
  • 网络information-led
  1. 信息主导下的社会治安防控体系研究

    A Study of Information-led System of Public Order Maintenance

  2. 情报信息主导警务工作机制建设研究

    Research of Building of Intelligence and Information Led Police Working Mechanism

  3. 上海发展信息主导型农产品批发市场研究

    Study on developing information leading type farm product wholesale market in Shanghai

  4. 目前信息主导的时代,海量数据存储在数据库或者数据仓库中。

    Currently , mass data has been stored in the database or data warehouse in the information-dominated era .

  5. 情报信息主导警务是情报导侦的思想基础,计算机与网络技术是物质条件,信息化的高素质人才是行动保证,发达的情报技术是锐利武器。

    The computer and network technology are conditions of material , intelligence persons of high quality are guarantee , and information technology is a sharp weapon .

  6. 正确认识情报信息主导警务模式的意义及其影响情报主导警务与社区警务有机结合之途径浅探

    The Significance of Correct Understanding the Patterns of Police Affairs Guided by Information and Its Influence ; Discussion on Combination between Police Service Guided by Information and Community Police Affairs

  7. 在B股市场开放前后,四种方法均得出A股市场处于信息主导地位的结论。

    And we find the similar results through the other three models . After the openness of B-share market , all of the four methodologies find that A-share market is still in informational dominance .

  8. 动态信息主导勤务的实现是一个系统工程,其基础是信息化建设与应用,前提是根据看守所管理工作实际、科学合理地提出建立动态信息网络实现动态信息主导勤务的业务需求。

    Led to the realization of a dynamic information service system , based on information technology and applications premise is based on the actual management of the detention center . Dynamic information network proposed the establishment of a scientific and rational way to achieve dynamic information service oriented business needs .

  9. 当输入模式中非欧信息占据主导地位时,Kernel-SOM的学习效果将显著优于SOM。

    The learning results of Kernel-SOM will significantly outperform that of SOM when non-Euclidean distribution information takes prominent position in input space of the input patterns .

  10. 电子政务是信息时代主导的行政模式。

    E-government is the leader of the model of administration in this Information Age .

  11. 论点以运用定性信息为主导,也有一些定量分析。

    The argument is developed predominantly with qualitative information and also a few quantitative analyses .

  12. 论侦查工作预案论犯罪信息工作主导侦查破案的新机制

    On the New Mechanism of the Work of Crime Information Guiding Investigating and Solving Criminal Cases

  13. 当前抢占争夺信息领域主导权的新军事思想变革正在各军事强国引发。

    Nowadays to seize contention information of dominance in the field of new military changes happens in the military power lead .

  14. 然而,如果你的辩驳让你的主管生气了,或变得不专业了,你可以试着用事实或实用的信息来主导评审。

    However , if your supervisor is getting angry or being unprofessional , you can try to steer the review to facts and practical information .

  15. 计算机将人们带入了由信息占主导地位的21世纪,人们的工作和生活都已经离不开计算机的帮助。

    The computer took us into the information ages in the 21 centuries , people 's work and lives all have already not got away from the help of computer .

  16. 21世纪是一个以知识为主导资本、信息为主导资源的崭新时代,新的社会需求使人们对语言能力有了新的认识。

    The 21st century is a new era in which knowledge is the dominant capital and information is the leading resource . New social demands make people have new cognition of language ability .

  17. 在当今科学、知识和信息三位一体主导社会发展和进步的时代,即信息时代,信息素质,作为人的整体素质的一部分,已越来越受到教育界的重视。

    The information age has ushered in , which is dominated by science , knowledge and information . Nowadays , as a part of the human being 's integrated qualities , information literacy has been attached more and more importance to by the education circle .

  18. 宽带城域网的建设为远程医疗提供了高速的业务平台,而Web技术无疑已经占据信息平台的主导地位。

    Wide City Band ( WCB ) provides high-speed business platform for telemedicine .

  19. IP将成为未来信息通信的主导技术,最终将实现数据、话音、图像业务和网络的融合。

    IP will become the dominant technology in the future information communication with the merging of data , voice and picture in one network .

  20. Internet的蓬勃发展促使全世界的数据通信业务爆炸性的增长,随着网络中数据业务量成为主导后,以IP交换为基础的通信网框架成为信息通信的主导技术。

    The prosperity of Internet has impelled the explosive increase of data communication all over the world . As data service becomes the main part of network , IP based communication framework becomes the leading technology of information communication .

  21. 人类已经步入以科技知识和信息技术为主导的21世纪。

    The 21st century has been dominated by science and technology and knowledge .

  22. 水溶液&油气遥感信息形成的主导因素

    Water solution & a principal factor for formation of hydrocarbon remote sensing information

  23. Client/Server结构是目前管理信息系统的主导模式。

    Client / Server is the leader architecture of computer application system of now .

  24. 只要投资起点存在,较长期的基础信息就占据主导地位。

    Whenever the investment point exists , the long-term basic information is in the dominant position .

  25. 很长一段时间里,海报占据了信息传播的主导地位。

    For a very long time , the dissemination of information posters occupy the dominant position .

  26. 摘要21世纪将是以信息产业为主导的知识经济时代。

    The21st century is a knowledge-based economy era which the information Industoy will occupy a leading position .

  27. 信息技术逐渐主导了整个市场经济的发展,加大了企业转型的步伐。

    Information technology has led the development of the market economy , increasing the pace of transformation of enterprise .

  28. 最近十年来,无线传感器网络作为电子信息领域的主导技术之一已经出现。

    In recent ten years , wireless sensor networks have emerged as one of the dominant technology trends in Electrical & Information field .

  29. 以信息技术为主导的高科技产业园区作为城市的新发展极核进一步形成了信息化城市社会空间的分异。

    High-tech industrial park directed by information technology shaped the differentiation of social space in informational city as the new pole of city development .

  30. 随着全球以信息技术为主导的科技革命进展的加快,人类社会正逐步由工业社会进入信息社会。

    With the acceleration of the science and technology revolution which is leaded by information technology , human society has gradually marched from industrial society to information society .