
xìn tú
  • believer;follower;faithful;disciple;adherent;disciple believer
信徒 [xìn tú]
  • [disciple believer;follower] 信奉某种宗教的人,亦指某学说的信仰者

信徒[xìn tú]
  1. 我是公共艺术的狂热信徒。

    I 'm a passionate believer in public art

  2. JustinBieber一直都是一个信徒。

    Justin Bieber has long been a believer .

  3. 人们指控这个政权压迫少数宗教信徒。

    The regime is accused of oppressing religious minorities .

  4. 新的提案使神职人员和平信徒都会受到影响。

    The new proposals affect both clergy and laity .

  5. 他最近才皈依天主教,是一名狂热的信徒。

    He was a recent Catholic convert , and very zealous .

  6. 他的家成了信徒们的避难之处。

    His home became a place of refuge for the believers .

  7. 主教要求信徒们呆在家中。

    The Bishop directed the faithful to stay at home .

  8. 接受过东方冥想训练的瑜伽信徒能够改变他们的心率。

    Yogis trained in Eastern meditative techniques can change their heart rate .

  9. 那时,信徒们尊他为先知。

    The faithful revered him then as a prophet .

  10. 他说她的言论让每个虔诚的基督教信徒感到厌恶。这种说法存在疑问。

    He said that her remarks disgusted every practising Christian . That claim is arguable .

  11. 他教导信徒们说,他们都可以升入天国。

    He taught his followers that they could all be members of the kingdom of God

  12. 这个时候,维纳斯的信徒才想起来向维纳斯女神感谢了一番。

    Then at last the votary of Venus found words to thank the goddess .

  13. 这位国际知名的作家受到了穆斯林信徒的无礼谴责。

    This internationally known writer was foully condemned by the Muslim fundamentalists .

  14. 亚历山大是个虔诚的信徒。

    Alexander is a pious follower of the faith .

  15. 雷把这个奇事当作教训信徒们的事件

    Ray posits that this miracle is an object lesson for the disciples .

  16. 墙上的插图为不识字的信徒描绘了历史传说和圣经故事

    Artwork depicted the historical sagas and biblical tales for the illiterate faithful .

  17. 他们用德肋撒嬷嬷的孤寂再一次论证信徒们是在蒙蔽自己

    They used Teresa 's desolation as another proof that believers are deluding themselves .

  18. 他是高尔夫球忠实信徒。

    He was a votary of golf .

  19. 这些传教士还肆意将“治外法权”延伸至中国信徒,干涉司法

    These missionaries even wilfully extended the extraterritoriality to Chinese converts and interfered in Chinese judicial authority .

  20. 大约在同一时期,重视平等的贵格会信徒也采用了握手的问候方式。

    Around the same time , the Quakers — who valued equality — also made use of the handshake .

  21. 于是他低声对信徒们说:“想去天堂的人,都请站起来吧。”所有的人都站了起来——当然,除了那个打瞌睡的人。

    So , in a whisper , he asked the congregation . " All who want to go to heaven , please rise . " Everyone got up except the snorer .

  22. 布拉德•欣茨是自由市场的忠实信徒,他曾担任摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)首席财务官,目前在伯恩斯坦研究(BernsteinResearch)做证券分析师,主要关注经纪商、交易所和信托银行。

    Brad Hintz believes in free markets .

  23. 阴谋论者亚历克斯•琼斯也是黄金的狂热信徒,他的影响力只比贝克小一点儿,而资助琼斯的公司是MidasResources

    Alex Jones , a goldbug and conspiracy theorist only slightly less influential than Beck , is sponsored by Midas Resources Inc. , which

  24. 小说家扎迪•史密斯在杂志《信徒》(TheBeliever)的一篇文章中把时间进一步推远。

    In a piece for the believer , novelist Zadie Smith pushed the time frame further out .

  25. 湿婆(Shiva),是印度教三大主神之一,在信徒心目中具有极高的地位。

    Shiva is one of the three major gods in Hinduism . Shiva has the important position for the Hindus .

  26. 即便不是米尔顿弗里德曼(miltonfriedman)的信徒,你也会想知道这些超级监管官员将从何而来当然不会来自美联储,它在监管抵押贷款放贷机构和银行控股公司方面表现得一团糟。

    You do not have to be a devotee of Milton Friedman to wonder where these super-regulators will be found surely not at the Fed , which botched its supervision of mortgage lenders and bank holding companies .

  27. 许多宗教都有具有灵性的珠宝,由信徒们携带著。

    Many religions have deiform jewelry , carried by the worshipers .

  28. 梵蒂冈罗马教廷已经敦促信徒们抵制这部电影。

    The Vatican has urged the faithful to boycott the film .

  29. 但看看他们怎么对待我,让我们成为他们的信徒。

    But look how they treat us , Make us believers .

  30. 在那些虔诚的信徒,特别是男性信徒中,这种渴望尤甚。

    Among the devout , especially men , it is expected .