
zì wèi
  • masturbation;console oneself
自慰 [zì wèi]
  • (1) [console oneself]∶自己安慰自己,在痛苦或沮丧时予以自我安慰,以减轻忧愁并振奋精神

  • 聊以自慰

  • (2) [masturbation]∶手淫的别称

自慰[zì wèi]
  1. 马修・麦康纳(MatthewMcConaughey)在自慰和需要放松时的狂妄独白也很搞笑。

    So is Matthew McConaughey in a madcap soliloquy on masturbation and the need to stay relaxed .

  2. 吉英继续把信读下去,只觉得除了写信人那种装腔作势的亲切之外,就根本找不出可以自慰的地方。

    and when Jane could attend to the rest of the letter , she found little , except the professed affection of the writer , that could give her any comfort .