
  • 网络Heritage Plan;estate planning;Estate Plan;Legacy Project
  1. 至于遗产计划,我还没制订。

    As for estate planning , I have not done that yet .

  2. 讨论遗产计划和其他愿望。

    Discuss estate planning and other wishes .

  3. 常为大家忽略的一件事是就数字资产、特别是账户密码制定遗产计划。

    Something often overlooked is making digital afterlife plans , especially in terms of passwords .

  4. 所以,你需要根据新组建的家庭状况调整已经制定的遗产计划,或者制定一份新计划。

    So , you 'll need to modify any estate planning documents already in place to reflect your new family situation , or create new ones .

  5. 作为遗产计划的一部分,你需要指定某个人成为你的持续全权受托人,并选定一位遗嘱执行人。

    As part of your estate planning , you 'll want to assign durable general power of attorney to someone and select an executor for your estate .

  6. 遗产计划如今变得越来越重要,他们开始买更多的保险,更多地投资现金和固定收益等低风险资产。

    Inheritance planning is now becoming increasingly important . They 're buying more insurance . They 're more invested in low-risk assets -- cash and fixed income . '

  7. 制定遗产计划:或许你没有像唐顿庄园那样的豪宅,也没有给孩子们设立的信托基金,但是你仍需要一个遗产计划。

    Make an estate plan : You might not have a Downton Abbey manor house or a trust fund for the kids , but you still need an estate plan .

  8. 第二,比较详细地分析了个人财务规划的具体内容,分别讨论了投资规划、居住规划、教育规划、个人风险管理和保险规划、税务筹划、退休计划、遗产计划等内容;

    Second , Comparatively detailed analysis the concrete substances of personal financial , talking about the investment program , the real estate program , the education program , the insurance program the tax program , the retirement program , the inheritance program .

  9. 密歇根州立大学(MichiganStateUniversity)人类学教授伊桑·瓦特拉尔(EthanWatrall)负责运营隶属于实践网络项目的文化遗产信息计划(CulturalHeritageInformaticsInitiative)。

    Ethan Watrall , a professor of anthropology at Michigan State University , runs the Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative as part of Praxis .

  10. 然而,根据计算英国所有文化遗产价值的计划,这一切可能会发生变化。

    But that may change under plans to calculate the value of all the heritage assets in the UK .

  11. 她在一次讲课时得知,世界银行要做一个关于文化遗产的特别计划。

    At a lecture , she received a tip that the world bank was opening a special programme on cultural heritage .

  12. 目前国家政策鼓励、支持教育机构将非物质文化遗产纳入教学计划和内容,开展普及优秀非物质文化遗产知识的活动,建立传承教学基地,培养传承非物质文化遗产的专门人才。

    At present , the policy encourages and supports education institutions bring intangible cultural heritage into teaching plan and content , holding movement of spreading excellent intangible cultural heritage knowledge , establishing protect and inherit teaching bases , cultivating protect and inherit intangible cultural heritage special talented people .

  13. 乾隆花园(官方名称宁寿宫花园)文物保护项目是故宫博物院与美国世界遗产基金会正在计划推进中的合作项目。

    The Qianlong garden restoration project is a jointly planned project of the Palace Museum and the World Monument Fund of the US .

  14. 得克萨斯遗产事务及遗嘱认证律师罗布・罗伯逊(RobRobertson)称,如果没有遗产计划,“你会失去控制,处理事情要慢得多,成本也会高很多”。

    Without one , ' you don 't have control , and it 's a lot slower and a lot more costly , ' says Rob Robertson , an estate and probate lawyer in Austin , Texas .