
  • 网络adaptive technique;adaptive technology
  1. 基于自适应技术感应电机DTC系统定子电阻的观测

    Stator Resistance Observation of Induction Motor DTC System Based on Adaptive Technology

  2. 3GPP中语音编码的自适应技术与源控速率(SCR)操作

    Adaptive Technology and Source Controlled Rate Operation of Speech Coding in 3rd Generation Partnership Project

  3. 链路自适应技术在MIMO系统中的应用

    Application of Link Adaptation Techniques in MIMO System

  4. 微光学自适应技术中基于PZT薄膜的微反射镜工艺研究

    Technical study of micro-mirror based on PZT films in adaptive optics

  5. 随着DSP芯片技术、VLSI器件的发展,格栅编码技术、软判决技术、信道自适应技术等的出现,OFDM技术开始向实际应用转化。

    After the development of the DSP & VLSI and the appearance of the technologies including Trellis Code , Soft Decision , etc , O FDM was preliminary applied practically .

  6. 第三章对LTE-A中继系统中的关键技术进行了介绍,包括多址技术、链路自适应技术、无线资源划分技术和接入切换技术,其中重点研究了无线资源划分技术。

    In the third chapter , we researched on the key techniques in LTE-A relay system , including multiple-access technique , link-adaptive technique , and resource-allocation technique .

  7. 主要工作有:1.在经典的主成分分析算法(PCA)的基础上,提出了一种基于多维数据特征自适应技术的网络数据流异常事件检测算法。

    The main content of the thesis are as follows . 1 . In the classic algorithm of principal component analysis ( PCA ) based on a multi-dimensional data based on the characteristics of adaptive technology , network data flow anomaly detection algorithm events .

  8. 针对时滞Hopfield神经网络系统参数未知的情况,将自适应技术和系统辨识技术应用于该系统的混沌滞后同步,推导出系统参数未知时混沌滞后同步的充分条件,得到了系统中未知参数的估计公式。

    By applying the adaptive technique and system identification technique to chaos lag synchronization issue of delayed Hopfield neural networks with uncertain parameters , a sufficient condition for chaos lag synchronization is derived , and the parameter estimation law is obtained .

  9. 分量修正法通过修正参与运算的分量来改变运算结果,本文分别提出了包括预判断技术、自适应技术、码元约束技术和分块限幅算法四种新方法的分量修正法抑制PAPR。

    The method of ' component modification ' changes the summing results by modifying operating component . The prejudge technique , the adaptive technique , the code restriction technique and the partial clipping algorithm are proposed in this dissertation .

  10. 本文简要介绍了Inventor的主要组成模块与其对应的基本功能,以及零件造型特征和自适应技术,主要分析了运用Inventor进行零部件三维造型设计的方法和流程。

    The article introduces briefly the primary modules of Inventor and the corresponding basic functions , the features of the parts modeling and adaptation ; also , it analyses chiefly the method and course of 3D modeling design of the parts using Inventor .

  11. 仿真结果表明,在假设所有媒体业务以等概率出现、业务持续时间服从指数分布时,该新颖的双重自适应技术可达到距衰落信道容量2dB的优异性能。

    The simulation results show that the novel dual adaption reduces the gap from the fading channel capacity to 2 dB when assuming different services occur in equal probability and the service duration follows exponential distribution .

  12. 自适应技术在跳频通信中的应用及计算机仿真

    Application and Simulation of the Adaptive Technology in the Hopping Communication

  13. 基于自适应技术的组合式光学电流互感器的研究

    Study on the Hybrid Optical Current Transducers Based on Adaptive Theory

  14. 继电保护定值整定计算和管理中的自适应技术

    Adaptive Technology in Calculation and Management of Relay Protective Settings

  15. 链路自适应技术是现代无线通信系统的关键技术。

    Link adaptation is a key technology to the modern wireless communication systems .

  16. 有限元网格自适应技术在轮轨接触分析中的运用

    Application of mesh-encryption on contact analysis of wheel rail

  17. 采用网格自适应技术对网格进行局部加密,以减少总体网格数目,从而提高计算效率。

    An adaptive grid algorithm is used in order to enhance the calculation efficiency .

  18. 为了适应对象的时变,很多学者都采用自适应技术来改善对象变化对控制品质的影响。

    For adapting the time-varying circumstance , many self-adaptation techniques are employed to better control performance .

  19. 本文从说话人自适应技术入手讨论了语音自适应的各种方法。

    This paper discussed various algorithms of adaptive technique , especially in the field of speaker adaptation .

  20. 通信数字自适应技术

    Digital adaptive technique for communication

  21. 通信中的自适应技术

    Adaptive Technique in Communications

  22. 本文讨论的最小输出能量盲自适应技术是一种在结构和准则上完全不同于判决反馈近似的方法。

    A blind adaptive algorithm is discussed , which is different from decision-feedback detector on structure and criterion .

  23. 因此,作为一种实用的自适应技术,本方法具备重要的创新意义和实际应用价值。

    As a conclusion , the proposed adaptive method has important innovation significance as well as great application value .

  24. 这些缺点严重制约着链路自适应技术的应用,尤其是可靠物理信道信息的获得而带来的高实现复杂度更令人望而却步。

    Thus application of LA technique is restricted by these disadvantages , especially when reliable physical channel information are required .

  25. 最后,本文在可配置技术以及自适应技术研究基础之上设计了面向电子打结机的嵌入式控制系统。

    At last , based on the configurability and adaptability , this paper designs the embedded control system of sowing machine .

  26. 针对一类时延混沌系统参数未知的情况,将自适应技术与系统辨识技术应用于时延混沌系统的同步控制。

    The synchronization of a class of time-delay chaotic systems with unknown parameters is investigated and an adaptive control strategy is proposed .

  27. 研究了说话人自适应技术和说话人归一化技术,并提出了将两种技术相结合的思想。

    Both the speaker adaption technique and speaker normalization technique are investigated , and then the idea of combining the two techniques is brought forward .

  28. 系统还采用了拒识技术与说话人自适应技术,提高了整个系统的稳健性。

    Vocabulary size is about 4500.By employing the advantages of the rejection model and speaker adaptation technology , the system ′ s robustness is improved remarkably .

  29. 本文介绍了自适应技术在通信中的几种典型应用,如自适应消噪、自适应均衡等,讨论了它们的基本原理和系统结构。

    Several typical applications of adaptive technique in communications , such as adaptive noise cancelling , adaptive equalization are introduced . The fundamental principles and system structures are discussed .

  30. 因它考虑了天然河道中随机因素对水质的影响,引进模型的随机误差,用自适应技术自动校正河流状态估计和预报系统,以及利用卡尔曼滤波技术建立伊洛河水质状态估计和预报系统。

    Influences of stochastic factors of natural river on water quality was considered in constructing the water quality state estimation and forecasting system . Stochastic error was introduced in the system .