
zhàn chuán
  • warship
战船 [zhàn chuán]
  • [warship] 古时作战用的船只

  1. 在尺寸和军备上都是第一等级的战船。

    A warship of the first rank in size and armament .

  2. 战船只知道去做一件事。

    And warship 's only know how to do one thing .

  3. 1853年,马休佩里(matthewperry)准将乘坐其黑色战船在那霸停驻,一直呆到吓坏了的冲绳人和其签订条约为止。

    In 1853 Commodore Matthew Perry anchored off Naha in his black ships and stayed until he had a treaty from the appalled Okinawans .

  4. 章鱼岛海域出现神秘海怪,战船紧急出动!

    Octopus Island appeared mysterious sea waters strange warships dispatched emergency !

  5. 只在甲板上有大炮的航行或蒸汽战船。

    A sailing or steam warship having cannons on only one deck .

  6. 我连个审判都没有就必须死在战船上吗?

    I 'm to die in the galleys without even a trial ?

  7. 蓬莱古战船及其复原研究

    Research into an Ancient Penglai Combat Vessel and Its Recovery

  8. 法国正在考虑向俄罗斯出售大型海军攻击战船。

    France is considering selling a large naval assault vessel to Russia .

  9. 我们知道你们的战船不能进行星际旅行。

    We know you have battleships that are not capable of interstellar travel .

  10. 战船不进行作战时,通常在桅杆上挂方形的帆。

    Square-rigged sails were used when the ship was not engaged in battle .

  11. 我亲眼看到那些战船撞毁在岩石上。

    I saw those ships smash on the rocks .

  12. 目前,随时都有30艘战船在亚丁湾巡逻。

    As many as 30 warships now patrol the gulf at any given time .

  13. 炮艇填补了高机动性星际战斗机和武器林立的战船间的空缺。

    A blastboat fills the gap between highly maneuverable starfighters and weapons-laden capital warships .

  14. 你也会重新成为一艘战船。

    And you 'll be a warship again .

  15. 最后,他终于找出一条轨道给战船通过。

    Finally he was able to mark a path for the warships to follow .

  16. 那么光之王手里有多少艘战船?光之王无需战船。

    And how many ships has the Lord of Light got in his fleet ?

  17. 而战船只知道去做一件事,那就是杀戮。

    And warships only know how to do one thing , and that 's kill .

  18. 凤凰带我升出地面,往其中一艘战船迅速飞去。

    Phoenix leads me to raise the ground and rapidly flies toward one of warships .

  19. 英国预期将派遣最大的战船搭载阿帕奇攻击直升机前往。

    Britain is expected to send Apache helicopters based on the country 's largest warship .

  20. 11月15日早晨,他们与日本战船交战。

    On the morning of November 15 , they joined battle with the Japanese battleship .

  21. 战斗队伍,战船排在前列用来进攻或防卫的军队或战舰。

    The combat troops or warships at the front , arrayed for defense or offense .

  22. 战船配备了十支枪。

    The warship mounted ten guns .

  23. 有三个船桨的古希腊或古罗马的军舰或战船。

    Ancient Greek or Roman galley or warship having three tiers of oars on each side .

  24. 我们的战船一发现敌舰,就扯满帆全速前进。

    When our ship found the enemy warship , she clapped on every inch of sail .

  25. 那些战船或互相碰撞,或撞向周围的珊瑚礁上,损毁沉没。

    Ships collided with each other or were driven on to the surrounding coral reefs and sank .

  26. 两栖作战船坞式运输舰因此我们急切地需要船舶&各式各样的战船、货船、客船。

    Amphibious dock transport Simultaneously we needed every type of fighting vessel , cargo and personal ship .

  27. 运送飞机的有长的扁平甲板来升降的大的战船。

    A large warship that carries planes and has a long flat deck for take-offs and landings .

  28. 十一世纪,柯克战船经过改进,以坚固耐久的橡木建成,号为霍克战舰。

    Constructed with strong and durable oak , the Holk is an11th century development of the Cog .

  29. 他说:他们要什么给他们什么,让他们精神放松,登上你的战船。

    Give him or her what they want so they are relaxed and on board , he says .

  30. 储存武器和弹药的仓库(在战船上的车厢)。

    A store house ( as a compartment on a warship ) where weapons and ammunition are stored .