
yí chǎn ɡuǎn lǐ
  • Heritage management;administration of inheritance
  1. 两位遗产管理人还与环球唱片(UniversalMusicGroup)旗下的BravadoInternationalGroup签定了1500万美元的商品授权协议。环球唱片为VivendiSA所有。这桩交易预计将于下周一得到高等法院法官批准。

    The administrators also signed a $ 15 million merchandising agreement with Bravado International Group , a division of Universal Music Group that is owned by Vivendi SA , which is expected to be approved by a superior court judge on Monday .

  2. 现在,杰克逊的遗产管理人已经付清了所有这些欠款。

    Mr. Jackson 's representatives have now paid off those loans .

  3. 民间文化艺术遗产管理系统框架研究

    On the Management System Frame of the Folk Cultural Art Inheritance

  4. 昆西·琼斯正式对杰克逊遗产管理委员会提起诉讼。

    Michael Jackson 's estate has been sued by Quincy Jones .

  5. 世界遗产管理与保护中的政府角色定位

    Government 's Role in the Management and Protection of World Heritage

  6. 中国自然文化遗产管理现状分析

    Analysis of Current Situation of the Management of Chinese Natural and Cultural Heritage

  7. 寻租行为与国家自然文化遗产管理

    Rent - seeking Activity and Natural and Cultural Heritage Management in our Country

  8. 遗产管理人需要求助于有关无遗嘱遗产管理的立法。

    The administrator will need to refer to legislation covering administration of intestate estates .

  9. 如受票人死亡,提示得向遗产管理人作出;

    If the drawee death , suggesting that may be made to the administrator ;

  10. 近年来,自然文化遗产管理的市场化改革在我国成为普遍趋势。

    In recent years , Commercialization of natural and cultural heritages has become a popular trend .

  11. 论建立我国世界遗产管理监控体系

    On the Establishment of the Monitoring and Controlling System for the Management of China 's World Heritage

  12. 在第三章我详细地分析了美国的遗嘱继承制度三大特点,即可选择份额制度,特留份制度和遗产管理制度。

    In the third chapter , I analyzed three characteristics of the American testamentary inheritance system in detail .

  13. 遗产管理人的职位由法院签发的遗产管理委托书来加以证明。

    The appointment of an administrator is evidenced by the court issuing a document called letters of administration .

  14. 对于2009年的纪录片&《就是这样》(ThisIsIt),迈克尔·杰克逊的遗产管理公司选择了第一种方法。

    For the2009 documentary , This Is It , the Estate of Michael Jackson opted for the first approach .

  15. 布兰卡说,遗产管理小组将利用迄今获得的一部分收入来偿还债务。

    Mr. Branca said the estate will use some of the money generated so far to refinance the debt .

  16. 关于遗产管理人的法律地位,在国外及我国港台地区的立法规定各有不同。

    The legal status of estate administrator in foreign countries is different from that in Hong Kong and Taiwan .

  17. 对这个案例的研究,可以加深人们对遗产管理体制原真性的理解,这是该案例的一个重要理论价值。

    The research work to this case can help people understand the Authenticity of management system more deeply and vividly .

  18. 西欧国家文化遗产管理制度的改革及对中国的启示

    The Regime Transformation of Western Europe 's Cultural Heritage Management : With a Study of its Heuristic Effects on China

  19. 构建遗产管理人制度必须先行解决一个逻辑前提,这便是遗产管理人的法律地位如何厘定。

    The very logic precondition to establish legacy supervisor system is to specify the legal status of the legacy supervisor .

  20. 对应于此三环节由此相对伴生出遗产管理人的权利与义务。

    And the corresponding rights and obligations of the legacy supervisor could be derived in accordance with the above-mentioned steps .

  21. 根据本条例向遗产管理官作出的授予,可按法院指示的方式加以限制。

    Any grant made to the official administrator under this Ordinance may be limited in such manner as the court may direct .

  22. 代理权说作为主流学说将遗产管理人之法律地位定性为代理人,遗产管理人享有的权利和承担的义务便因此是代理人的权利与义务。

    According to the mainstream concept of the right of agent , the legal status of the legacy supervisor is characterized as agent .

  23. 今晚,有消息称,布兰妮·斯皮尔斯的父亲杰米·斯皮尔斯同意辞去她的遗产管理人一职。

    There 's word tonight that Jamie Spears , father of Britney Spears , has agreed to step down as conservator of her estate .

  24. 本论文把成吉思汗祭祀管理现状从文化人类学,旅游人类学及文化遗产管理方法等角度进行研究。

    This paper studies Genghis Khan ritual management status from the point of cultural anthropology , tourism anthropology and management methods of cultural heritage .

  25. 歌迷相信,环球现场盛事公司是为了安抚媒体和遗产管理委员会的顾虑,因此撤掉了对西蒙斯的邀请。

    Fans believe that Global Live Events , in an attempt to qualm the media and the Estate , rescinded their offer to Simmons .

  26. 中国文化遗产管理部门也表达了对克里斯蒂拍卖行的强烈反对,要求停止拍卖。

    China 's State Administration of Cultural Heritage has also voiced its strong opposition with Christie 's and demanded that the auction be stopped .

  27. 寻求这两种需求之间的平衡是世界遗产管理者面临的最困难也最重要的任务。

    Finding the proper balance between these demands figures as one of the most difficult and important tasks world heritage site managers have to perform .

  28. 在将遗产管理人的法律地位定位为公共管理人之后,其权利与义务也就可逻辑地引申出来了。

    Based on the consideration of legal status of the legacy supervisor as the public supervisor , the rights and obligations could be deduced logically .

  29. 文化遗产管理署说,完全修复城门的工程将要用三年时间,花费二千一百万美元。

    The cultural heritage administration said it would take at least three years to fully restore the gate and it would cost some $ 21 million .

  30. 目前我国文化遗产管理工作基本上处于一种分散式管理,随着国家对文化遗产保护越来越重视,应积极探索一种有效的方式对文化遗产保护项目进行管理。

    With increasing emphasis on the protection of cultural heritage in our country , we should actively explore an effective way to protect the cultural heritage .