
yí zhǔ rén
  • testator
  1. 遗嘱人可以撤销、变更自己所立的遗嘱。

    A testator may revoke or alter a will he previously made .

  2. 遗嘱人指定的执行遗嘱的人。

    A person who is appointed by a testator to execute the testator 's will .

  3. 不仅遗嘱人而且其它见证人也应签名。

    The Other witness or witnesses as well as the testator shall sign it , too .

  4. 因为“曼企帕地荷”式“遗命”既然相当于“遗嘱人”财产的完全的让与,它是不能撤销的。

    As it amounted to a conveyance out-and-out of the Testator 's estate , it was not revocable .

  5. 获得一地产的复归权.复归权规则则赋予出让人或遗嘱人的继承人一项复归权。

    Succeed to an estate in reversion The reversion rule designates a remainder in the heirs of the grantor or testator .

  6. 按照特留份制度,遗嘱人只能以遗嘱处分特留份以外的遗产。

    According to the System of Special Portion , testators can only deal with part of the heritage except the Special Portion .

  7. 遗嘱人在危急情况下,可以立口头遗嘱。口头遗嘱应当有两个以上见证人在场见证。

    A testator may , in an emergency situation , make a nuncupative will , which shall be witnessed by two or more witnesses .

  8. 表示遗嘱人的真实意思,受胁迫、欺骗所立的遗嘱无效。

    Wills shall manifest the genuine intention of the testators ; those made under duress or as a result of fraud shall be void .

  9. 在前三种法律都适用完毕,如果立遗嘱人仍无立遗嘱能力,依照遗产所在地法律有立遗嘱能力的,视为有立遗嘱能力。

    Furthermore , when the testator is incapable according to the laws above , his capacity to make a will can be determined by the lex rei sitae .

  10. 也就是说,遗嘱人只要保留了特留份,就可以自由处分其他遗产,遗嘱一般不再因违反公序良俗而失去效力。

    That is to say , if the testator set aside the Special Portion , he can deal with the other heritage freely without violating the customs and habits .

  11. 所以从社会本位角度考虑,我国应当采用特留份制度代替现在的必留份制度来限制遗嘱人的遗嘱自由。

    According to the social standard , the system of certain heitdom should be replaced by the system of forced heirdom in order to limit the testators freedom of testament .

  12. 危急情况解除后,遗嘱人能够用书面或者录音形式立遗嘱的,所立的口头遗嘱无效。

    When the emergency situation is over and if the testator is able to make a will in writing or in the form of a sound-recording , the nuncupative will he has made shall be invalidated .

  13. 复归权规则则赋予出让人或遗嘱人的继承人一项复归权。第三人有一段合理的时间来决定他是让本人还是让代理人在交易中承担。

    The reversion rule designates a remainder in the heirs of the grantor or testator . The third party has a reasonable time in which to decide whether he will hold the principal or the agent responsible in the transaction .

  14. 如果他闯入遗嘱人住宅,并以暴力胁迫遗嘱人,或者通过欺诈、不正当影响诱导遗嘱人,法律也不会认可、支持他。

    If he had gone to the testator 's house , and by force compelled him , or by fraud or undue influence had induced him , to will him his property , the law would not allow him to hold it .

  15. 第十八条下列人员不能作为遗嘱见证人:

    Article 18 None of the following persons shall act as a witness of a will :

  16. 在我去世时,如果我拥有加州以外的房产,或者享有加州以外房产的收益需要做附加遗产监管,我指定我的遗嘱执行人(domiciliaryExecutor)作为这些财产的附加遗产监管人(ancillaryExecutor)。

    If at the time of my death I own or have an interest in property located outside of the State of California requiring ancillary administration , I appoint my domiciliary Executors as ancillary Executors for such property .

  17. 他们让一个值得信任的朋友当遗嘱执行人

    They ask a trustworthy friend of theirs to be the executor

  18. 执行人尽量遵照立遗嘱之人的意图。

    The executor tried to comply with the intent of the testator .

  19. 他被提名做他兄弟的遗嘱执行人。

    He was named executor of his brother 's will .

  20. 第四章,我国遗嘱执行人制度的立法构想。

    Chapter ⅳ, we introduced the legislation of the executors in China .

  21. 你必须将你的要求告诉遗嘱执行人。

    You must present your demands to the executor .

  22. 那人指定他的律师做他的遗嘱执行人。

    The man named his lawyer as his executor .

  23. 银行没有被指定为是那项财产的遗嘱执行人。

    No bank was named executor of that estate .

  24. 将来的一切都用不着遗嘱执行人和税收人过问了。

    There is no business of any executor or tax collector in the future .

  25. 其次介绍了遗嘱执行人制度的起源与历史沿革。

    Second , we introduced the origin and the history of the executor system .

  26. 作为她的遗嘱执行人,检查她的全部个人文件是我的责任。

    It was my duty as her executor to go through her personal papers .

  27. 遗嘱继承人丧失继承权的;

    Where a testamentary successor is disinherited ;

  28. 遗嘱执行人把遗产分给各个人。

    The executor snored out the estate .

  29. 律师们指出,遗嘱订立人越是富有,要求就越是古怪。

    The wealthier the will writer , the more eccentric the demands , solicitors say .

  30. 一个被立遗嘱之人指定来履行遗嘱的人。

    A person appointed by a testator to carry out the terms of the will .