- hypoesthesia

Results : Of 38 cases of root avulsion of brachial plexus , 19 cases accompanied with sympathetic nerves injury and 13 cases accompanied with hypoesthesia of faces .
Hypoesthesia , anesthesia and sensory ataxia 4 . albuminocytologic dissociation in CSF .
The other 3 patients in TVT-O group complained numbness of inboard thigh , which cured automatically after 15 days .
The most frequently affected intervertebral foramen were C 5,6 and C 6,7 . The most significant symptoms after impairment of nerve root were reduced sensation , muscle weakness and diminished reflexes .
Results Seven of the 223 cases developed the complication of C_5 palsy , manifesting the paresis of the deltoid muscle as well as the sensory deficits and ( or ) intractable pain in shoulder . The incidence was 3.1 % .
Disesthesia of the infraorbital nerve was unimproved in 2 cases .
Sensory Ataxic Hemiparesis in 19 Patients with Thalamic Hemorrhage
Patients had sole hypoesthesia and toes numbness ;
The burning in his belly died down .
Lipectomy has many obvious shortcomings such as long scar and decreased sensation of skin .
Of 13 cases of the hypoesthesia of faces , 12 cases accompanied with sympathetic hypofunction ( 92.3 % ) .
One cases of local skin complaint postoperative numbness or hypoesthesia , feel diminished the symptoms were relieved when the last follow-up .
The patients had chronic hemiparesis , which is weakness on one side of the body , at least six months after a stroke .
Patients presented with lower back pain with radiation to the legs , positive straight leg raising sign , diminished tendon reflexes and sensation .
Disease of the large blood vessels in your legs may cause problems with blood circulation , leading to leg cramps , changes in skin color , and decreased sensation .
The clinical presentation included weakness of lower limbs in 17 cases , ambulation dysfunction in 23 cases , paraparesis in 13 , pyramidal sign in 13 and urinary incontinence in 5 cases .
The major physical sign included : disappearance of pupil direct and indirect light reflex , ophthalmoplegia externa , nystagmus , ataxia , hypesthesia , peripheral facial paralysis , and weak or disappeared tendons .
The function of the common peroneal nerve recovered completely in two cases after six months , while the sensory deficit that occurred on the lateral side of leg and dorsal side of foot still remained in another patient ( the motor loss had recovered ) .
Complications included skin burn on the medial malleolus ( 2 cases ) or anterior shank ( 2 cases ), numbness and hypoesthesia on the medial shank ( 3 cases ), and subcutaneous cord-like hard tubercles ( 32 cases , which were completely softened and absorbed 3 months later ) .
We 're down in the dumps for a short time , then gradually the painful feelings dissipate and we move on with our lives & often the wiser for the experience .
The right plantar response was flexor , But the left could not be elicited because of his previous amputation . Superficial sensation was slightly impaired over the left half of the face and in the left forearm and hand .
The prevalence rate is increasing year after year and the ratio of female patients obviously increased . In clinic , it represents dysfunction of limb aesthesia , vision disturbance and bladder dysfunction .