
  • 网络information construction;Informatization Construction;ERP;MIS
  1. 企业信息化建设的成功需要高效IT产业的支持。

    Implementing ERP successfully relies on efficient IT industry .

  2. 经过信息化建设的制造企业,一般可以生成零件的物料需求计划,但对于钣金制造企业的板材物料需求,仍然依赖于人工操作。

    The material requirements plan can be generated automatically with ERP , but for sheet metal manufacturing it still relies on the manual operation .

  3. 根据我国医疗信息化建设的需要,我们应用Web开发技术设计了一种基于J2EE的电子病历交互系统。

    Considering the hospital information construct requirement , we design and implement a CPR system based on J2EE .

  4. 基于DEA分析的制造业企业信息化建设效率评价研究

    Research on Enterprise Informatization of Manufacturing Industry Based on DEA Analysis

  5. 办公自动化(OfficeAutomation,简称OA)作为知识管理体系的基础支撑软件,成为企业信息化建设的关键。

    Office Automation ( OA ) as a basic software for knowledge management system is a key of information building for enterprises .

  6. 办公自动化(OA)是企业信息化建设的重要组成部分。

    Office Automation ( OA ) is the organization of information technology an important part of the building .

  7. 本文从推进军队信息化建设出发,利用RFID技术实现了装备的自动识别。

    To promote the Army 's informatization , this paper uses the RFID technology to auto-recognize the aviation maintenance guarantee equipments .

  8. 医疗卫生信息化建设需要引入CIO制度

    Health informationization development needs introducing a system of chief information officers

  9. 作为计算机网络基础的PDS系统在信息化建设中变得尤为关键。

    As the basis of computer network , the PDS systems become particularly crucial .

  10. 同时在对圆宝公司进行整体需求分析基础上,提出圆宝公司企业信息化建设的总体设计方案,并基于UML和工作流技术对圆宝公司企业信息化建设进行详细设计。

    Forth analysis the whole need of enterprise , put forward developments project , and base on the UML and workflow to detailed design .

  11. 随着Internet的发展及信息化建设的不断推进,我国的电子政务系统建设得到了飞速发展,其安全问题也被提到了战略性的高度。

    With the development of internet and the continuous progress of informationization , the construction of China 's electronic government system roared and it 's security issues have also been mentioned on strategic height .

  12. 本文在分析烟草行业信息化建设现状的基础上阐述了卷烟工业企业应用ERP的必要性;

    Firstly , basing on analyzing present information building situation of cigarette trade this paper relates the essentiality for the cigarette industrial enterprise to apply ERP .

  13. ERP系统作为企业信息化建设中的重要组成部分,能给企业带来先进的管理思想和变革,已引起越来越多国内企业的重视。

    As an important part of enterprise informatization , ERP System can bring advanced management thoughts and management transforms , and has aroused increasing attention of domestic enterprises .

  14. 随着医院信息化建设的逐步推进和深入,医院的信息化建设已经由原来以财务为主线的收费结算系统,向临床管理信息化阶段(CIS)过渡。

    With the gradual propulsion of the construction of information-based society in the hospital , the mode has transited from finance-majored system into CIS .

  15. Internet上管理信息主要是通过软件来实现的,因此软件开发在Internet应用上的地位显而易见,它已成为政府、企事业单位信息化建设中的重要组成部分,从而倍受人们的重视。

    Internet information management software to achieve mainly through the Internet applications in the software development position is that it has become the government , enterprises and institutions informationization construction of the important components , thereby open people 's attention .

  16. 无线Mesh网络成本低廉,易架设,组织形式灵活,可扩展性强,将成为农村信息化建设的一种有效解决方案。

    Wireless mesh network is easy to be set up with low cost , and has a flexible organizational structure and scalability , which will become an effective solution for rural informatization construction .

  17. 因此对CRM理论和应用深入研究,有利于促进我国企业信息化建设的步伐,也有利于进一步提高我国的CRM应用水平。

    Thus further studying the theory and application of CRM will help to promote the paces of enterprise information construction at home and help to improve the application level of CRM .

  18. 生产作业计划调度和监控是计算机集成制造和面向制造企业的ERP前端关键技术之一,在制造企业信息化建设中处于重要地位,也是目前制造业信息化建设过程中的难点和薄弱环节。

    " Production Scheduling and Supervisal " that is the key technology of CMS and ERP 's front module possesses important significance of information technology processing for manufacture project , and is difficulty and weakness too .

  19. 分析了我国企业信息化建设的现状及存在的问题,论述了我国企业面对加入WTO的新形势进行信息化建设的必要性。

    This paper analyzes on the present situation of and existing problems in Chinese enterprise 's informatization construction , and discusses on the necessity of the informatization construction of our country 's enterprises facing the new situation of entering WTO .

  20. 随着现代企业信息化建设进程逐步加快,企业上层信息管理系统(如ERP、供应链管理等)对工业控制系统的实时生产信息和资源提出了更高的要求。

    With the development of information construction in a modern enterprise , the strategy information management system in an enterprise , such as ERP or CRM , asks the industrial controlling system with a real time production information and resource .

  21. 分析了MSTP的主要技术,结合湖南林业信息化建设的实际情况,提出了MSTP/SDH双平面解决方案。

    The main technology of MSTP is analyzed , put forward the double planes solution of MSTP / SDH by combining with the actual situation of the forestry information construction in Hunan Province .

  22. 目前药品零售连锁企业已经认识到信息化建设对企业日常管理和发展的积极作用,对诸如ERP系统、CRM系统、OA系统等信息管理系统的关注程度日益提高。

    At Present pharmaceutical retail chain enterprises have realized that information technology has an active role on the daily management and development company , and to the information management system such as ERP system , CRM system , OA system , increasing the degree of concern .

  23. 论文首先总结了新军事变革对军队信息化建设的影响及CSCW在办公自动化系统中的应用现状,并分析了新形势下军队协同办公系统的具体要求。

    In this paper , we firstly summarized the new military change and its influence on army information-based construction , and the status of CSCW application in military OA system , and the requirements of cooperative OA system for military in new situation was also analyzed .

  24. 企业信息化建设使用IT作为服务,根据云计算所提供的服务进行分析,具体包括:服务类型、技术方法等。在IaaS层,保险企业采用私有云式的机房托管服务。

    The enterprise informationization building will use IT as service , and conduct analysis based on service provided by cloud computing . The analysis includes service types and skills and methods , etc. In the IaaS level , the insurance enterprise may adopt private cloud machine room hosted service .

  25. 本项目采用DEA-TOBIT模型计量分析农村信息化建设运行效率及其影响因素,是在借鉴国内外其他学科研究经验基础上,在农村信息化领域对研究方法的有益尝试。

    This project uses the DEA-TOBIT model analysis of operation efficiency and its affecting factors of rural informatization construction , is in reference to domestic and foreign research on other subjects on the basis of experience , the beneficial attempt to the research methods of information technology in rural areas .

  26. 加快信息化建设实现跨越式发展

    Speeding up the Information Construction , Realizing the Leap Type Development

  27. 加强教学管理信息化建设提高管理效率

    Strengthening the Building of Teaching Management Information to Enhance Management Efficiency

  28. 信息化建设是欠发达地区发展的必由之路。

    The information building is only route of less developed region .

  29. 办公自动化是部队日常工作管理信息化建设的基础,对部队管理及信息化建设具有重要的作用。

    Office automation plays an important role in military routine management .

  30. 引黄济青信息化建设与研究

    The Information Construction and Study of Yin Huang Ji Qing Project