
gǎn guāng dù
  • speed;photosensibility;sensitivity
感光度[gǎn guāng dù]
  1. 黑白底片,黑白负片GB/T2923-1995黑白照相负片/加工组合ISO感光度的测定

    Determination of ISO speed of black-and-white pictorial still camera negative film / process systems

  2. 本文就数码相机功能中的ISO感光度数值的调整对图像质量的影响作一论述。

    This paper elucidates the effect of ISO speed setting function of digital cameras on the photographic image quality .

  3. 在X射线胶片中它能提高乳剂的感光度,同时能提高胶片的稳定性;

    When it is used as chemical sensitizing agent in the X-ray film , the sensitivity of the emulsion is increased and the stability of the film is improved .

  4. 实验证实了只有当增感染料和超增感染料同时吸附在乳剂上时,感光度才最高,ESR信号亦最强。

    The experiment confirmed that photographic sensitivity was highest and the intensity of ESR signal strongest when sensitive dye and supersensitive dyes were adsorbed on the emulsion simultaneously .

  5. 这门课同样适合那些懂得ISO感光度、光圈、快门速度、白平衡等摄影知识并能用自己的数码单反或桥式相机设置这些参数的同学。

    It is ideal for those who have an understanding of ISO , aperture , shutter speed , white balance and how to change these on your digital SLR or bridge camera .

  6. 研究结果表明,光导体的量子收率和感光度与CGM浓度有很大关系,正充电时随CGM的浓度的增加而增加,负充电时随CGM的浓度增加而降低。

    Xerographic quantum efficiency and sensitivity for positive charging increased with CGM concentration , while that for negative charging decreased with CGM concentration .

  7. 照相性能试验结果表明:DAR成色剂D1能提高感光度20%,而DAR成色剂D2在目前的显影条件下没有提高感光度的作用.通过分析其结构,找到了结构与照相性能之间的关系。

    It was found that D_1 could increase sensitivity by 20 % , but D_2 could not increase sensitivity by the research of it 's photographic properties .

  8. 本文研究了由改性明胶制备的乳剂用盐絮凝[(NH4)2SO4]对乳剂感光度的影响。

    In this paper the influence of salt flocculation on the sensitivity of the emulsions made with chemically modified gelatin is studied .

  9. 结果表明传统化学增感在PTG体系中同样有效,感光度增加的同时灰雾并没有明显地增加。

    The result showed that traditional chemical sensitivity that used in PTG system was an effective method to improve the sensitivity .

  10. 这种方法在解决了DCG对氩离子激光器的不同光谱输出的感光度相匹配的基础上,实现了用一台激光器一次曝光制作DCG彩色反射全息图。

    Basing on matching of sensitivity of DCG plate with multi spectrum output of an Ar + laser , one exposure achieves Lippmann color DCG hologram using one laser .

  11. 本文介绍了洗片机的质量管理方法、感光度测试方法、灰度曲线的评估法及美国ANSI标准对各种摄影方法所要达到的标准数据。

    The method of quality management , measuring exposed sensitivity , evaluating gradient curves , and standard parameters of some photograph techniques defined by ANSI were reported in this paper .

  12. 采用QuantumFilm设计的相机不仅能够在无需较高ISO感光度的情况下拍摄细节度更高的画面,而且还能够减小因过度曝光或暗影造成画面异常的几率。

    A sensor using QuantumFilm can not only capture more detail without needing higher ISO sensitivity but should also reduce the instances of clipped highlights or shadows .

  13. 在用作氨法乳剂沉降剂时,GGC改性胶远比PA胶优异,表现在:耗酸量少和感光度高。

    Being as a coagulating agent of emulsion of ammonical method , GGC gelatin is superior to PA gelatin due to much less amount of acid required to start coagulation and higher sensitivity of the emulsion .

  14. 位移染料M-16、C-20的初步涂布应用表明,其样片感光度分别提高了3.8和6.3倍。

    Using the shifted dyes M-16 and C-20 in SDB photography , the sensitivity increased 3.8 and 6.3 times , respectively .

  15. 为了解决感光度低这一问题,本文以亲水型PTG材料为研究对象,研究了一些新型的提高感光度的方法,并初步研究了其影响PTG材料感光性能的机理。

    To solve this problem , some new methods to improve sensitivity based on hydrophilic PTG materials were applied and mechanisms of some influences on photographic properties were also preliminarily discussed in this dissertation .

  16. 对3个DIAR成色剂在彩色负片中的应用进行了研究,得到了它们对感光度、灰雾影响的数据,特别是得到了它们在降低颗粒度和改善层间效应方面的数据。

    The application of three DIAR couplers in color negative film is studied , and the data of sensitivity , fog , particularly , reduced graininess , improved interlayer effect have been obtained .

  17. 综述了AgBr/I纳米粒子及其乳剂的制备方法,概述了各种纳米粒子乳剂的AgBr含量、感光度及增感情况,并对各种制备方法的应用方向和纳米粒子乳剂的应用前景作了讨论。

    The methods of preparing AgBr / I nanometer grains and its emulsions are introduced . The AgBr content , sensitivity and sensitization of these emulsions are summarized . The applied possibility of these emulsions with AgBr / I nanometer grains is also reviewed briefly .

  18. 上海牌HN6328Ⅱ型激光照排片是新一代的激光照排片,具有一系列改进的性能特性,如:反差高、感光度适中、最大密度高、清晰度高、平整度好和几何尺寸稳定。

    SHANGHAI brand type HN6328 ⅱ laser phototypesetting film is a new product of this category with improved characteristics , e.g. high contrast , moderate speed , high maximum density , high sharpness , excellent flatness and good dimensional stability .

  19. 改性明胶用盐絮凝对乳剂感光度的影响

    A Study of the Sensitivity of the Emulsion Flocculated by Salt

  20. 卤化银乳剂微晶结构与感光度的关系的初步分析

    Relationship between the structure and photographic sensitivity of silver halide emulsion

  21. 你用的胶卷感光度是多少?

    What 's the speed of the film you 're using ?

  22. GB/T9863-1988彩色反转照相胶片感光度测定方法

    Method for determining the speed of colour reversal camera films

  23. 彩色负片利用排列结构提高感光度

    Increase of speed of color negative film by means of structure arrangement

  24. GB/T9862-1988黑白航空照相胶片感光度和平均斜率测定方法

    Method for determining the speed and average gradient of black-and-white aerial camera films

  25. 新一代红外胶片的特点是具有较高的感光度。

    The characteristics of infrared films of a new generation with increased photosensitivity are presented .

  26. 运动、感光度以及长焦镜头的使用都将影响到画质的清晰度。

    Motion , light levels , or the use of a telephoto lens can compromise clarity .

  27. 分析了彩色正片的感光度、灰雾度和灰差度等特性;

    This article analyzes such Characteristics as sensitivity , fog density and contrast of the colour positive .

  28. 结果表明,该化合物对抑制胶片贮存中灰雾增长和感光度的变化有明显作用。

    It showed evident effects of reducing fog growth and speed change on storage of the photographic material .

  29. 摄影干版的感光度;照相底片感光速度;照相片感光速率;感光板灵敏度

    Speed of photographic plate

  30. 本文介绍一组绿色可见光,可适用于测定感绿医用X线胶片的感光度。

    This paper introduces a green light illuminant suitable for determining the speed of orthochromatic medical X-ray film .