
  • 网络strategic vision;Strategy vision
  1. 这将让通用汽车有一个卓越的战略愿景而不是象现在这样高端车和便宜车的混和。

    It would give GM a strategic vision of excellence , instead of mixing and matching high-end improvement with manic new production of cheap cars .

  2. 然后,在北海保税物流园区已建成这一假设前提下,分别提出其战略愿景、目标、定位、功能以及战略类型和战略重点。

    Then , on the assumption of beihai Bonded Logistics Park have been built , respectively brought its strategic vision , objectives , location , type and function , as well as the strategic focus of the strategy .

  3. 毕马威(KPMG)的杰作也遭到嘲笑(“毕马威,我们最强/我们的团队充满力量与活力/我们力争最优/我们团结一致/坚持我们的全球战略愿景”)。

    The KPMG effort ( " KPMG , we 're strong as can be   /   A team of power and energy   /   We go for the gold   /   Together we hold   /   To our vision of global strategy " ) was ridiculed .

  4. 第四章勾画了企业的战略愿景并进行战略选择;

    In the forth part there are the strategic goal and the strategies selection ;

  5. 提出了A饭店的人力资本开发战略愿景与战略目标,战略重点与实施阶段和途径与实施措施。

    It set forth human capital investment strategy will and aim of company A , strategy emphasis and implement method .

  6. 本文提炼了内外部环境作用下的五种边界条件,指出了企业在这五种条件的限制下应如何选择核心战略愿景,并通过愿景指导产品战略、产品线战略,以及对应的产品营销战略。

    The inner and outside circumstance can figure out five boundary system , they are key for the industry to choose the strategic vision , the product strategic , the product line strategic , and the marketing strategic .

  7. 但在上世纪六七十年代柬埔寨经历其最苦难的岁月时,西哈努克却未能为他的国家制定出一套条理清晰的战略愿景,而且还在越南战争把柬埔寨拖入泥潭之际躲起来去鼓捣业余爱情电影了。

    But in the 1960s and 1970s , when Cambodia faced its greatest traumas , Sihanouk failed to develop a coherent strategic vision for the country and retreated into making amateurish romantic films as his nation was plunged into crisis by the Vietnam war .

  8. 对战略制造愿景的概念和制定战略制造愿景的作用进行了说明,认为它可以作为工业企业的使命、目标、战略与制造系统详细设计之间的桥梁。

    The conception and roles of strategic manufacturing vision were discussed .

  9. 战略制造愿景的制定与实证分析

    Development and Case Study of Strategic Manufacturing Vision

  10. 所以它们被列入我们的关键成功因素之一:速度,并和我们的战略和愿景一致。

    They are stated as one of our critical success factors-velocity and aligned with our strategies and vision .

  11. 人们谈论战略、愿景、地缘政治和世界舞台,但让他们提出具体建议时,他们就像婴儿吐出紧咬住的奶嘴一样轻易放弃。

    People talk of strategy , vision , geopolitics , the world stage , but surrender specific proposals as readily as a baby gives up a pacifier clenched between its gums .

  12. 基于战略性的国企经营者胜任素质模型是指:针对国企发展战略的愿景目标采用多维度因素与指标,对国企经营者胜任素质做出科学评价体系。

    Based on the strategic competence quality model state-owned operator refers to the development strategy of enterprises : using multidimensional vision target scientific methods and index system of the state-owned enterprisers to make a scientific evaluation system for competence quality .

  13. 半年前任建新再次与实业家特隆凯蒂•普罗维拉洽谈,他说:“我们的看法完全一致,过去三年我们的战略和愿景都没有变过。”

    Six months ago Mr Ren renewed negotiations with industrialist Mr Tronchetti Provera . " We really saw eye-to-eye , " ChemChina 's chairman said . " Our strategies and visions had not changed over the past three years . "

  14. 如何看待受众是思考媒介企业愿景战略、确定愿景方向的根本问题。

    So how to look on the receiver is the key problem when we think about media enterprises ' vision stratagem .

  15. 因此,企业战略是企业愿景的延伸,会随着时间的推移而发展,同时还必须满足外部环境和内部环境的形势变化。

    Therefore , business strategy which must meet the changes both from external and internal , is the extension of business vision , and should develops as the time goes .

  16. 本文第三部分在综合分析成都学院面临的内外部环境变化的基础上提出了新时期成都学院与环境变化相适应的又具有现实可能性战略使命和愿景构想。

    Chengdu Institute of the comprehensive analysis of internal and external environment facing the basis of changes proposed in the new era of Chengdu Institute and adapt to environmental change also has the real possibility of strategic mission and vision ideas .

  17. 浅析企业战略联盟的共同愿景调节机制

    Study on the adjustable mechanism of shared vision of enterprise strategy alliances

  18. 他曾经为许多资深经理人设计和引导其组织的变革过程,如:战略计划,企业愿景和使命,团队建设,领导力发展,个人风格分析及组织的文化测评等。

    He works with senior managers to design and facilitate their organizations change processes including strategic planning , corporate vision and mission , team building , leadership development , personality styles , and organizational culture assessment .