
zhàn lüè dì wèi
  • strategic role
  1. 煤制氢具有重要的战略地位。

    Hydrogen from coal plays a strategic role in the system .

  2. 重新认识经济特区的战略地位与功能作用

    Reexamine the Strategic Role and Function of SEZs

  3. 这个地区的战略地位和经济地位变得越来越重要了。

    This region is becoming increasingly important both strategically and economically .

  4. 人民健康是社会文明进步的基础,是民族昌盛和国家富强的重要标志,要把人民健康放在优先发展战略地位。

    The people 's health is the foundation of social civilization and progress and an important symbol of national prosperity , we should put the people 's health high on the development strategy .

  5. SWOT矩阵分析就是一种评判企业战略地位切实有效的方法。

    SWOT Matrix analysis is just such an effective method in assessing the development strategies of enterprises .

  6. 自2002年油砂被《油气》杂志(《Oil&GasJournal》)列入世界石油储量统计以来,加拿大石油业的战略地位不断得到提升。

    Since 2002 , the oil sand was included in the world oil reserve statistics by " Oil and Gas Journal "; the strategy status of Canadian ′ s petroleum industry has been unceasingly increasing .

  7. 其间该公司还净亏损了8300万美元。万达表示,将投资5亿美元于AMC的院线扩张和技术提升,这应会确保AMC的战略地位。

    It also made net losses of $ 83m . Wanda says it will invest $ 500m on expansion and technology , which should secure its strategic position .

  8. 再次,在这些分析基础上,运用内部因素评价(IFE)矩阵、竞争态势(CPM)矩阵,对企业的优势、弱点及企业的竞争战略地位进行分析评价,找出企业的核心能力和重要弱点。

    According to these analysis , and using the IFE matrix and CPM matrix to appraise the advantages , failings and status of competition strategy of the enterprise , the thesis tries to find out the core capability and the most important failings of enterprise .

  9. 渤海在我国具有重要的战略地位。

    The Bohai Sea has important strategic position in our country .

  10. 试论庭园经济的战略地位及前景

    On the strategic status and perspective of the courtyard horticulture economy

  11. 快堆在我国未来核电事业发展中的战略地位

    The Strategical Position of FBR in Nuclear Power Development in China

  12. 现代建筑企业员工培训的战略地位及对策

    Strategic Status and Solution to Staff Training for Modern Construction Enterprise

  13. 教育必须摆在优先发展的战略地位。

    Priority must be placed on the development of education .

  14. 不同资产的战略地位和财务地位差异评析

    The Differences Analyses of Strategic Status and Financial Status of Different Assets

  15. 教育在西部经济开发中的战略地位

    On Strategic Position of Education in the Western Economic Development

  16. 展望了光互连的发展前景并强调了光互连在光计算中的战略地位。

    The prospects and its strategic position of optical interconnection are emphasized .

  17. 对教育优先发展战略地位的理论思考及对策

    A Academic Reflection and Measure on the Strategic Educational Development

  18. 发展信息产业和科技信息传播在科教兴国中的战略地位

    The Important Position of the Development on Information Industry and the Spread

  19. 乌鲁木齐市在西北地区会展经济中的战略地位

    The Strategic Position in the Exhibition Economy of Urumqi in Northwest China

  20. 军队要把教育训练提高到战略地位

    The army should attach strategic importance to education and training

  21. 我们的产品在市场上占有战略地位。

    Our product occupies a strategic position in the market .

  22. 丹东地区生态环境的战略地位及其建设途径

    Strategic Position of ecological Environment and Its Construction Way in Dandong Area

  23. 成本管理在企业中占有相当重要的战略地位。

    Cost management has a quite important strategic position .

  24. 内河航运在江苏经济发展中的战略地位研究

    Strategic Position of Inland Navigation in Jiangsu Economic Development

  25. 文化产业的战略地位与发展途径

    Strategic Position and Developing Ways to The Culture Industry

  26. 科技资源配置的战略地位

    The strategic status of science & technology resource allocation

  27. 教育战略地位的落实关键在领导等重要论述的深远历史意义与重大现实意义,应有进一步的认识。

    And leaders are the key to implement the decisive status of education .

  28. 另外,海洋的战略地位也日益变得更加重要。

    In addition , the strategic position of the marine becomes increasingly more important .

  29. 品牌在中国市场营销中的战略地位

    The Marketing Strategies of Brands In Chinese Markets

  30. 一个有重要战略地位的海湾,连接波斯湾和阿曼湾。

    A strategically important strait linking the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman .