
  • Made in.;Made in Japan;Produced in Japan
  1. 这个不是日本制造的,是吗?

    It isn 't made in Japan , is it ?

  2. 这种收音机是日本制造的。

    This kind of radio is made in japan .

  3. 这是日本制造的。

    This is of Japanese make .

  4. J联赛日本制造亚洲顶级

    J - League Top League in Asia

  5. 这就是日本制造业产出的下滑幅度堪比大萧条(GreatDepression)期间的美国的原因:自去年年初以来,日本制造业产出下滑了37%。

    This is why Japan has suffered a collapse in manufacturing output comparable to that of the US during the Great Depression : a fall of 37 per cent since the start of 2008 .

  6. 日产(Nissan)位于泰国首都曼谷郊外的一家工厂本月开始生产其March微型车&这种车型在海外名为Micra,是日产自1982年以来在日本制造的主流车型。

    Nissan this month began production at a factory outside Bangkok , the Thai capital , of its March supermini , known as the Micra overseas and the mainstay of a line-up that it had built in Japan since 1982 .

  7. 去年,由于中国官员指责SK-II产品含有铬和钕,美国宝洁公司(P&G)被迫将日本制造的这一系列产品撤下了中国货架。不过,宝洁坚称这些化妆品是安全的。

    Proctor & Gamble pulled its Japanese-made SK-II products from Chinese shelves last year after officials said they contained chromium and neodymium , although the US group insisted the cosmetics were safe .

  8. 上周五发布的野村(Nomura)日本制造业采购经理人指数从49.5跌至47.2,连续第二个月出现收缩。这表明日本经济正在放缓,而强势日元正伤及大部分日本制造商。

    The Nomura Japan manufacturing purchasing managers ' index , which was released on Friday , fell to 47.2 from 49.5 , the second monthly contraction in a row , indicating that slowing economic conditions and the strong yen are hurting most Japanese manufacturers .

  9. 根据上周公布的数据,日本制造业也已恢复扩张,而根据里昂证券(CLSA)编制的中国采购经理人指数,中国制造业生产在7月份进一步反弹,达到2008年5月以来的最快上升速度。

    Japanese manufacturing is also expanding again , according to data last week , and Chinese manufacturing production rebounded further in July to rise at the fastest rate since May 2008 , according to the country 's CLSA purchasing managers ' index .

  10. 日本制造的汽车比美国制造的要好。

    The cars produced in Japan are better than those made in the USA.

  11. 多数日本制造业计划提高或维持国内生产水准

    Most Japanese Manufacturers Plan to Increase or Maintain Their Level of Domestic Production

  12. 德国和日本制造的汽车一定比底特律制造出来的汽车优异。

    German and Japanese cars were inherently better than anything Detroit was turning out .

  13. 萨姆•威特维奇:这是机器人,你知道,类似于那种非常高级的机器人,可能是日本制造的。

    You know , like a super advanced robot . It 's probably Japanese .

  14. 2005年,日本制造了一个新的机器人。

    In2005 , Japan made a new robot .

  15. 这是一部日本制造的小汽车。

    It is a car made in Japan .

  16. 日本制造的满蒙问题与国际法

    On China 's Manchuria and Mongolia Issue Made by Japan in Relation to International Law

  17. 日本制造企业的信息化技术

    Information Technology of Manufacture Industry in Japan

  18. 日本制造企业新产品开发过程中模糊前端创新的效果分析

    Impact Analysis of Fuzzy Front End Innovation in New Product Development in Japanese Manufacturing Companies

  19. 设想一家公司在英国、土耳其和日本制造和销售汽车。

    Imagine a company that builds and sells cars in Britain , Turkey and Japan .

  20. 金融危机对日本制造业的影响及其原因分析

    Analysis of the Influence of Financial Crisis on the Japanese Manufacturing Industry and Its Causes

  21. 因为,该委员会得出结论:这是一场‘日本制造’的灾难。

    Because , the commission concludes : This was a disaster ' made in Japan ' .

  22. 该目录介绍了日本制造的各种小商品,并附有图片说明。

    The catalogue contains illustrations and descriptions of the large variety of sundries made in Japan .

  23. 你会花更多钱在日本制造的零食上而不选产自其他地方的吗?

    Would you pay more for snacks that are made in Japan as opposed to anywhere else ?

  24. 日本制造的最早的电子计算机,1956年完成,由富士胶片公司于1949年着手研制。

    The earliest electronic computer made in Japan completed in1956.it was set to develop in1949by Fuji film company .

  25. 创纪录的对华贸易数据,反映出中国对日本制造业物资的巨大需求以及成品发货量的增加。

    The record China figure reflected high demand for Japanese manufacturing inputs and greater shipments of finished products .

  26. 如果它们上边镶着“日本制造”的标牌,我一点都不惊讶

    I wouldn 't be surprised if there 's a " Made in Japan " sticker in there .

  27. 然而,要展望日本制造业的未来,还有一种更微妙、更乐观的方式。

    Yet there is a more nuanced , and more optimistic , way to look at the future of Japanese manufacturing .

  28. 日元升值导致的结果是日本制造业对外直接投资增加,如果贬值则导致制造业对外直接投资减少。

    Japanese manufacturing foreign direct investment have been increasing when the Yen appreciation , and Yen depreciation leads to the contrary results .

  29. 为了保持竞争力,日本制造业采取了分工模式,将制造环节转移至亚洲各地,尤其是中国。

    And as a competitive engine , Japanese manufacturers have deployed a division-of-labour model , expanding production into Asia , especially China .

  30. 人们的担忧是,日本制造业本来就面临强势日元和国内市场停滞的压力,这样一来就会有更多制造业企业迁往海外。

    The worry is that more manufacturers , already facing a strong yen and a stagnant domestic market , will move abroad .