
zì liú dì
  • private plot;plot of land for personal needs;family plot;household plot;small plots of land allocated to the commune members for private use;small plots of land left to peasant households for personal needs;land set aside for commune members to cultivate for their personal needs
自留地 [zì liú dì]
  • [plot of land for personal needs;private plot;family plot] 中国在实行农业集体化以后留给农民个人经营的少量土地,产品归个人所有

自留地[zì liú dì]
  1. 农村和城市郊区的土地,除由法律规定属于国家所有的以外,属于农民集体所有;宅基地和自留地、自留山,属于农民集体所有。

    Land in the rural areas and suburban areas , except otherwise provided for by the State , shall be collectively owned by peasants including land for building houses , land and hills allowed to be retained by peasants .

  2. 出版行业在体制改革之后不再是游离于市场规则之外的自留地,面对世界范围的强大竞争,兼并重组,集团化和市场化的趋势不可避免地让各个出版企业把ERP系统建设提到议事日程的重要位置。

    Publishing industry is no longer a reserved land keeping from market rules after the system reform . Facing the worldwide keen competition , merge and acquisition , globalization and collectivization , many publishing companies are beginning to raise the ERP system establishment to their agenda .

  3. 理由2:微软将充分利用企业用户和开发者这两大自留地

    Reason # 2 : Microsoft will use its enterprise and developer bases

  4. 第二部分论述了自留地经营在我国农业集体化时期存在与发展的历史必然性。

    The second part discusses the Individual Plots management about the inevitability to its existence .

  5. 农民们吃着自家自留地里种出的粮食,感到无比高兴。

    The farmers feel extremely happy when eating the grain produced by their private plots .

  6. 另外,自留地经营制度对我国现阶段农村土地经营制度也提供了十分有益的借鉴。

    The present country plot management draw some beneficial lessons from the Individual Plots management system .

  7. 第三部分分析了农业集体化时期自留地经营发展变化的历程及其特点。

    The third part analyzes the development process and its characteristics of the Individual Plots management .

  8. 农村居民采伐自留地和房前屋后个人所有的零星林木除外。

    This does not cover the cutting by rural citizens of the isolated trees in their private farm plots and surrounding their houses .

  9. 在中国中部、南部和西部的产茶区,约有800万农民在茶园内劳作,其中大多是面积很小的自留地。

    Around 8m farmers work on plantations across the tea-growing areas of central , southern and western China , mostly tending tiny household plots .

  10. 在1956&1984年我国农业集体化时期,广大农村同时存在着自留地经营制度。

    From 1956 to 1984 when the collectivization of agriculture was underway in China , the private-plot system remained to exist in the rural areas .

  11. 我国农业集体化时期的自留地经营的存在和发展既符合马克思主义的基本理论,也受到苏联经验和我国封建私有制观念的影响;

    Its existence and development not only accord with Marxist basic theories , but also effected by the idea of feudalism privately owned system in our country .

  12. 在这个时候,我相信记忆,相信与我耕种的那块小小的知识自留地完全不搭界的即时的兴趣。

    At the moment , I am relying on memory , on a fortuitous interest in something well outside the tiny smallholding of knowledge I 've begun to cultivate .

  13. 为了解决这个矛盾,老师可以尝试着为学生开辟一块“自留地”,专门解决学生的一些课堂随想和疑难

    To resolve this conflict , teachers can try to open up for students a " private plots ", to specifically address some of the students and the difficult class Capriccio

  14. 农村自留地制度是在20世纪50年代农业合作化时期形成的一个特殊的土地经营制度,作为农业集体经济的补充和附属。

    The Rural Individual Plot system is a special land management system which formed in 50s of the 20th century , as the supplement and subsidiary of the agricultural collective economy .

  15. 不同耕作方式对农田土壤养分的含量影响较大,其水平高低依次为:大棚土壤、露天菜地土壤、传统自留地土壤。

    Soil nutrient level of different cultivation mode from high to low in turn is : greenhouse vegetable , melon and fruit soil , open vegetable soil , traditional vegetable soil , rice and wheat dry farmland .

  16. 曼彻斯特大学,也像美国的大学一样,是体面人的一片自留地,北方的中产阶级者,并不像剑桥那样包容人类的多样性。

    Manchester University also resembled the American milieu in that it represented a bastion of respectability , its Nonconformist northern middle class being less accommodating to human diversity than was ( in private ) the more privileged Cambridge establishment .

  17. 参加农村集体经济组织的劳动者,有权在法律规定的范围内经营自留地、自留山、家庭副业和饲养自留畜。

    Working people who are members of rural economic collective have the right , within the limits prescribed by law , to farm plots of cropland and hilly land allotted for their private use , engage in household sideline production and raise privately owned livestock .

  18. 该制度的建立使沿海国拥有了广阔的海域并成为其开发、利用和保护海洋环境和资源的自留地,实现了海洋强国与沿海国海洋资源的合理分配。

    With the system established , costal states own the broad sea , where becomes their " Private plots " of utilizing and protecting the environmental and natural resource economics . In the meantime , The EEZ system realizes reasonable allocation on marine resources between maritime powers and coastal states .