
  1. 他很可能会赞同纯军事的战争结局。

    He probably would have preferred a purely military outcome .

  2. 论朝鲜战争结局维持原状的历史必然

    Briefly on the Historic Necessity or the Korean war Results Maintaining the Status Quo Ante

  3. 战争结局实质上是一种政治分赃,确保了墨菲家族在林肯县的垄断地位。

    The war in fact resulted in the division of political spoils and ensured the position of monopoly of Murphy family in Lincoln county .

  4. 而与之相对的,若能发现一种简单高效的信号识别手段也将对现代战争结局产生决定性的影响。

    In contrast , if we can find a simple and effective means of signal identification , it will play a decisive role in the outcome of modern war .

  5. 这场战争的结局就是敌人无条件投降。

    The outcome of the war is the unconditional surrender of the enemy .

  6. 战争的结局可能依赖于它。

    The outcome of the war could depend on it .

  7. 三十年战争的结局并不干脆利落。

    The end of the Thirty Years War was an untidy affair .

  8. 好吧,你不了解战争的结局。

    Well , you weren 't around for the end of the war .

  9. 也谈中法战争的结局

    The Outcome of the War between China and France

  10. 美国独立战争的结局。

    The successful ending of the American Revolution .

  11. 那个人就是赫拉克勒斯,而且战争的结局也正如我预言的那样。

    That man was Heracles , and the battle fell out as I prophesied .

  12. 这场战争的结局如何?

    What was the result of the war ?

  13. 这场战争的结局并不是已经为法国战役所决定。

    The outcome of the struggle has not been decided by the Battle of France .

  14. 这种乱砍乱杀是毫无意义的,因为这种做法不能影响战争的结局。

    This slaughter was senseless because it could not affect the outcome of the war .

  15. 尽管当时距离二战结束还有两年半的时间,但战争的结局已日趋清晰。

    While the war would last another two-and-a-half years , its outcome was becoming daily more clear .

  16. 第二战场的开辟对于整个反法西斯战争的结局起着至关重要的作用。

    The pioneering of the second battlefield has played a decisive role in winning the war against fascism .

  17. 战争的结局成了美军优势兵力令人信服的一次昭示。

    The outcome of the war was a convincing demonstration of the superior forces of the US army .

  18. 战争的结局是斯巴达人在雅典建立了一个寡头政府,史称三十僭主。

    At the end of the war , the Spartans established in Athens an oligarchial government , known as the Thirty Tyrants .

  19. 不过,这场物种间战争的结局其实早在预料之中:百折不挠的鼠类即将击败人类。

    The outcome of this interspecies warfare is a foregone conclusion , however : battered but unbowed , the mice are defeating the humans .

  20. 女士们、先生们:今天,此时此刻,我们还有能力影响这场战争的结局。

    Ladies and gentlemen : On this day , at this hour , it is still within our power to shape the outcome of this battle .

  21. 纵观现代战争,其结局都是以地面战争而告终。

    In the modern war , the end of the war is the ground battle .

  22. 在星球大战第三集,观众将看到克隆人战争的巅峰结局。

    In Episode III , viewers will see the climactic finale of the Clone Wars .

  23. 而且那时她觉得,北方佬和大火,以及战争失败的结局,将是她可能碰到的最坏的事情。

    And what a child she had been to think that Yankees and fire and defeat were the worst things that could happen to her !

  24. 鉴于《克隆人战争》的结局已经注定,而他的角色的胜利也不可避免,艾伯克龙比可以让他的黑暗面泛滥成灾,并且有段快乐时光,没错。

    And with the outcome of the Clone Wars a foregone conclusion and his character 's triumph inevitable , Abercrombie can let his dark side run rampant and have a field day , indeed .

  25. 战争已经有了结局。

    The war has already had a final result .

  26. 一切战争以和平为结局。

    Of all war peace is the end .

  27. 东史郎日记中所反映出来的东史郎的思想变化,具有相当的典型意义,它直接导致了日本军国主义思想在战争中破产的结局。

    Siro Azuma 's view changes are very typical which directly reflects the breakdown of Japanese militarism .

  28. 所有这些,都是战争或战役的结局,而非战争或战役的开头。

    All this holds for the end of a war or a campaign , and not for the beginning .

  29. 但在历史上,这类绝对优势的事情,在战争和战役的结局是存在的,战争和战役的开头则少见。

    In history , such absolute superiority rarely appears in the early stages of a war or a campaign but is to be found towards its end .

  30. 现在,他必须让战争有一个结局,他明确的指出,所做出的决定要基于证据,而不是盲目的忠实于预先的一连串的行动。

    Now that he must bring that war to a conclusion , he has made clear that the decision will be based on evidence , not blind adherence to a predetermined course of action .