
  1. 随着近10a向电力市场化发展的需要,电能量计量表计的技术构造、应用功能、自动读表系统AMR(AutomaticMeteringReading)集成都发生了全新的变化。

    Along with the development of electric power market for about ten years , the electric energy meter has changed thoroughly , from technical structure and application functions to automatic meter reading system aggregation .

  2. 透视日本电力市场化改革

    A Probe into Japan 's Market-oriented Reform of Its Power Industry

  3. 电力市场化改革要求供电公司必须加强成本管理。

    Electricity market reform requires power companies to strengthen cost management .

  4. 有鉴于此,本文将从理论和实践两方面对电力市场化问题进行探讨。

    With theory and practice , we study electric marketing problem .

  5. 价格上限是电力市场化改革的简单产物。

    Price cap is a natural by-product of power industry restructuring .

  6. 浙江省引入电力市场化竞争机制的启示

    Lessons from introduction of power market competition mechanism in Zhejiang province

  7. 经济学中对自然垄断的研究是电力市场化改革的理论基础。

    Nature monopoly is the basic theory of markets electric power reformation .

  8. 电力市场化改革中的终端电力能源效率问题

    Problems of Electricity End Use Efficiency in Electricity Market Reform

  9. 世界电力市场化改革对中国的启示

    Revelation of Electricity Market-oriented Reform in the World for China

  10. 我国电力市场化竞争模式的探讨

    Exploration on Competition Models of Ch in ese Power Market

  11. 中国电力市场化改革的若干问题

    Some problems during the course of electric power industry market-oriented reform in China

  12. 日、美、欧电力市场化改革分析

    Analysis of the Renovation to Japanese , American and European Electric Power Markets

  13. 韩国电力市场化改革探析

    Analysis on Reform of Electric Power Market in Korea

  14. 阐述了电力市场化改革背景;

    Illustrates the background of market-oriented electric power reform ;

  15. 电价联动是继续推进电力市场化改革迫切需要解决的问题之一。

    The linkage of electricity price is the key to advance the revolution .

  16. 中国电力市场化改革研究

    Study on Market-oriented Reform of Electricity Industry in China

  17. 中国电力市场化改革中电力企业的运营格局

    Situation analysis of electric power market in China

  18. 电价是电力市场化改革的核心内容。

    Prices are the core of market-oriented reform .

  19. 中国电力市场化进程中的产业组织分析与设计

    Analysis and Design for Industrial Organization of Chinese Electricity Industry during the Marketization Proceeding

  20. 电力市场化是电力工业近百年来的重大改革。

    The marketization of power industry is an important renovation in the past century .

  21. 电力市场化是电力工业发展的方向。

    The marketing of electric power is the development trend of electric power industry .

  22. 德国电力市场化改革的启示

    Lessons learned from electricity market reform in Germany

  23. 我国也正加紧实施电力市场化改革。

    Our country is speeding up with power market revolution at the same time .

  24. 在电力市场化的同时,也出现了一些问题。

    In the electricity market at the same time , there have been some problems .

  25. 这也使得电力市场化的过程远远复杂于其它行业的市场化过程。

    So , the reform of power industry is more difficult than the other industries .

  26. 电力市场化改革使电力销售面临风险。

    There are more and more risks in power marketing with the reform of power market .

  27. 浅论电力市场化改革与电力发展规划

    Market economy and power system planning

  28. 因而,如何度量和防范发电侧市场力成为当前电力市场化改革过程中的热点和难点问题。

    It becomes one of the hot issues and difficulties during the reform of electricity market .

  29. 电力市场化改革是世界电力改革的必然趋势。

    The reform of electricity market is an inexorable trend of power industry in the world .

  30. 电力市场化改革也对电力网络安全控制提出了更高的要求。

    The reform of electricity market for power network security control brings up a higher demand .