for the formulation of coal supply strategies and achievement of electric coal supply collaborative effect .

  28. 电煤是煤电供应链的上游,电力与电煤市场运行的状况密切相关。

    Thermal-coal is the upstream of coal power supply chain , and power is closely related with thermal-coal market operating conditions .

  29. 自2009-10年度合同价格定在每吨71美元以来,电煤价格一直在悄悄上涨。

    Thermal coal prices have been quietly moving higher since the 2009-10 annual contracts were set at $ 71 a tonne .

  30. 1月至5月,中国的电煤净进口量达到4750万吨,同比增长逾120%。

    China had net imports of 47.5m tonnes between January and May , up more than 120 per cent from 2009 .