
yí jīng
  • spermatorrhea;nocturnal emission;wet dream;spermator rhoea;gonacratia;gonobolia
遗精 [yí jīng]
  • [nocturnal emission] 睡眠中的一种不随意的排精,常伴有性爱色情的梦

遗精[yí jīng]
  1. 可固精健肾,防止遗精。

    It may fine kidney health and prevent spermatorrhea .

  2. 初次资料分析,遗精前组血清瘦素、睾酮明显高于未遗精组。

    The levels of serum leptin , testosterone of pre - spermatorrhea schoolboys were significantly higher than schoolboys without spermatorrhea .

  3. 湿梦也被认为是夜间遗精。

    A wet dream is also known as a nocturnal emission .

  4. 福建师范大学学生月经初潮与首次遗精年龄调查

    Age of Experimentation with Menarche and First Nocturnal Emission among Students in Fujian Normal University

  5. 这是有关因淋病,或遗精沾染不洁的人。

    This is the law of him that hath the issue of seed , and that is defiled by copulation .

  6. 目的了解大学生月经初潮和首次遗精状况,分析与居住地的关系和心理变化情况。

    Objective To study the occurrences of menarche and first nocturnal emission and their relation to habitation , and psychological evolution a-mong university students .

  7. 高专护生性态度情况:大部分高专护生能对月经(或遗精)持一种科学健康的态度。

    The college nursing students ' sexual attitudes : The majority of college nursing students hold a scientific and healthy attitude toward menarche or spermatorrhea .

  8. 结果末次研究已遗精组血清瘦素、睾酮、促卵泡成熟激素、黄体生成激素水平均明显高于未遗精组。

    Results The levels of serum leptin , testosterone , FSH and LH of schoolboys with spermatorrhea were significantly higher than those of schoolboys without spermatorrhea .

  9. 并且对肺虚咳嗽、脾虚泄泻、肾虚遗精、带下及小便频繁等症,都有一定的疗补作用。

    And the Feixu cough , diarrhea spleen deficiency , kidney deficiency Yijing , Daixia Dengzheng and frequent urination , the spa fill a certain role .

  10. 福州海王金像-用于肾虚不固,遗精滑泻,神疲乏力,四肢酸软,腰痛耳鸣。

    Fuzhou King Neptune , as-for the kidney is not fixed , nocturnal emission slip diarrhea , Shenpi fatigue , limb weakness , low back pain tinnitus .

  11. [结果]15.8%的学生不知道遗精(月经)知识(男生16.6%,女生14.9%);

    [ Results ] 15.8 % of the students did not know the knowledge about nocturnal emission ( menstruation )( 16.6 % of male and 14.9 % of female ) .

  12. 一个人假如常被浓疮、疥疸、内热、遗精等毛病缠身,他的人生道路,肯定是辛苦万分的了!

    If a man harassed by illness one after another , such as sore , scab , inner heat and spermatorrhea etc. , we are sure that his life will be very painful .

  13. 【结果】80.9%家人认真观察儿童身体发育和变化,男生家人在青春期前讲过有关遗精问题仅为29.9%,远远低于女生月经问题(65.9%);

    【 Results 】 80.9 % of the parents observed their children 's growth ; only 29.9 % male students ' parents had ever told them about spermatorrhea before puberty , which was far less the percentage of 65.9 % girl students ' parents told them about emmenia ;