- 网络western digital;WDC

The latest Chinese deal to feel the chill from Washington was a planned $ 3.78 billion investment by the Tsinghua Unisplendour Corporation of China in the American hard disk drive maker Western Digital .
A Chinese state-controlled technology group has terminated a $ 3.8bn plan to become the largest shareholder in data storage group Western Digital , after the investment was flagged for an investigation by US authorities .
On Tuesday , Tsinghua said it was abandoning the purchase of a 15 percent stake in Western Digital , citing a decision by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States to review the deal .
Many in the semiconductor industry are watching closely to see whether Cfius will investigate a bid by the Chinese chip maker Tsinghua Holdings for a stake in the American company Western Digital , which makes hard disk drives .
Other notable technology firm on the list include GameStop ( # 44 ), Amazon ( # 52 ), Google ( # 68 ), Garmin ( # 84 ) and Western Digital ( # 97 ) .
Neither company would incur a termination fee , Western Digital said .
Shares in Western Digital have fallen sharply in the past year .
Shares in Western Digital had slumped more than 6 per cent by late yesterday morning , to $ 42.93 .
The deal would have seen Tsinghua given the right to nominate one person to the board of Western Digital .
Integration and Application Research of China 's West Spatial Data Platform
Discrimination information in phase amplitude thresholds with application to Western China regional data
Or possibly there is a difference between your east and west coast data centers .
Government-Leading Adjustment of the Industrial Structure and the Long-Term Persisting Gain System & In the Light of Analyzing Western Cross Section Data
Being established in data analysis , this article present the answer to these problem from quantitative angle basing on analyzing and judging financial data of the west .
This chapter through the use of western area data , to the western region of the income gap between urban and rural social security regulation is evaluated .
Multi-scale Simulation of Ecological Diversity in Western China Based on Remotely Sensed Database
We first establish the models on the national prospect , followed were established in eastern , central and western panel data model .
Local Fiscal Expenditure for Agriculture and Regional Agricultural Economy Growth & An Empirical Research Based on Panel Data of Eastern , Central and Western China
Methods : Based on the data from the enlarged investigation in west China of the third National Health service Survey in sichuan , this study described the outpatient expenditure per-time in two weeks . With multilevel variance components model , its influence factors were discussed .
Processing and interpretation of gravity anomaly data in Dagang-west Bohai area
The rate of the crustal horizontal movement and vertical crustal movement were investigated for the first time by the satellite gravity data in western China .