
  • Eugene;Daniel Yergin;Yudin;EUG
  1. 尤金当时正在用香槟和覆盆子酱调配罗西尼鸡尾酒。

    Eugene was concocting Rossini Cocktails from champagne and pureed raspberries .

  2. 苏炳添在周六于美国尤金举行的国际AFF钻石联赛中打破纪录。

    Su Bingtian broke record at Saturday 's IAFF Diamond League in Eugene , the United States .

  3. 在从军之前,尤金在巴黎美国大学(AmericanUniversityofParis)拿到了艺术史学士学位。

    Before enlisting in the Army , Eugene earned a bachelor 's degree in art history from the American University of Paris .

  4. 目前,包括芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)的尤金•法玛和卡内基•梅隆大学的阿兰•梅尔泽在内,许多优秀的经济学家的观点就与之截然相反。

    Many eminent economists , from Eugene Fama of the University of Chicago to Allan Meltzer of Carnegie Mellon , take a totally different view .

  5. 本文考察了美国著名情报学家尤金.加菲尔德对科技与社会(STS)研究所做的贡献。

    This article explored the contributions to the STS studies made by the famous American information scientist Eugene Garfield .

  6. 尤金选择了塞格尔(Sagar),来自纽约布鲁克林区的脱口秀笑星及兼职财务顾问。

    Eugene picked Sagar , a stand-up comedian and part-time financial consultant from Brooklyn .

  7. 杜克大学(DukeUniversity)的尤金在1965年启动了第一个医师助理项目。项目主要为了解决两个问题:一方面,美国的初级保健医生人才短缺;

    Duke University 's Eugene Stead launched the first physician assistant 's program in 1965 to address two problems . On the one hand , there was a shortage of primary care physicians across the country .

  8. 增长机器人EA是由俄罗斯应用数学的科学家和程序员尤金Lipinsky的编程。

    The Growth Bot EA was programmed by a Russian applied math scientist and programmer Eugene Lipinsky .

  9. 尤金•克莱纳是八叛逆的领导人,他曾向东海岸的银行家洛克•科伊尔(RockCoyle)和巴德•科伊尔(BudCoyle)寻求资金帮助。

    Eugene Kleiner was the leader of the Traitorous Eight and sought the help of east coast bankers Mr Rock and Bud Coyle to find financial backing .

  10. 在JotSpot,我们的第一个销售人员是尤金•列维斯基。

    At JOTSPOT , our first sales guy was a guy named Eugene levitsky .

  11. 校方不允许苏立文小姐为我读试卷,所以,学校就雇来了尤金·C.维宁先生为我把试卷译成美式布莱叶盲文。

    The college authorities did not allow Miss Sullivan to read the examination papers to me ; so Mr. Eugene C. Vining , one of the instructors at the Perkins Institution for the Blind , was employed to copy the papers for me in American braille .

  12. 然而,《尤金纪事卫报》自己并没有提供艾莫斯网站的链接,只是在文章末尾添上了《Slate》杂志和其他媒体相关报道的链接,而且这些也差不多是后来才加上去的东西。

    The register-guard , however , did not provide a link to the site , and added links to slate and other media outlets ' stories only at the bottom of the article , almost as an afterthought .

  13. 或许我该对尤金用EMDR,而不是构造练习,在加州的研讨会后不久,他对我说。

    Maybe I should have done E.M.D.R. with Eugene instead of that structure , he said not long after the California workshop .

  14. 26岁的俄勒冈州尤金小伙儿Milton看着四个大力士将高51/2英尺、周长19英尺的彩色橡胶团推上位于芝加哥的巨型天平,进行官方称重。

    Milton , 26 , of Eugene , Ore. , watched as four bodybuilders rolled the multicolored , rubbery mass 51 / 2 feet high and19 feet around onto a giant scale in downtown Chicago for the official weigh-in .

  15. 铜价的本轮上涨(过去八周价格已上涨约50%)目前看来为时过早,德国商业银行(commerzbank)大宗商品分析师尤金温伯格(eugenweinberg)表示。

    The rally in the copper market , where prices have risen by about 50 per cent over the past eight weeks , looks to be premature , says Eugen Weinberg , commodities analyst at Commerzbank .

  16. 下面的商品期货交易委员会的工作人员负责这种情况下:琼万利,陆赖亚尔,尤金史密斯,帕特里夏戈默索尔和保罗Hayeck。

    The following CFTC staff members are responsible for this case : Joan Manley , Christine Ryall , Eugene Smith , Patricia Gomersall and Paul Hayeck .

  17. 现在,他终于将向他们演示实际的治疗技术。范德科尔克将目光落在自己的实验对象尤金(Eugene)的身上。这是一名36岁的伊拉克战争退伍军人,此刻他正坐在范德科尔克的对面,面带悲伤,又充满期待。

    Now , finally , he was about to demonstrate an actual therapeutic technique , and his gaze was fixed on the subject of his experiment : a 36-year-old Iraq war veteran named Eugene , who sat directly across from van der Kolk , looking mournful and expectant .

  18. 26岁的俄勒冈州尤金小伙儿Milton看着四个大力士将高51/2英尺、周长19英尺的彩色橡胶团推上位于芝加哥的巨型天平,进行官方称重。

    Milton , 26 , of Eugene , Ore. , watched as four bodybuilders rolled the multicolored ( 3 ) , rubbery mass - 5 1 / 2 feet high and 19 feet around - onto a giant scale in downtown Chicago for the official weigh-in ( 4 ) .

  19. 尤金告诉我他的车抛锚了。

    He called me and told me his car broke down .

  20. 俄克拉荷马市尤金·费尔德小学,美国

    Eugene Field Elementary School , Oklahoma City , U.S.A , 1985

  21. 尤金:好的,我想在那边。

    Eugene : OK . I think it 's over there .

  22. 尤金,不,你还不明白。

    Eugene , no , you don 't got this .

  23. 尤金一看,恐怖象毒素一样在他周身血液中巡回。

    Eugene looked , and horror swarmed like poison through his blood .

  24. 尤金抓住阿宾滚烫的手腕,心里五脏如焚。

    Eugene gripped Ben 's hot wrists : his heart turned rotten .

  25. 伊森:他们死了。尤金:什么?

    Ethan Hunt : They 're dead . Eugene Kittridge : What ?

  26. 雇佣尤金时正是我们准备推出测试版前后。

    I hired Eugene right about the time we were going beta .

  27. 这两个人分别坐在尤金的两侧,手搭在他的肩膀上。

    They sat on either side of Eugene , touching his shoulders .

  28. 尤金,今天麻烦你做回自己。

    Eugene , I need you to be yourself for the day .

  29. 尤金再次捂住了脸,大声哭泣起来。

    Again , Eugene covered his face and broke into loud sobs .

  30. 什麽是已知的尤金的答案或者有关这方面的进一步发展。

    Eugene 's answer or of the further developments of this incident .